Welcome Back Information!
August 22, 2022
Welcome Back
We will be having late start MONDAYS this year starting Monday, September 12th. Doors open at 9:45am, and the final bell is at 10am.
Mark your calendars!
August 22nd-- DVE Front office re-opens
August 22nd-25th- Postcards will be mailed to homes with teacher placement/information
September 1st- Back to School Open House- 5-6:30pm
September 6th- First Day of SCHOOL
Student classroom placement POSTCARDS!
School Supply Fee $
In order to provide some relief from back to school shopping - we will be asking Daffodil Valley families for $25 to cover the cost of school supplies. The office will be open to receive these fees starting on Monday, August 22nd.
How to pay:
1. Front office is open starting 8/22 from 8am-3pm. Come into the front office and pay in person.
2. Pay over the phone with a credit card.
3. Pay online through Touchbase. Online payment instructions
4. Pay during our Open House event on September 1st.
DVE Open House- September 1st
*PTA table available to sign-up for volunteer opportunities
*Pay your school supply fee
*Pick up your Silent Dismissal tag (for new students)
Silent Dismissal
For those families new to DVE, you will be receiving additional information, as well as pick-up numbers explaining our Silent Dismissal program during our Open House (9/1).
Dismissal procedures/expectations:
Early Pick Up:
Parents/guardians who wish to have their child dismissed early for an appointment will need to call in advance. Once you arrive, we will call your student out of class.
We will not be able to dismiss students after 2:45pm. Beginning at 2:45pm students will need to be picked up as part of the school wide dismissal procedure.
Regular Dismissal:
We will be using Silent Dismissal. Each family should have a car tag with a QR code, this will be used for pick up via car, or walking.
It is extremely important that families have this car tag at pick up.
Teachers need to have Silent Dismissal open on their computer (projected is best) by 3:05.
Staff will scan the QR code, which then notifies the teacher to dismiss your student to the appropriate location.
Families with multiple children will just need one tag.
If a replacement is needed, direct families to call the office and we can get a new one.
At the beginning of the year, communicate with families to find out about the pick up location (i.e., car pick up, walking back area, walking front of school pick-up, bus) and we will log that as the usual way that student is dismissed.
Please email your teacher in the morning/ or call the front office at (253)891-4600 if there is a pick up location change.
Car Pick-Up
We will have 2 car pick up lanes on the playground behind the school. We ask that families follow all signs and pull their car forward. We will be loading 2 lanes at a time and releasing those lanes once all cars are loaded, allowing the next group to stage for loading of students. Please follow staff directions to help ensure safety of the students as they load into cars. We ask that you have patience as parents/families learn the system. It generally takes about a week for everything to begin to run smoothly.
Students in 3rd-5th grade may be dismissed to walk home without an adult, with parent permission. Please notify the front office if this is the case. They may also pick up younger siblings and walk home.
Parents/guardians walking to meet their students will need to have the QR code and come to the front of the school or to the back pick up location. The code will be scanned and the student will know to come to that location.
Walking pick up locations are: Front of school and back area by the gym door.
Daffodil Valley Elementary
Email: DVE@sumnersd.org
Website: sumnersd.org/dve
Location: 1509 Valley Ave, Sumner, WA, USA
Phone: (253) 891-4600
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DaffodilValleyElementary