Weyerhaeuser Elementary News
Putting Our Best Paw Forward
Principal: Linn Ames
February 7. 2022
Contact us:
Phone: 360-879-1650
Fax: 360-879-1662
Counselor's Week 2/7 to 2/11
School Store Fundraiser
The SchoolStore fundraiser is 100% online so there is NO face-to-face selling, handling money, or delivering products. Your participation will take less than 12 minutes, and there are exciting prizes to make it fun for the students.
Here is all you need to do to participate:
1. Go to https://www.schoolstore.net/sid.t?0000195615 to sign up.
2. Send form emails inviting family, friends and co-workers to support your child.
3. Return the Envelope with the Student Prize Code to school for your child to get their fun participation prize.
Be sure to ask your child for the Parent Envelope if you haven't seen it yet. Your participation will make a difference for our school and teachers!
Student Cell Phone Use
Dear Parent or Guardian of Weyerhaeuser Students:
Cell phones have become a way of life, a technological convenience that has impacted all of our lives in one way or another. However, in the school environment, cell phones sometimes become a distraction, interruption, and a violation of FERPA laws. The ringing of the cell phone during class, taking photos, or text-messaging takes away from valuable time needed for instruction and most importantly, student learning.
We do recognize that cell phones can be a safety/security tool. Parents are urged to utilize the school phone to relay any messages that may be urgent in nature to their child. We are happy to relay any urgent information to your child.
No student will be allowed to possess or use a cell phone during the hours of 7:40 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. without staff permission. Cell phones must be off and secured in the students’ backpacks. Of course, the best security for the cell phone is to leave it home.
If a student is found to be in possession or use of a cell phone without staff permission, the phone will be confiscated, placed in a labeled envelope, and delivered to the office.
The consequences will be as follows:
1st offense: Cell phone held in the office until the end of the school day. Student will sign for the cell phone at the end of the day.
2nd offense: Cell phone held in the office until a parent or guardian can sign for the cell phone.*
3rd offense: Cell phone will be held in the office until after a meeting with the parent or guardian and the teacher or administrator. *
The student will not be allowed to keep a phone in the classroom after the 3rd offense. Instead, the student will check the phone into the office at the beginning of the school day and sign for it at the end of each school day. The duration of this step is at the discretion of administration.
*NOTE: If a cell phone is confiscated on offense B or C on a Friday or a day before a vacation, it will be returned to the student at the end of the school day with the understanding that the phone is to be surrendered to the office upon return to school.
Our goal is to create a safe environment, conducive to learning, and free of all distractions that hinder the learning process. This policy is in addition to the policy in the student handbook.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office at 360-879-1650.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
Mrs. Linn Ames, Principal
Military Verification
Also please remember to verify your students ethnicity on Skyward.
Please remind your children to check the lost and found! There are a lot of coats that may come in handy during this cold weather!
After school destination changes
Thank you!
Drop Off/Pick Up Line
Some reminders:
-There are 2 lanes after the stop sign
-Do not park on the sidewalk
-If you need to get out of your car to buckle your student, please park in the buckle spots and stay across the street
School starts at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesdays! Buses will arrive one hour later.
Please email a copy to Mrs. Carey at j.carey@eatonville.wednet.edu or Mrs. Agnew at k.agnew@eatonville.wednet.edu
WE thank you for your patience!
Fever 100.4
Loss of taste or smell
Shortness of breath
Overly tired
Body aches
Sore throat
Runny nose
- If any of these symptoms are present at school, we must send home for 5 days. Covid test can be taken for a quicker return. (Curative testing available at school-see below)
- If a student is exposed to Covid, he/she must stay home for 10 days from the last exposure to Covid or test on or after day 5 post exposure for a possible sooner return date.
Per the Tacoma Pierce County Health Dept, any student that is sent home or calls in with Covid symptoms that wishes to return to school sooner than the 5 days, must obtain a negative test. We cannot accept at home tests for school covid clearance.
PLEASE send the covid test results to Mrs. Carey at j.carey@eatonvilleschools.org and wait for the nurse to respond before sending your student back to school.
Student Covid Testing Available at School
Would you like to have your child tested for Covid? We now have Curative tests available here at school.
Follow this link to register for a test: https://curative.com/sites/26014/walkup#9/46.871/-122.2676
Then pick up the test at Weyerhaeuser, YOU test your child and we mail the test in. Results are back in about 3 days.
Per the Tacoma Pierce County Health Dept, any student that is sent home or calls in with Covid symptoms that wishes to return to school sooner than the 5 days, must obtain a negative Covid test. We can no longer accept at home tests for school clearance.
Non Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone:
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonville.wednet.edu
Child Find Notice
-Does your child have a medical disorder or birth defect that interferes with their development?
-Does the child seem to have hearing or vision issues?
-Does your child have difficulty communicating with people outside the family?
-Does your child have difficulty keep up with other children their age?
-Does your child have concerning behaviors?
Any child, birth to five, whose family or caregivers would like more information about their child's development can contact the Eatonville School District to receive a FREE Child Find Screening.
What happens during a Child Find Screening?
-The purpose of a Child Find Screening is to identify issues that may affect your child's learning, growth and development and to help parents identify their child's strengths and weaknesses.
-During the screening, your child may stack small blocks, cut with scissors, draw, count, name colors, jump and have fun!
-After the screening, someone will talk with you about the results and you may be given suggestions, a referral for more testing or scheduled to have the skills rechecked at a later time. You will have the chance to ask any questions about your child's development. The whole process will take one hour.
Where can I get my child screened?
For more information and to schedule a screening in your school district, please contact: Eatonville School District, Student Services Office at 360-879-1800. If your family is living in a temporary situation, you may contact the district where you are currently staying for a screening.
WAC 393-172A-02040 School Districts shall conduct Child Find activities calculated to reach all students with a suspected disability for the purpose of locating, evaluating and identifying students who are in need of special education and/or related services, regardless of the severity of their disability