Dolphin Splash Updates!
Principal Message
Good afternoon Davis Drive Elementary families,
Reminder - No School on Wednesday, November 1st.
Attractions Book Sale are over - Please return your book to your child's teacher on Monday, October 30th. If your child's book is not returned, then you will receive an invoice for $25.
Pay for your child's Attractions book using this link.
Please see below for directions on how to create a Parent observer account for Canvas.
If you are able, please consider donating youth underwear for all sizes and genders. We need to restock our inventory in the Health Room. thank you!
Barb Fair
NEW for 2023-2024 - All Yearbooks must be pre-ordered!
Your child's yearbook must be pre-ordered this year!
- October 23rd - December 31st - $20 per Yearbook
- January 1st - April 5th - $25 per Yearbook.
- Personalization options are available.
Yearbooks will be delivered to students in the last two weeks of school.
Canvas Parent Observer Accounts
Parents - if you have not already done so, please add yourself as a parent observer in Canvas. Follow these step-by-step directions or watch this tutorial. If you don't already have a join code, you can get one by emailing our Media Coordinator, Mrs. Fiedler, at sfiedler@wcpss.net.
Volunteer at the Scholastic Book Fair - This is a Fundraiser for Our School!
Compost with DDE Students!
Front Office Tips, Tricks & Tasks
Change of Transportation Policy
Report transportation changes by 1:15pm on the day of the change by calling the Front Office at (919) 387-2130. Do not send a Talking Points message or email to your child’s classroom teacher to report a transportation change.
Early Dismissal Policy
Students who need to be picked up early from school must be checked out by 1:30pm. Please send a Talking Points message or email to your child’s teacher to alert them of the early dismissal plan.
Photo ID Needed
Always bring your Photo ID & Smart Phone to volunteer, sign in & out your child and visit our school.
Dolphin Depot
We sell pencils, erasers, notepads, folders and other fun items!
Please bring cash only - all items are under $3.
Visit the Dolphin Depot each Friday in October from 7:15-7:40am.
(October: 6th 13th 20th and 27th from 7:15-7:40am)
Western Wake Children's Fair
Sneak Peek in the Classroom!
5th Grade AIG Socratic Seminar with Ms. Fenton
Kindergarten Math time with Mrs. Suggs
Kindergarten Letterland with Ms. Spinks
Click above to find out what our focus is each week for the Positivity Project
Chess Team wins at Tournament!
DDE Chess Teams at the Triangle K-12 Chess Tournament
DDE (Team 2): Second Place
Alexis Adams (2nd Grade)
Ali Aydogan (4th Grade)
Lucca Chaves (4th Grade)
Nathaniel Xue (5th Grade)
DDE (Team 1): First Place
Andrew Jiang (5th Grade)
Bhavya Dhiran (5th Grade
Jayden Adams (4th Grade)
Shiven Yadav (4th Grade)
Greetings from the Music Room! - Attention 4th & 5th grade parents!
This is Mrs. Clark, and during the month of October we have been learning about the composer Antonio Vivaldi.
Please ask your child to tell you where he was from and what color his hair was under his wig! I will be impersonating Vivaldi on Tuesday, Oct. 31st (Halloween). Mrs. Calwell's and Mrs. Kuruwita's students will be in the music room on Halloween to see him!
However, other classes will not be in music on that day. For those students, I have set up a Flipgrid in my Canvas classroom so your student can record themselves asking Vivaldi a question, and he will answer your child back with a video response.
If your child would like to ask Vivaldi a question, following theses directions.... I have showed the students these steps during music class, so most 4th and 5th grade students will be able to this on their own. However, I just wanted send this info. out to inform you.
- Go to the Wake ID portal
- click on the blue and white circle (Canvas)
- Then click accept to join the 2nd or 3rd grade classroom- your student may have already done this!
4.Once you are in the classroom, read the message from me.
5.Then click on the HERE to get you into Flipgrid.
6.Once in Flipgrid, you will click on send Vivaldi a question
7.Then click on record and record the question.
Vivaldi will send you an answer to your question!!
I look forward to hearing all the different questions!- Mrs. Clark
Barb Fair
Email: bfair@wcpss.net
Website: https://www.wcpss.net/davisdrivees
Location: 2151 Davis Drive, Cary, NC, USA
Phone: 919-387-2130
Twitter: @DDEDolphins