Hāwera Primary School
Newsletter No. 20 - 9th December 2019
From the Principal
Kia ora everybody
Welcome to our final newsletter for 2019, hard to believe its nearly over! Looking back it has been a massive year full of celebrations, losses, milestones and successes. I am proud to say that through it all we have proven what a caring community we are. It is also a reflective time, when we will farewell the following staff also:
It is with the greatest respect and some sadness that I formally announce Mrs Nazli Jeftha our dedicated and highly respected deputy principal will be moving on to a teaching position at Patea Area School next year. Nazli has decided to step back from additional responsibilities due to family reasons. We would like to acknowledge her excellence as a leader, teacher and friend. She will definitely be missed.
Nazli, thank you for your massive contribution to Hāwera Primary School, we wish you and your family all the best for the next stage of your journey.
Whaea Jude Cornelius is relocating over the summer, her immense knowledge and teaching passion particularly around kaupapa Māori and science has been a huge asset. We sincerely thank her for stepping in to teach Room 5 which has yielded admirable results. We are delighted she will be continuing her excellent contribution to our school as a BOT member.
Teacher aides Armeen Jeftha and Demi Olsen will also finish their roles at the end of the year. Both of them have been valued staff members. We also thank Armeen for his great efforts with coaching numerous sports teams over the years. We wish them all the very best as they move on to their future endeavours.
On a happy note, we would like to congratulate Miss Rheannah Clarke and her partner Grant on the safe arrival of their precious daughter Blake. We're sure there will be no shortage of babysitters or cuddles when they come to visit.
Next year we will be opening an additional class in Rm 15 to cater for our growing numbers while still keeping class numbers as manageable as possible while also providing additional transition time before the pods.We are excited to be currently advertising to fill two vacancies which will close this week, we will update you as details are confirmed.
Earlier in the week end of year reports were issued. It was a privilege to read each student's summary of achievement. Students, staff and whanau should feel very proud of the progress they have made, as each learner's success is a combined effort.
In this year's reports we have decided to include their tentative class for next year. We understand this is new, if you have any concerns or queries about your child's placement please contact us asap. The students will also have an opportunity to work with their perspective classmates and if possible make connections with their future teacher on Thursday as part of our revised approach to transition which has been well coordinated by Miss Thomson.
Last week saw the completion of highly successful Out & About and Year 6 Camp. Thank you to all our dedicated staff and awesome parent helpers for making these experiences so amazing for everyone! I was so impressed by the spirit in which the students participated. They were open to new learning. It was great to see them giving everything a go especially with the new and challenging activities, trying their 'personal best' and demonstrating respectful attitudes. Well done kids, that's what education outside the classroom it's all about!
On Monday we formally farewelled our Year 6 Leavers with a dinner and presentation, a lovely occasion and opportunity to celebrate their time at HPS. The staff wish our leavers all the best. They have the knowledge, skills and strengths now it's time to spread their wings and soar. We eagerly look forward to seeing their futures continue to unfold.
I particularly want to acknowledge those families whose last child is moving on. Thank you for your support and input into Hāwera Primary School over the years, please know it has been greatly appreciated.
Tuesday's school picnic was a real success, great fun was had by all. Thank you to the parents who helped out on the day.
Last night our "Kiwiana" school concert ably directed, written and performed by Whaea Paula Frearson. It promised to be great entertainment and it certainly delivered. Our performers showed passion, pride and flair. It was definitely cuteness overload! I really enjoyed seeing the kids strutting their stuff on stage and seeing you all there. We appreciated how the crowd got into the spirit of it. Special mention to our two wonderful MCs Blake Fleming and Jade Te Wiki, you were both fantastic! Thanks again to our staff, this was a huge effort at this time of the year but those smiling happy faces make it all worth it.
. Today the road patrollers who are off on their well-deserved treat day to the movies and pools.
On Friday at 10am we celebrate and acknowledge the students who have excelled at our annual prizegiving. Congratulations to all recipients who have worked hard to excel, they thoroughly deserved their accolades. Not every student will make it up on stage which can be disappointing but we need to remember prize giving is a time to celebrate everyone's successes. Each student has demonstrated the KAHA Way and done their 'personal best' throughout the year. It is important that we reinforce how proud we all are of their efforts.
Finally, I want to personally thank our students, staff, Board of Trustees, whanau and the community member of Hāwera Primary School for your contribution to our wonderful school.
As I reflect on my first year as principal; it's been a hugely rewarding, sometimes emotionally challenging and occasionally difficult but ultimately a powerful learning experience. I sincerely appreciate all of your support and constructive feedback throughout the year. I'm confident and excited as the future continues to look very bright for HPS. Bring on 2020!
Have a relaxed and enjoyable holiday break, I look forward to seeing you all back ready to go in the new year.
Remember to keep an eye on our Facebook page for the latest information and updates.
Merry Christmas! Be happy, have fun & stay safe everyone.
'Ma te huruhuru ka rere te manu-Adorn the bird with feathers so it can fly!'
Ngā mihi nui
Shevaun O'Brien
*Road Patrol Monitor's Treat- Thursday 12th December (selected students)
*End of Year Prizegiving- Friday 13th December at 10am
Room 1-Miss Anna Thomson
Room 2- Miss Annalyse Burgess
Room 3- Whaea Paula Frearson
Room 4- Miss Abigail Thomas
Room 6- Mrs Kerri McColl
Room 15- To be appointed
Pod 1A- Miss Nina van Rijnsoever
Pod 1B- Miss April Baylis (Team Leader)
Pod 2A- To be appointed
Pod 2B- Mrs Jessica Dunlop (Team Leader)
Acting Deputy Principal: To be confirmed
Release Teachers: Mrs Aimee Walsh, Miss Theresa Gale & Mrs Erin Webb
The BoT Corner – Te Poari Matua o Hawera Primary
Tena koutou te whanau o Hawera Primary
The BoT would like to thank all the whanau who participated in the Community Survey last month and attended the Whanau Consultation Hui back in October. The responses received from our Hawera Primary Community was overwhelming positive and we as the Board look forward to seeing what we can do to improve the way we function in partnership with the School and the Hawera Primary Community. Planning around the responses received will begin next year along with a plan to include more Whanau Consultation Hui throughout the year.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the Board of Trustees via email on;
Naku noa,
Russell Hockley – BOT Chairperson
The Board of Trustees;
Russell Hockley – Parent Elect (Chairperson & Personnel)
Simon Pick – Parent Elect (Property)
Adam Slade – Parent Elect (Health and Safety)
Kelly McClenaghan – Parent Elect (Finance/Health and Safety)
Jude Cornelius – Parent Elect (Self Review)
Shevaun O’Brien – Principal (Curriculum/Legislation)
Nazli Jeftha – Teacher Representative (Curriculum/Legislation)
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the Board of Trustees via email at bot@haweraprimary.school.govt.nz
Naku noa,
Russell Hockley – BOT Chairperson
Future Education Provision in Hawera - Key Messages December 2019
The Ministry is committed to investing in the property at Hawera Intermediate and Hawera High School.
There will be a significant capital investment. The Ministry is therefore keen to renew discussions about how to achieve the best possible outcome for current and future students.
As the schools have had a significant change of board members and staff in recent times, we have an opportunity to reconsider a range of options for redevelopment.
These could include:
Redeveloping both schools on one site with shared common facilities – such as a substantial gymnasium and library.
Continuing with the decision by the previous school boards to retain both sites.
Or another possible option favoured by the community.
Community consultation 2016-17
In late 2016, early 2017 the boards led an engagement process was held that asked what the future of education in Hawera could look like.
The options that were explored ranged from the status quo, through to closures, mergers and a new Year 7-13 school.
Questions and responses for Boards to support this project with their communities over Christmas break
Why are we being asked about the future of education in Hawera again?
Since the last consultation the Ministry has been progressing separate projects to redevelop the Intermediate and High Schools on their current sites. The Ministry officials considering the business case asked if we were confident that rebuilding on the current sites was the best option.
Now, with changes to the staff and board members – in addition to the deteriorating state of infrastructure at both schools – the Ministry is giving the community the opportunity to think about other education solutions that could transform how teaching and learning takes place in Hawera.
What will be different this time?
We have asked the Ministry to facilitate and lead the process, rather than the local schools. They have appointed someone familiar with this role who will lead the engagement.
The Ministry will collate the feedback and develop a paper for the Minister. The Minister will consider the community’s feedback when deciding his preferred option. What is happening with the property rebuild?
The Ministry is committed to developing the best option for Hawera students. For now, it is business as usual, minor remedial and maintenance work will continue, however major property works are suspended. We only get one chance to get this right for future students.
What are next steps?
During Term 1, 2020, an independent facilitator, contracted by the Ministry, will be leading an engagement process to listen to what the community wants for education in Hawera. In the first half of term one there will be opportunities for the views of the community to be heard during the week beginning 2 March 2020. Everyone in the community is welcome to be involved. Further information will be provided at the beginning of Term 1.
What can we do now?
Over the Christmas break you may want to think about:
what is working well for our students
what should be retained
what needs to be strengthened; and
what ideas you have about how this could be achieved as we look to the future
Thanks!!! North Fuels, ex Board chair Gary Wallis & everyone who helped us get these gifts!
State highway 3 road closures
There will be NO ACCESS TO SOUTH ROAD for vehicles from the following roads:
Disraeli Street
Morrissey Street
Argyle Street
Victoria Street
Milmoe Street
Regent Street
Princes Street
If you need to pick or drop your child off this will be to be done from Manawapou Road carpark or Kauri Cresent on the road side.
Should you require further information please call 0800 4 HIGHWAYS.
Welcome back Information 2020
Enrolments can now be completed ONLINE!
We are aware that starting school is a very big step. Therefore we aim to make the transition as smooth as possible for your child and whanau.
We encourage the parents of all new entrants to pre-enroll their child prior to their fifth birthday, where possible. To enroll you can come in to the school office or enroll online by clicking on the following link.
year 6 te wera camp
year 4 and 5 out and about
Junior Out and About
Personal Best at HPS
Tino pai Caleigh thank you for consistently showing the KAHA Way!
Ka rawe Marieka and Gypsy, your reading project about plastic recycling is excellent!
Messages for Children
emailed out and linked to the school website, apps etc every fortnight on a Friday
subscribe to this app to get quick reminders and notifications. Don't forget to customise your settings to make sure, you stay in the loop.
great source of information and celebration of all things HPS!
A wonderful app that let's you share in your child's learning journey and find out class specific information.
This app allows staff to email you directly and vice versa
Outside the classrooms you will find physical copies of newsletters etc.
If you are unsure about any of these app or are having trouble downloading any of them please see you class teacher, we want you to be informed.