Finley-Oates Elementary School
Communication Update
August 28, 2023-September 1, 2023
Rory Hilliard, Assistant Principal
Handicapped Parking
Please be considerate when dropping off or picking up your student by not parking in our marked Handicapped Parking spaces unless you have a valid tag or sticker.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
- Please do not drop students off at the front doors (east side).
- Parents may drop-off on the west side of the building, or go through the drive on the north side.
- Students are tardy if they are not in class by 7:40 am.
Dismissal times:
KG-2:55pm (Students will be picked up at the west wing.)
1st-3:10pm (Students will be picked up at the west wing.)
2nd-3:10pm (Students will be picked up on the North side of the building.)
3rd-3:10pm (Students will be picked up on the North side of the building.)
For the safety of our students, whomever is picking up the student must have a car tag. If there is a special custody issue, let the person walking the student to the car know who they can and cannot leave with.
Parents are not allowed to park and walk to the building to pick up students.
Anyone picking up a student before 2:30 pm must bring a valid government-issued photo ID
(ex: driver's license).
Tap below to learn more about ParentSquare, the communication application all BISD staff will be using this school year to share important information and activities with our families.
August Character Trait
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and lunch are free for ALL students.
Scan the QR Code above to go to our website!
The Bonham Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs. Inquiries related to the policies of the Bonham Independent School District should be directed to: Superintendent, Bonham ISD, P.O. Box 490, Bonham, Texas 75418. Telephone number is 903-583-5526, extension 1100.