WHS February News 2024
January 29, 2024
February News 2024
Important Dates
February 1- Parent Teacher Conferences
February 5-9 - National School Counseling Week
February 6-16- Restart Readiness Testing
February 19- Presidents Day - NO SCHOOL
February 23 - 9th and 11th Grade Vison and Hearing Screening
February 26- WCS Board Meeting
February 27 - ACT/PreACT Test
March 1 - Teacher Comp Day- NO SCHOOL
Report Cards and Interims
Report cards were mailed home at the beginning of January. On the report card you will find student grades as well as credit and attendance information. Please let us know if you do not receive your child's report card. 3rd quarter progress reports will be sent home on Wednesday, February 7th. Please reach out to any staff members if you have questions about your child's grades.
February Conferences
Our goal is to meet with each and every family at WHS this school year.
What will this look like? Each family will get to meet with a teacher representative at one of the parent teacher conference nights this year. During this time, we want to discuss current academic goals and progress, activity involvement, interests, and plans for after high school. We also want to give you the opportunity to provide us with your feedback and suggestions.
If you have not already had a conference, please anticipate an invitation from a WHS staff member for a conference this year. We look forward to meeting with you on our campus and strengthening the partnerships between the school and home. If you would like to request a conference during the February 1st session, please fill out the following form.
CCP Information Night
End of Course Restart Readiness Testing
Twice a year our students take a practice benchmark test in preparation for end of course assessments in the spring. These tests are designed to help schools and districts identify student progress early and receive actionable performance data.
In order to provide a longer testing time for our students, designated classroom space for teachers to proctor, and to continue uninterrupted instruction in untested classrooms, we will utilize a modified block schedule during the two weeks of testing. The schedule will run exactly like our exam schedule.
Instruction will resume as normal in classes that are not testing. Students are expected to be here during the time for each period. Students with late arrival, CCP, or early release will need to plan accordingly.
Cell Phone Procedures
We have continued our focus on expectations around cell phone use this semester. At school, these devices can be distracting in the classroom and in the school environment. Classrooms are a red zone--phones should not be seen, heard, or used. We need your help with reminding students of appropriate use of personal devices in this space. Please limit communication with your child during school hours. If you need anything, please call the front office at (937) 382-7716. We appreciate your support!
National School Counseling Week
National School Counseling Week is Feb. 5-9. We are excited to recognize the work of our school counselors, Mr. Williams, Mrs. Groves, and Mrs. Martin.
Arrival Time
Just a reminder that the HS building doors open at 7:38 for student to enter the building. Please plan accordingly for the weather conditions.
ACT and PreACT Test
All 11th graders will take the ACT and 10th graders will take the PreACT on Tuesday, February 27th. Please help students arrive to school on time. Breakfast will be provided in the classrooms. Below is some information to help students prepare for this test.
School Attendance
As we get into colder weather and the winter season, we wanted to share some reminders about attendance.
- If your child is ill, a parent or guardian needs to call the school the day of the absence and provide the reason for the absence. Calls must be made to Attendance Hotline (937-382-4669).
- For medically excused absences, a doctor’s excuse must be provided to the school within forty-eight (48) hours, i.e. two business days, of the student’s return to school or the absence will be unexcused.
- It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work and submit it to the teacher in a timely fashion. Students will have the same number of days as they were absent to make up the missing work.
Senior Yearbook Photos
All seniors need to turn in a wallet sized printed picture with name and phone on back. Photos can be dropped off in the WHS Office or in the library. All photos must be received by Feb 9th.
Professional photographers may use the link at this website to submit: http://tinyurl.com/caneybk24
If you do not turn in a photo there is no guarantee you will appear in the yearbook or the News Journal Graduation Edition!
Senior/Baby Ads - parents can design and buy at yearbookforever.com Deadline 5/10 Price $40
Don't forget to order your yearbook! www.yearbookforever.com. Yearbooks arrive in September 2024.
Hearing and Vision Screening
Our nurse team will be here on February 23rd to screen vison and hearing for all 9th and 11th grade students.
Hello Senior Families! It's that time of year to start planning for graduation. Please check the following page for updates and information for the class of 2024.
Progress Book Access
Want to see your student's grades and progress in real time? Email Mrs. Gregory or Mrs. Looft for your registration key.