Estabrook Buzz
News and Notes from Estabrook School | December 15, 2016
Principal's Message
Dear Estabrook Families,
If you were able to join us for Passport Night last Thursday, you had a front row seat to the array of cultural traditions celebrated and carried on by our community. From food and clothing, calligraphy and art to modern day commerce and politics, Passport Night allowed participants the chance to see and experience the richness of diversity alive at Estabrook School. Estabrook students come to school from 23 different countries and speak more than 30 different languages!
I extend my sincere gratitude to the faculty and staff, parents and PTO leaders who contributed to making this important community event a huge success.
Whatever your family's winter holiday traditions may be, I wish you the best for a joyous season and a happy and healthy new year.
All my best,
Jeff LaBroad
Thanks from the Passport Night Committee
Submitted by the Estabrook School Passport Committee
Passport Night was a great success! This incredible community event brought together over 115 families and staff for a night filled with trivia, delicious international cuisine and tremendous learning! There were rich cultural activities ranging from henna to Scottish music, to Venetian masks, to Chinese calligraphy writing, and beyond. The Passport Night committee wants to thank the community for their involvement and extend an invitation to join us next year for what's sure to be an even more exciting and extensive event.
Estabrook Codes with Students around the globe
Principal Coffee explores Digital Citizenship & Responsibility
Estabrook staff shared the school's work around teaching Digital Citizenship and supporting students' use of technology at the Principal Coffee December 14. Click here to view Estabrook's parent resources, including the presentation shared at the coffee.
In addition, NPR recently aired a story featuring parents talking about their perceptions and concerns about kids and screen time. You can find the story to read or listen to here.
Spots Available at Estabrook Morning Club
Building Deep Math Skills
Want to keep your math brain active over vacation? Click here for some fun, easy ways to incorporate math into your day while on break.
Announcing Crazy 8s Math Club!
Hosted by Mrs. Burk, Math Specialist, this club will be for students in grades K-2 who want to experience recreational, hands-on math activities. We will meet Wednesdays before school at 7:30 starting January 11. Click here to sign up. Signups close December 23, and registrations will be first come, first served. Questions? Email Mrs. Burk at
Weather Alert
Did you get the snow delay phone call and text?
If you did NOT receive the Monday morning phone call from the Superintendent or the text alert from Estabrook School, please log in to the Aspen Parent Portal and make sure your information is correct. Your PRIMARY phone number will always be used to make automated calls, and your CELL phone number to distribute text alerts. The same number can be in multiple fields.
If your information is correct and you did not receive a call on the primary number please contact the parent support center at
Click here for the complete Estabrook School Calendar
Click here for the complete 2016-2017 Academic Calendar
ALL SCHOOL ASSEMBLY | Tuesday, December 20, 9:00-9:30 a.m.
Hosted by Grade 1. Parents of first graders are invited to attend.
JAM THE VAN | Thursday, December 22
Let's end the year by helping those in need! Come to school with a non-perishable food item for the Merrimack Valley Food Bank.
WINTER VACATION | Monday, December 26 through Monday, January 2
School reopens on Tuesday, January 3, 2017.
GRADE 4 & 5 WINTER CONCERT | Thursday, January 12, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
Estabrook BUZZ
Location: 117 Grove Street, Lexington, MA, United States
Phone: 781-861-2520