Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 02 - February 18 2021
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, Faʻafeiloaiga, Bula
Exciting day in history
As reported by Stuff today, a Nasa rover has landed on Mars in an epic quest to bring back rocks that could tell whether life ever existed on the red planet.
Perseverance touched down just before 10am (NZT) after completing the riskiest part of its landing on Mars in which flight controllers could only watch as the spacecraft hurtled toward the red planet, long a deathtrap for incoming spacecraft.
I was privileged to witness the excitement of Waiongana iti children as they watched this event being livestreamed. The statement of the day for me was "I am going to work for NASA one day!" and the pure joy and spontaneous round of applause and cheering on landing - just delightful.
What a wonderful view we have...
Below is a pic of our new teaching space at the end of Panitahi Block which is completed and awaiting sign off from NPDC. We will be including this space in our blessing (date to be confirmed).
At another property meeting yesterday we started planning for a single teaching space and a double teaching space which will be coming in over the next six months. We are extremely hopeful and excited that these spaces will be operation before the end of the year, making 2022 very exciting indeed.
COVID19 Level 1
It was great news to hear we are now in Alert Level 1. While new cases in the community are always disappointing to hear of, it is reassuring to see how quickly they have been identified. I am sure we are all grateful for the efforts of our health workers, scientists and technicians in this regard, and the thousands of people who have been tested.
As a community, we need to avoid the complacency which New Zealanders tend to quickly move into when we are at lower alert levels. Please do continue to scan QR codes and monitor closely for illness within your whānau.
Our focus as always will be to support the learning, safety and wellbeing of our rangatahi and tamariki and we continue to be here to support you too.
Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s kaiako or me, if there is something you need assistance with.
REACH in Action
Way to go kids - keep being awesome.
Happy Birthday
Current IPS School Roll - 378 Students
Scholastic Bookclub
Students of the Week - Term 1 Week 3
The Love Bunch Florist NE - Y2
Ella Pittwood
For always having a positive attitude and showing her best REACH manners throughout the school day.
Drain Master Ltd Y3 & Y4
David West
For having a positive attitude towards learning, working hard with all his learning tasks and being a fantastic REACH role model. Well done David!
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y5 & Y6
For an awesome start to the year and for being a great role model to others.
Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages Y7 & Y8
For completing work independently, trying new things by stepping outside of his comfort zone. Well done Levi!
Parent Communication / concern flow chart
Firewood Raffle
Term 1 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Wednesday 24 February
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Monday 1 March - Friday 12 March
Life Education Trust Visiting
Wednesday 3 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Friday 5 March
Teacher Only Day - School Closed
Monday 8 March
Taranaki Annivesary Day - School Closed
Wednesday 10 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Tuesday 16 March
Vision & Hearing Testing
Wednesday 17 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Thursday 18 March
Year 7 & 8 Immunisations
Saturday 20 March
Inglewood Primary School Gala Day
Monday 22 March
IPS Swimming Sports Y5 - Y8 at the Inglewood Town Pools
Wednesday 24 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Monday 29 March - Thursday 1 April
Camp Y7 & Y8 - Wellington
Wednesday 31 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Friday 2 April
Good Friday - School Closed
Monday 5 April
Easter Monday - School Closed
Tuesday 6 April
Easter Tuesday - School Closed for all schools
Wednesday 7 April
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Monday 12 April
Town v Country Swimming - Stratford Pools
Wednesday 14 April
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Friday 16 April
Last day of Term 1
Monday 3 May
First day of Term 2