Family Engagement Newsletter
Calhoun County Schools: April 2022
Hip Hopping into Spring!
Can you believe it is already Spring?! In just a few short months it will be Summer and your child will get a well-deserved break. In the meantime, Spring has always been a busy time for our school district as our students undergo annual standardized testing. This month's newsletter is filled with tips on how to help your child prepare for those tests, words of encouragement for you as the parent, and suggestions on how your family can "stop and smell the roses" this spring.
Standardized Testing: How to Help Your Child Prepare
Students all across the state of Alabama, as well as nationwide, participate in different standardized tests throughout the year. These tests assist educators in seeing what areas kids are excelling most in, as well as what areas need further attention. Testing can be a stressful time, not just for our students, but for you as their parents. Below you will find some helpful tips on how you can help your child prepare for tests:
- Ensure your child has gotten enough sleep and a well-balanced meal prior to test time. This optimizes your child's brain power while test taking!
- Back the backpack the night before - make sure your child has everything they may need such as pencils, pens, paper, calculator, eraser, etc. Taking time to set things out the night before eliminates the stress during morning rush.
- Challenge critical thinking skills by asking your child's opinion or opening discussion on different ideas that stimulate these thought processes.
- Communicate with your child's teacher, not just during test week but throughout the year! Many teachers will send home information packets about upcoming tests, but if you have further questions, don't hesitate to reach out the them!
- Become familiar with what standardized test your child will be taking and have calm, encourage conversations with your child about what to expect prior. It is sometimes easier when we know what we are being tested on, and the reason behind all the testing!
- Provide practice opportunities in areas that your child may be struggling in, as well as in the areas they excel. Always try to end on a positive note when finishing up homework or a study session at home.
- Remain positive and encourage your child to utilize positive self talk. How we talk to ourselves can impact our entire day, so model for your child what positive self talk looks like to self and to others.
Do you have a child that is particularly hard on themselves in school, sports, or life in general? Explore the family resources below!
Virtual Family Engagement Workshop!
Many of our elementary schools hosted a Family Engagement Workshop that covered topics including The Literacy Act, Homework without Hassle, and Social Emotional Learning/Mental Health. If you weren't able to attend at your school, be on the lookout on our district's social media pages as we will be doing a virtual workshop, accessible to everyone!
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? Be on the lookout for next month's newsletter as we share mental health resources, social emotional learning activities, and helpful information from our school district's Mental Health Services Coordinator, Amber Butler.
Missed our last month's newsletter? Check it out by clicking below!
Family Engagement District Contact:
Kristen Fargason, LMSW
Family Engagement Specialist
Homeless Liaison (K-6th)
School Social Worker (K-6th)
Location: 4400 McClellan Boulevard, Anniston, AL, USA
Phone: 256-741-7423