@HSD Health Update
August 26, 2021
Summary School Opening COVID Safety Protocols for Start of School Year
PK-12 Masking Requirements
- Per Governor Murphy's Executive Order 251, all students, educators, staff, and visitors will be required to wear face masks indoors for the start of the 2021-2022 school year.
- Masks are required in the indoor premises of all Haddonfield School District buildings, with limited exceptions outlined here. This includes events held before/after school hours (e.g., BOE Meetings).
- Masks are required on school buses, regardless of vaccination status.
- Masks are not required when outdoors.
- For those medically unable to wear a face covering, a medical note by a licensed healthcare provider must be submitted to the school nurse for review/final approval by the district physician. Once such a note is submitted to the school nurse, the district will make a final determination within 7 working days.
Physical Distancing
We will maintain 3 feet of physical distancing to the greatest extent practicable while offering full-time, in-person learning to all students.
Where students may be in classroom configurations where desks/tables are in small groups, teachers will make every effort to keep those students together when moving about the classroom (e.g., on carpet area)
- Similar lunch protocols that were successfully employed at the end of 2020-21 will be in effect, with some exceptions: a) school will run traditional lunch periods; b) physical distancing will be at least 3 feet.
- School lunches will be free for all students until the end of the 2021-22 School Year (no paperwork, income verification, etc.).
- Students will eat snacks and lunches outdoors to the greatest extent possible and when weather conditions permit (3 feet of physical distancing).
- To accommodate physical distancing, elementary students will again eat on the floor and be provided with a raised lunch tray. Staff will sanitize floors before and after each lunch period.
- When the heat index is anticipated to be above 90 F, elementary students will eat lunch indoors.
Screening, Communication and School Exclusion
- Completion of daily screening required for students and staff
- HSD will continue to send COVID notifications for COVID+ cases and maintain the COVID+ dashboard to document current cases, in addition to timely messages from @HSD Health.
- Parents are implored to contact the school nurse when a student and/or family member is COVID+. This is the primary means by which the district is made aware of positive cases.
- Students excluded from school for being in close contact with a COVID+ individual and/or are COVID+ will have the option to receive remote instruction.
- Students displaying COVID-like symptoms without a medical diagnosis of COVID will have the option to received remote instruction after 3 consecutive days missed. (please see "Virtual Instruction..." info. in the next section)
- In the PreK–12 indoor classroom setting, the close contact definition excludes students within 6 feet of an infected student (laboratory-confirmed or a clinically compatible illness) where both the infected student and the exposed student(s) correctly and consistently wore masks the entire time.
- Even though students that meet the close contact definition will not likely be required to be excluded from school, courtesy close contact notices will still be sent to families.
- General COVID+ notices and COVID+ Dashboard will continue to remain in effect.
Virtual Instruction for Students Excluded From School
If your child is excluded from school for being COVID+, a close contact, or experiencing COVID-like symptoms for more than 3 days, virtual instruction will be provided (if the student is well enough to participate). The teacher will make the live stream and classwork available as soon as possible. If a student is ill, we encourage them to rest, and we will catch them up when they are better.
Exploration of In-District Pooled COVID Testing Screening - UPDATE
What is Pooled Testing?
- Pooled testing means combining the same type of specimen from several people and conducting one laboratory test on the combined pool of specimens to detect SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
- Pooled tests that return positive results will require each specimen in the pool to be retested individually to determine which individual(s) are positive.
- Testing would most likely occur in the home and be designated only for non-vaccinated individuals.
We have received limited information from the State that a testing program may be available to school districts; as a result, we are awaiting more information from the State before further considering an in-district testing plan.
Results of August Parent Interest Survey for Pooled COVID Testing
Regional COVID Levels
- Masking is not required for students while participating in athletics (regardless of vaccination status).
- Student-athletes must wear masks only when indoors, when not engaged in high-intensity aerobic activity, and when on school buses.
HSD/Adler's Pharmacy In-District COVID Vaccination Clinic
- The Pfizer vaccine will be administered.
- This event is for those who received their first shot on 8/11, those in need of their first dose, and those in need of the third booster shot - only for those getting their first or booster doses - You MUST pre-register at Adler's Pharmacy website. Then click the image at the bottom of the page, "COVID-19 Vaccine Information." Next, click "Haddonfield Memorial High School, and follow the registration prompts/questions. Once registered, you will receive a follow-up notice from Adler before September 1.
- This is being held in the HMHS Cafeteria. Please enter HMHS at the Sylvan Lake entrance. The main entrance to the school will not be accessible.
- This opportunity is open to any individual eligible to receive the COVID vaccine.
Wednesday, Sep 1, 2021, 04:00 PM
Haddonfield Memorial High School - B Building, Sylvan Lake Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ, USA
Governor Murphy's Executive Order 253: School Personnel Vaccination Requirement
- All public, private, and parochial preschool programs, and elementary and secondary schools, including charter and renaissance schools (“covered settings”), must maintain a policy that requires all covered workers to either provide adequate proof to the covered setting that they have been fully vaccinated or submit to COVID-19 testing at minimum one to two times weekly.
- This requirement shall take effect on October 18, 2021, at which time any covered workers that have not provided adequate proof that they are fully vaccinated must submit to a minimum of weekly or twice weekly testing on an ongoing basis until fully vaccinated.
- The vaccination rate for all HSD Staff is at least 85%
Haddonfield School District
Email: gpriolo@haddonfield.k12.nj.us
Website: https://haddonfieldschools.org/
Location: 1 Lincoln Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-429-7510
Facebook: facebook.com/HaddonfieldSchoolDistrict/
Twitter: @HaddonSchools