HE Weekly
10/30/2023 - Week A

¡Traduzca este boletín! 이 뉴스 레터를 번역하세요! Энэ мэдээг орчуулаарай! Przetłumacz ten biuletyn! | Переведите этот информационный бюллетень!
- Watch this short video for instructions on how to translate it into your language.
- Mire este breve video para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo traducirlo a su idioma.
- 귀하의 언어로 번역하는 방법에 대한 지침은이 짧은 비디오를 시청하십시오.
- Үүнийг хэрхэн богино хугацаанд өөрийн хэл рүү хөрвүүлэх зааврыг энэ видеоноос үзээрэй.
- Obejrzyj ten krótki film, aby uzyskać instrukcje, jak przetłumaczyć go na swój język.
- Посмотрите это короткое видео, чтобы узнать, как перевести его на ваш язык.
Henking School
2941 Linneman
Glenview, IL 60025
Phone (847)998-5035 /Fax (847)998-9938
Website: https://he.glenview34.org
Absence Calls/Health Office (847)657-2694
School Attendance Matters!
We know that the recent cold weather may make it tempting to keep your child at home. However, research shows that chronic absenteeism can have longterm effects on a child's educational experience. Please see the flier below for more information on absenteeism and its effects on school along with some tips for families.
Cold Weather Reminders
We want to remind you to please send your child to school with winter gear as needed. For recess, if the “feels like/wind chill” temperature is below 10° (at 9° or lower) or too rainy and wet, children will remain indoors. We follow weather.com for our forecast each day.
Here are a few suggestions:
Please dress your child appropriately for wet and snowy weather. They will not be allowed to play in the snow or wet equipment without a coat, gloves, hat, and snow pants. Typically, students who are not dressed appropriately will play on the blacktop only.
Please label your child’s winter gear.
Consider putting an extra pair of socks and pants in your child’s backpack in case they get wet at recess.
At 3:40pm, if the temperature is below 20° (at 19° or lower) we will dismiss walkers and car pick ups from the West Gym. We do this because on inclement weather days the car line increases and we want to minimize the amount of time students stand stationary outside. Thank you for your patience these days.
As always, contact our school office if you have any questions or concerns.
Important Dates
Wednesday, 1/31 - Last Day For Yearbook Cover Contest
Friday, 2/02 - PTA International Night at Hoffman School from 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Monday, 2/19 - No School
Friday, 2/23 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (No School)
Parenting Through Puberty
WHEN: January 23 at 7pm at Springman
One of the most popular family/caregiver programs is back! Mark your calendar and invite a friend to join you on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 7:00pm in the Springman Wildcat Commons.
Do you wonder how to open the door for conversation with your child, who seems to be changing rapidly -- and responding with BIG emotions even more rapidly -- who communicates primarily through social media, and who seems to be evolving into someone you aren't sure you really know?
Do you need help finding ways to approach them so they actually listen?
You are not alone.
This presentation, by Dr. Renee Dominguez, co-executive director of Family Service Center and Lizzy Appleby, LCSW, of Youth Services, is designed to support parents in navigating some of the difficult topics of adolescence, including body changes, emerging sexuality, and increasing peer relationships. Parents will learn concrete strategies to support their child and practice skills to keep communication open.
Please fill out this form if you would like language interpretation for this program.
Happy New Year! 2024 is looking bright and there is a lot to look forward to the next few months.
But first, we'd like to send a huge THANK YOU to everyone who purchased from the SEE's candy fundraiser. The PTA raised $958 from 38 orders! Every purchase from give-back fundraiser's make a big difference--thank you for your participation!
In this edition:
- Information about International Night on Friday, February 2nd
- Yearbook Cover Contest deadline is January 31
- Chipotle Give-Back Fundraiser: Wednesday, February 7th
- SAVE THE DATE: for our Spring Benefit on Friday, March 1st at Valley Lo Club and the
Hoffman Book Fair taking place March 4th - 6th - Did you know we now have a PTA Directory
Join us for International Night on Friday, February 2nd!
We are excited to invite you to the Henking-Hoffman International Night 2024 on Friday, February 2nd from 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Hoffman Elementary School.
The halls of Hoffman Elementary will be transformed into 22 countries from across the continents.
Taste cultural foods in the International Cafe and watch cultural performances in the gym.
This is a FREE event, with the option to purchase Goode & Fresh pizza in advance or at the door.
Pre-purchase to avoid the line at the door!
Scan the QR code to order pizza in advance.
We’ll see you there!
Yearbook Cover Contest deadline is January 31st
Do you have a student who is creative and full of school spirit? The yearbook committee is now accepting entries to the PTA Yearbook Cover Contest. Winning artwork will be displayed in the 2023-24 Henking and Hoffman yearbooks.
The rules (below) are simple and easy to follow. All kindergarten- through second-grade students may participate.
· Write the student and teacher name on the back of the entry in pencil.
· Artwork must be done vertically, not horizontally.
· All work should be submitted on a blank 8 ½ x 11-inch piece of blank copy paper.
· The design should include the school’s name and “2023-24.”
· Any medium can be used, but light colors may not show up as well. Younger students may want to consider cutting and pasting the school mascot on the page.
· Use the space on the paper effectively. Don’t leave a lot of white space.
· Please use appropriate words and imagery
· Please make sure all words are spelled correctly.
· All work MUST be student produced.
· Work must be submitted by January 31.
· Submissions can be returned to school at the front desk.
The overall winners will have their artwork displayed on the front cover of each 2023-24 yearbook.
Chipotle Fundraiser
Order Chipotle on Wednesday, February 7th from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. to support the PTA! This offer is valid only at the Chipotle at 8488 W. Golf Road in Niles. Order online for pickup using the code W8JAK9A or click here to show the fundraiser image in the restaurant. Not valid for delivery orders.
Thanks for supporting the PTA! Guac on!
Save The Date
Our Spring Benefit will be taking place at Valley Lo Club on Friday, March 1st. We will share more information in the coming weeks!
And mark your calendars for the Hoffman Book Fair taking place March 4th - 6th.
PTA A to Z Connect Directory
The PTA is happy to share the A to Z Connect Directory. Click here to register today and get access to family and staff directories.
Utility Assistance Information
Starting December 1st, all income-eligible households may apply for LIHEAP for assistance with their heating and electric bills. Whether your home is heated by natural gas, electricity, oil, or propane, CEDA can help! There is also cash assistance available for households whose utilities are included in their rent. Qualified homeowners can receive vouchers for repairing or replacing their inoperable heating systems, such as furnaces and boilers. Remember that help is available even if you are not behind on your heating or electric bills!
Visit www.CEDAorg.net/Bills for more details or contact the Call Center at (800) 571- 2332. Applications will be taken first come first serve through August 15, 2024, or until funds are exhausted. #LIHEAP #UtilityAssitance #FreeAssistance #ceda
A partir del 1 de diciembre, todos los hogares con ingresos elegibles pueden solicitar ayuda de LIHEAP con sus facturas de calefacción y electricidad. Ya sea que su hogar tenga calefacción con gas natural, electricidad, petróleo o propano, ¡CEDA puede ayudarlo!
También hay asistencia en efectivo disponible para hogares cuyos servicios públicos están incluidos en el alquiler. Los propietarios de viviendas calificadas pueden recibir cupones para reparar o reemplazar sus sistemas de calefacción inoperables, como hornos y calderas. Recuerde que hay ayuda disponible incluso si no está atrasado en sus facturas de calefacción o electricidad.
Visite www.CEDAorg.net/Bills para obtener más detalles o comuníquese con el Centro de llamadas al (800) 571-2332. Las solicitudes se aceptarán por orden de llegada hasta el 15 de agosto de 2024 o hasta que se agoten los fondos. #LIHEAP #Asistenciadeserviciospúblicos #Asistenciagratuita #CEDA
These locations, families can go in-person to fill out the necessary paperwork to apply.
District 34 Important Forms and Information
On December 12, a group of more than 25 individuals, including teachers, staff, administrators, parents, and community members – representing all of our buildings and diverse roles and perspectives – convened to delve into a comprehensive evaluation of our District. Their efforts centered around understanding our current standing by examining student achievement data, demographic information, survey results, and insights from the current strategic plan.
During this session, they conducted a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to unearth the core attributes of our District and engaged in various activities aimed at formulating goals for the forthcoming strategic plan.
We value your input immensely as we progress further in this strategic planning journey. Your thoughts, ideas, and perspectives will significantly contribute to shaping the future of District 34. Please plan to attend one of the community feedback sessions (the information shared and format will be the same at all of the sessions):
- January 17 at Pleasant Ridge at 3:30pm
January 22 at Henking at 4:30pm
January 25 at Attea at 5:00pm
January 30 at Westbrook at 7:00pm
Language interpretation services will be available upon request. If you require language interpretation, please let us know.
District 34 Important Forms and Information
2023-2024 District 34 Calendar
Calendario 2023-2024 del Distrito 34
Click Here for the following forms:
Authorization And Permission For Administration Of Medication
Bus Rider Reminders
Cell Phone Use Agreement and Permission Form
Dental Exam Form (completed for Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades)
Dental Exam Waiver
District Policies/Handbook Info
Eye Exam Form
Eye Exam Waiver
Food Guidelines
Health Examination Form
Email: henking_school@glenview34.org
Website: he.glenview34.org
Location: 2941 Linneman Street, Glenview IL 60025
Phone: (847)998-5035
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/glenview34/
Twitter: @HenkingSchool