Burbank Bulletin
February 28, 2022
Dear Luther Burbank Families,
I hope that everyone enjoyed the February vacation and was able to find time to slow down and catch their breath. On a personal front, the change in pace offered me an opportunity to stop and reflect on all that I have to be grateful for.... small and large... and what I know to be true. I am most grateful for my family, for our Luther Burbank community, and for the many freedoms that I know I may take for granted on a daily basis. As we step into a new week, I extend thoughts of peace, stability, and safety for the children, families, and all those impacted by the current events within Ukraine.
This week, we look forward to connecting with families on two fronts, Future Freshmen Night for our 8th grade students and families and spring conferences for all of our families, grades 6-8. Future Freshmen Night offers 8th grade students and families an opportunity to learn about all of the exciting academic and extra-curricular offerings the Nashoba Regional High School has to offer. The event will take place this evening at 6:30 in the high school auditorium. Click here for more information.
On Thursday, we look forward to parent-teacher conferences which will begin on Thursday afternoon and continue into the evening. Please be reminded that we will have an early release this Thursday and again next Friday, March 11th, to allow for parent-teacher conference time. Conferences are an ideal time to meet with your child's teachers, check in on progress, and ask any questions you may have about your child's performance and growth. For our eighth grade families, conferences also afford an opportunity to discuss high school course placement recommendations. It's not too late to book a conference. If you haven't scheduled a conference and would like to, please head on over to our website and click on the Pick-A-Time link. Our conferences will once again be held virtually, using the Zoom platform. Meeting links will be shared with families via email on March 1st. Families who would prefer an in-person conference should contact our school office directly for scheduling.
We will close out this week with a much-anticipated event - our first School Dance in over two years. It's been awhile for sure. We are very excited to offer this social opportunity for our students. We have a lot planned - from dancing (of course!) to games, a photo booth, and snacks, the night is sure to be a lot of fun. A special thank you to the LBMS Student Council for all of their planning and preparation. Thank you, STUCO!
With gratitude,
Dates to Remember
February 28: Future Freshmen Night, 8th Grade Students & Families @ NRHS, 6:30 (click here for more information)
March 3: Early Release Parent-Teacher Conferences, 11:30 Dismissal
March 11: Early Release Parent-Teacher Conferences, 11:30 Dismissal
March 11: Trimester 2 Grades Close
March 16: Lancaster PTO Monthly Meeting, 6:30 PM (Virtual Event)
March 18: No School, Full Day Professional Development for Teachers
March 25: Trimester 2 Report Cards Issued
March 25: Spring Musical, Seussical, Jr., 6:30 PM
March 26: Spring Musical, Seussical, Jr., 6:30 PM
March 28: SEPAC Event, Executive Functioning with Sarah Ward, 7:00 PM (Virtual Event)
Link to NRSD 2021-2022 School Calendar
Flexible Masking Policy and Support for our Students and Staff
Should the School Committee vote to move to flexible masking beginning on March 7th, I have asked our teachers to set aside a bit of time this week to talk with students about the importance of supporting one another during this transition. A flexible face-covering policy marks a wonderful and positive step forward for all of us. However, it will be critical for us to remember that students and families have different health needs and levels of comfort when it comes to the wearing of masks. To this end, we will remind students of the importance of demonstrating kindness and respect towards one another - regardless of whether one chooses to wear a face-covering or not. We have done an outstanding job supporting one another as a school community to date, and I have never been more confident in our ability to support one another at this important juncture.
Changes Coming to the Lunchroom (seating, that is)!
We will continue to use the cafeteria and ilab as lunchroom locations. We will return our large round tables to the cafeteria and allow for 4 students per table (every other seat). This will still ensure distance between students while allowing for additional social interactions with varying peers.
At Home Covid Testing Program Continues
For those students participating in our At Home Covid Testing program, students will receive their next testing kit on Thursday, March 10th.
Testing Schedule for us at LBMS:
- Wednesdays: Weekly PCR Covid "Pool Testing" Safety Checks - in school
- Every other Thursday: Students take home Rapid Antigen Testing Kit (kit includes 2 tests/1 test to be administered at home each Saturday. It's not too late to sign up (see link below).
- Saturdays: At Home Rapid Antigen Testing (at home). No At Home Testing this week.
- Saturday Testing Schedule Until April Vacation as Follows: 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, 4/9
Important Calendar Information: Spring State Assessments, MCAS
We are gearing up for the administration of this year's MCAS assessments. Results from MCAS are always useful; however, results from this year's assessment are much anticipated. We have been working diligently to strengthen our students' learning across domains as a result of the interrupted learning from the pandemic and MCAS results provide us important information about student growth as well as curriculum and instruction efficacy. MCAS testing is administered in an online format with students using their individually assigned Chromebook. Should your child's Chromebook not work properly, it is critical that your child submit a help ticket with our IT department or come to the school office for assistance. Please click here for more information about MCAS and test development.
As you plan ahead for the spring, please mark your calendars for the important Luther Burbank MCAS testing dates BELOW. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring your child’s attendance during his/her testing dates.
2022 LBMS MCAS Testing Schedule
New Web Address for PowerSchool
Powerschool has been migrated to cloud service. This migration has changed our web address for Powerschool. To log onto your parent account you will need to navigate to the new web address https://nrsd.powerschool.com/public. Your current username and password has not changed.
If you are currently using the PowerSchool Mobile app, you will need to delete the app and then reinstall it. Once reinstalled you will need to either look up the district – search for Nashoba – or enter the district code – KSCQ. The app is available on the App Store and Google Play.
If you do not currently have access to Powerschool for your student in grades 6 through 12, instructions on how to gain access are here.
Classroom and School Volunteers Return
Beginning TODAY, February 28th, we welcome school volunteers back to our classrooms. If you are interested in lending a hand, or sharing your expertise, we would love to have you. Please email Laura Friend, lfriend@nrsd.net. Thank you!
Check Out What our Students are Reading...
Substitute Teacher Pay Increase
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a substitute teacher and/or are interested in applying to become a substitute teacher, please email Laura Friend at lfriend@nrsd.net or call our main office at 978-365-4558. Substitute teaching offers flexibility and a direct interface with our awesome students. It also offers interested community members a way to contribute to our school.
Looking for Real-World Visual Arts Connections, We Need You!
Are the visual arts a part of your profession?
The study of Visual Art helps students develop creativity and innovation skills. Visual Art helps us understand history and culture, too. Art also helps us decode imagery presented in communication in our daily lives (for example, in advertising). We benefit from understanding the role of visual art in all aspects of society. Students can learn from marketing professionals, web designers, architects, engineers, retail workers, product designers, landscapers and other professionals who use knowledge of art in their daily work. Even if these careers are not labeled as "artists," visual art and the creative process is woven into the work that they do.
Are you willing to talk about your profession and how creativity, visual images, and/or design principles are used in your work?
Luther Burbank's Art teacher, Mrs. Slattery, will be recording video interviews with adults in a wide range of professions. The series of videos will be shared with students to develop an understanding of the widespread use of art in a myriad of careers. If you are interested in helping with this project, or would like more information, please fill out this Google Form: Art in Professions Questionnaire
Luther Burbank Middle School
Email: lfriend@nrsd.net
Website: burbank.nrsd.net
Location: 1 Hollywood Drive, Lancaster, MA, USA
Phone: 978-365-4558
Twitter: @LBMSPrincipal