Affordable Connectivity Program
Hello NTCSD Families!
As you are aware, North Tonawanda City school district became eligible for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the 2023-2024 school year. Letters were sent home earlier this year explaining that on school days, each student is eligible to receive one breakfast and one lunch at no charge.
Due to the districtwide CEP eligibility, this also means that some families who normally would not qualify for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) may now qualify. The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC benefit program that provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. It is limited to one monthly discount per household and may end at any time.
Starting Monday November 20, 2023, the business office will begin emailing 23-24 CEP approval letters for each student to the first parent/guardian's email address that we have on file. It will include the parent's name, child's name/address and school name. You will only need one letter per household to apply for the program. PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR JUNK/SPAM EMAILS FOR THE LETTER FROM donotreply@ntschools.org.
Once you receive the letter, you can apply for the ACP internet discount at https://www.getinternet.gov/apply and click "apply" to get started. Once complete, this should email a one-time code to provide online/via phone to your internet carrier for the discount.
ONLY If you did not receive a letter sent to your email, or the other parents email address by the end of the day Wednesday 11/22/23, please call Jackie McMahon at 716-807-3503 to have one sent.
ONLY If you are having issues only with getinternet.gov site, and have already looked over the helpful screenshots that have been provided, please call or email the ACP help center at
- Call us at 1 (877) 384-2575 or email us at ACPSupport@usac.org. Open 7 days a week between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. ET.