Back to School Night
Harloe Elementary
4th - 6th Grade Back to School Night
Please join us for Back to School Night at Harloe Elementary. Our first event will be for 4th - 6th grade parents/guardians. (Kindergarten - 3rd grade will be Tuesday, August 31, more information to come.)
This is a great time to:
- Meet your child's teacher
- Learn about Classroom Policies
- Learn about Homework Policies
- Learn about Harloe Elementary
6:00 - 6:20 Presentation from Mrs. Webster (On the blacktop, in front of Room 70)
6:20 - 7:00 Individual Classroom Presentations
Please note: teachers have selected one of the following options for individual classroom presentations:
Traditional Back to School Classroom Visit
Teachers will invite parents into their classrooms and conduct their meeting.
Hybrid - Back to School Classroom Visit
Teachers will pre-record a video for parents, prior to Back to School Night. At 6:20, teachers will meet parents outside their classroom and hold a Meet & Greet. At that point, teachers may opt to allow small groups of parents to tour their classroom. Teachers will be present and available to answer question.
Please remember, time does not allow for teachers to hold mini parent/teacher conference regarding concerns you may have about your child. If you have individual concerns, please email or message your child's teacher. Finally, if a teacher is offering a traditional Back to School meeting, they are NOT required to pre-record a video.
Thursday, Aug 26, 2021, 06:00 PM
Harloe Elementary School, Fair Oaks Avenue, Arroyo Grande, CA, USA
Teacher Options for Back to School Night
Mr. Easland
Mrs. Lindgren
Mrs. Martinez
Mrs. Prickett
Mrs. Lewis
Mr. Scuri
6th Grade Parents & Guardians:
All 6th grade parents will meet in the cafeteria for a 6th grade presentation as soon as Mrs. Webster's presentation is completed.
If your child's teacher is holding a hybrid visit, please be sure to view the video before you come to Back to School Night. Videos will be available soon.
Thank you in advance. - Mrs. Webster