Shew's News
May 8, 2020 Update
Principal's Post
Dear Rainiers,
As we have taken the time to honor our teachers for keeping our learning in place, we know how important school is to our lives. Thank you for another week of virtual learning, picking up our carefully prepared lunches and being ready to encourage each other. Strong routines and schedules will help students thrive in this online environment. The routines we establish will keep us going. Take time also to celebrate the learning. Dress up for special days and post those art projects. Have "show and tell" sharing the good writing or dramatic reading with a family audience. Please stay diligent and above all stay in touch! We are there for you.
Allison Shew
Remote Learning in Action
Emily learning how to bake at home.
Amelia completing work from home.
Samuel caring for a new baby chick.
OSPI released guidance for districts regarding Grading
“Students in grades K–8 will be challenged to demonstrate effort and success in learning standards established by their teachers. Students will move on to the next grade, unless by mutual agreement between parents/guardians and teachers they agree to repeat a grade or a portion of learning missed.”
The Eatonville School District is using the OSPI recommendations for our grading policies.
Middle School Grading
OSPI Guidance: Students who are engaging in the learning opportunities provided each week will see their grades improve throughout the closure. All students, including students who were failing on March 17, have every opportunity to improve their grades significantly. However, students who do not complete their courses or who are not yet proficient may be given an “Incomplete.” In such instances, a plan for course completion will be developed and followed.
At the end of Semester 2, teachers will provide students with either A, B, C, or D grade for Semester 2. If a student does earn an F, they will receive an “Incomplete” with a comment on their report card stating that the “Student’s grade was an F prior to the March 17th closure and the student did not engage in learning opportunities post March 17th”. If the student would like to receive a grade for the class, they will need to complete the work provided in the Google Classroom from March 17 through the end of the school year.
Picking Up Belongings
Student Device Troubleshooting
Mrs. Sotl's Counselor Corner
Shop our Virtual Book Fair to Keep Students Reading!
Dear Families,
Our school is hosting a Virtual Scholastic Book Fair from May 11th-24th .
The Virtual Fair is a fantastic way to get books in the hands of your students now to keep them reading at home.
All purchases benefit our school and earn rewards
Shop Book Fair exclusives, best-sellers, skill-builders and more
Orders ship direct to home
Book-only orders over $25* receive FREE shipping
Over 6,000 items to choose from through the Scholastic Store Online
On May 11th you can visit our Book Fair Homepage and click “Shop Now” to get started:
Happy reading!
*Free Standard Shipping is available on book-only orders of $25 or more, after all discounts are applied. Free Standard Shipping (books) must be selected during Checkout. Orders containing products other than books are not eligible for this shipping promotion.
ABC Countdown Spirit Days
Note: Last Day of School is To Be Determined
Click the link below to fill out the form.
Weekly Attendance
Food Service and Free Books
As a reminder, every school day throughout the closure we will provide grab-and-go meals for all children 0-18, and special education students up to the age of 21.For the week of May 11th hot entrees will be served on Tuesday and Thursday. Lunches are served through the last day of school this June. Children no longer need to be present to receive meals; just alert us how many meals you need. We need families to remain in their vehicles. Meal Service is near the front entrance of these schools:
Eatonville Middle School 11:00-12:00
Weyerhaeuser Elementary School 11:30-12:30
Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy 12:00-1:00
Connecting with Us
Stay Connected
Email: a.shew@eatonville.wednet.edu
Website: www.eatonville.wednet.edu/CCA
Location: 24503 SR 706 E Ashford, WA 98304
Phone: (360)569-2567
Facebook: facebook.com/ColumbiaCrestASTEM
Twitter: @CC_STEM_School