Global Learning & Engagement
Weekly Newsletter
Updates for Monday, July 31st - Sunday, August 6th
If you would like to promote an event from your club or organization, please submit your request to Michelle Wynn at mwynn@uca.edu by Thursday, to go out in the following week's newsletter.
DUO Enrollment - Take Action by August 14th!
Please refer to your email from UCA Information Technology on July 13th. The University of Central Arkansas is rolling out Duo Security, a friendly and secure way for you to log into University-related applications. You will need to set up your account with Duo so you can start logging in.
If this is the first time you are reading about this requirement, please see our Duo Security FAQs for more information.
2023 Sales Tax Holiday!
Beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday August 5, 2023, and ending at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday August 6, 2023, the State of Arkansas will hold its sales tax holiday allowing shoppers the opportunity to purchase certain Electronic Devices, School Supplies, School Art Supplies, School Instructional Materials, and Clothing free of state and local sales or use tax. This is a great time to order your books for Fall semester!
Tutoring Services Summer 2023
Open Monday – Friday from 10AM – 2PM
The Tutoring Center will be tutoring both online and in-person for Summer 2023, in addition to being open for computer use and studying.
For More Information:
- Phone: 501-852-0720
- Email: tutoring@uca.edu
Graduating in December 2023?
Are you an undergraduate or post-baccalaureate student expecting to graduate at the end of the Fall 2023 semester? If the answer is "yes", you can go to myUCA and click on the Graduation icon to begin the process. Your request will start the review of your academic record by the Registrar's Office. They can alert you if there is a need for additional classes or any problem with transfer credits.
Insurance Reminder
Make sure to be watching your email regarding insurance for Fall semester.