Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 12th August 2021
God, source of all goodness, you show us in Mary MacKillop
a woman of faith who lived by the power of the cross.
Teach us to embrace what she pioneered:
new ways of living the gospel
to respect and defend the human dignity of all in our land.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
2021 Important Dates
Week 4
Fri 13 Aug: Mass and Mission Markets OLC 25th Anniversary
Week 5
Mon 16 Aug: Yr 2 Koomal Dreaming Incursion
Tues 17 Aug: Kindy Screening (Health Nurse)
Wed 18 Aug: Kindy Kaya Cape Nat Excursion
Thurs 19 Aug: Kindy Kaya Cape Nat Excursion
Fri 20 Aug: Yr 4Dan Assembly; Kindy Screening (Health Nurse)
Week 6
Wed 25 Aug: Yr 1 Parish Mass; Open Classroom Evening 4.30pm - 5.30pm
Thurs 26 Aug: Athletics Carnival
Fri 27 Aug: Student Free Day
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Congratulations to our Year 6 teachers Mrs Ricciardone and Miss Hurst preparing a beautiful Confirmation Mass for our Year 6 candidates on Sunday 1 August. It was so uplifting to see the many prayer buddies attend to support their friends during this sacrament. We all know whatever Mrs Meyer does, she does so very well. The beautiful singing of Mrs Lee Veitch and music from Mrs Sherborne and Mr Torrese ensured our celebration flowed smoothly.
Playground Updates
Planning for our new Year 1-6 nature playground is just about completed. Is there anyone in our community that is able to source some jarrah, white gum, peppermint or sheoak logs?
Please let us know at school if you are able to assist.
From early term 4 we will be requiring help from mums and dads, grandparents and extended family to help with the construction of our playground. Some of this will be able to be completed at home. Options include making play pieces, creating artwork, installation of equipment, earthworks, gardening, painting and general helping out. We all want the best for our kids, so let's go for it.
Cross Country
We had a number of outstanding efforts in the interschool cross country last Thursday at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School playing fields. As a result of this Milla and Jett Devereux are competing in the all schools' championships in Perth today. Congratulations to both Milla and Jett who have been invited to participate in the State Cross Country Championships.
School Athletics Carnival
Our Athletics Carnival is set for Thursday 26 August. They are set on this date to allow us to work with our students competing in the interschool sports on Thursday September 23. Jumps and throws will take place from next week during the children's normal sport lesson times.
If the rain continues, we may postpone the sports to a later date. The constant rain is also may making it difficult to judge the jumps events prior to the 26nd.
Open Evening
All PP-6 families are warmly invited to walk through your children’s classroom on Wednesday 25 August between 5-6 pm. Let your child show you through their workbooks and class displays.
2022 School Year
Please let us know if your children will not be attending OLC next year as we are well into planning for the 2022 school year.
Looking at recent updates in other states we all need to remain vigilant in our minimizing the risk of COVID entering our local community.
Book week
Our Book Week celebration will be held in the final week of term with the dress-up assembly being held first part of the day. (There is a slight chance the costumes may not be at their finest at our normal assembly time!)
Mission Markets
We are all looking forward to being involved in raising money for those less fortunate than ourselves in the mission markets tomorrow. Thank you to all the students for coming up with creative ideas to raise money and also have fun without a great deal of waste and consumption of junk food.
NAPLAN Results
All school leadership teams have had a sneak peek at their school NAPLAN results. At this stage, they seem extremely impressive. Parents will receive a copy of their child's results before the end of term. These results do not just happen by accident. We commend our hard-working staff who spend endless hours planning, evaluating and reflecting on the instructional process right from Kindy to Year 6.
Sloan Drive
Please be conscious of the pace that you travel when driving along Sloan Drive. Pick up in the afternoon is excellent with all vehicles travelling to pick up from Endicott Loop. We need this to happen in the morning as well for the safety of everyone.
We have been informed by council that funding has been approved for upgrades
Student Updates
The Pony Club WA State Dressage Championships were held at the State Equestrian Centre last weekend and three of our students were amongst hundreds of other young people who competed in the competition over 3 days. Holly Greening (6H), Lolah Day (6R) and Josie Day (2F) all participated in the Championships, competing in a number of individual and team classes for their pony club, Busselton Horse & Pony Club.
All three girls achieved fantastic results against some very tough competitors from around WA, and enjoyed placing in some of their classes including:
· All three girls competed together in the biggest team event of the weekend, where their team won their Musical Ride team competition and placed 2nd in another team class.
· Holly winning one of her individual competitions, and placing 2nd and 5th in other classes
· Lolah placing 5th and 6th in her individual classes.
Did you know
- Mahli, Tom & Jack (Y2) gave Levi a tour of school on Wednesday
- Hamish & Tiago (Y5) were looking for a hula-hoop at lunchtime on Monday.
- It is impossible to hum while you hold your nose.
- Harper Brierty was working on his 'oy' words in spelling this week. Harper has a dog named 'Steel' and a black cat named 'Raffi'.
- Lyla Pearson and Scarlett Bickett were having their computers fixed by the clever Mrs Johnson at 10.02am on Thursday.
- Joel Peterson (Y5) came 7th in the Inter-school Cross Country last week.
- Mr Mac has a new Aussie Bulldog pup named Pearl! (Pearl Scanlon in Year 6 is not amused.)
- It is illegal to own just one guinea pig in Switzerland.
- Oscar Todd was quietly working on his 'ea' spelling words at 10.12am this morning. He also had $340 class cash on his desk.
- Addison Bickett's snack box was in the Year 4 Del class under suspicious circumstances. It contained a freshly cut carrot and four Jatz cracker biscuits.
- Xavier Hayhow (Y4) has two dogs Penny and Ellie.
- We have had five applications for enrolments in the last two days.
- Professor Lucas Hawke (Y5) can make 3 pencils jump with his skilled use of an elastic band.
- Lakey Thompson came about 16-17th in the Inter-school Cross Country. There were about 70-80 competitors in each race.
God Moments
- Watching Lakhari Warr and Beau Bennett assist fellow students using the bus services till they become familiar with the process.
- Mrs Birch’s class meditating in the sunshine after lunch.
Sporting Schools Program
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
There are still some places available for Y3-6 students on Thursday afternoons.
This term I will be running modified Football and Soccer on the Thursday afternoons. The students will need to bring appropriate sport outfits and an afternoon snack on Thursday.
Positions will be filled on a first in basis, so please return the notes to the front office as soon as possible.
The Program will be supervised by Mrs Sinclair and is FREE.
On Wednesdays I will be continuing running club and some games. No need to complete a form for the Wednesday session. Your child can just turn up.
Program details
Wednesday 8am – 8.30am
Thursday 3:05pm – 4pm (signed form required)
Year 5 culture Nature and Challenge Days
The Year Fives last week enjoyed their inaugural “Culture, Nature and Challenge” days.
The two days involved students:
Going caving at Calgardup Cave
Walking a 6.5km section of the Cape to Cape track from Contos to Redgate Beach
Completing an orienteering challenge in Prevelly, Margaret River.
Attending a Cultural tour at the Margaret River Independent school, learning about Wadandi culture.
It was a fabulous 2 days, with many memories made, challenges achieved and new knowledge learnt.
RE Updates
Sacrament of Confirmation
Congratulations to our Year 6 Students, their prayer friends and teachers, Mrs. Ricciardone and Miss Hurst, on a beautiful celebration for the Sacrament of Confirmation last Sunday. All students were a credit to their families and our school. Father Tony gave a beautiful sermon on how we can call on God in times of need, by turning to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
OLC Feast Day and Mission Markets
Tomorrow we are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of OLC and the feast of the Assumption of Mary. The day will be centred around Mary and raising money for some less fortunate people. Students are asked to wear their sports uniforms for the day.
We would love to invite parents to attend our celebration mass in the hall at 9.40am.
From midday until 1.00pm, we hold our fundraising markets. Parents are also welcome to attend this with their child/ren.
This year, the markets will look a bit different, but we will still be focused on raising money for Catholic Mission Australia, with the profits of the day going to charities in Thailand. To assist, we are asking that children bring money that they have earned from doing jobs around the house so that they can understand the value of the money they are donating. We ask that the children bring no more than $20.00 maximum (in coins please) for the day. It helps to have coins contained in a clearly labelled snap lock bag with your child's name and class in case it gets dropped on the tour around the school.
On the market program we have the following fun activities:
As you can see, we are aiming to make this day more experienced based than consumptive, so that the children have fun, but we minimise our impact on the environment and on their sugar levels. It's a win-win for all!
The time after lunch is spent in multi-age groupings who participate in fun activities to promote a sense of community and collegiality between the students, and to celebrate our beautiful school.
This annual event is a special day for our school. Please emphasise that it is also a day where we can give to help others and be thankful for how lucky we are. Fingers crossed for a miracle with the weather!
With thanks for your support!
community news
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/