Tiger Tales
January 2023
Principal's Message
Stevenson Families,
Happy New Year! Warm wishes to all of you as we kick off 2024! We are so grateful for all of our wonderful families and scholars. Learning engagement has been high as students are growing their academic skills and their character traits. I am also thankful for our amazing Stevenson staff who have gone above and beyond to meet the needs of students and are constantly thinking about how we best serve students and families. As we all partner together, we will continue to make this a great year for our scholars.
We have one of our biggest family events coming up! Family BINGO is back again. See the details below.
Veronica Mathison
Stevenson Elementary Principal
Important Dates
January 2-Students return to school
January 15- MLK DAY! No School for students
January 17-PTO Meeting 5:00 p.m.
January 24-Family BINGO night 5-6:30 p.m.
January 25 & 26-No School for students
Family BINGO Night
Wednesday, January 24th
5:00-6:30 p.m.
Stevenson Gym
Check out this Stevenson Highlight!
See how our IB Programme, partnership with the Educational Resource Center, and our STEAM lab bring awesome opportunity to our Stevenson scholars!
2nd Graders bring Joy to Local Nursing Home
Stevenson scholars read and sang to Fridley residents. They brought joy and received it when they read to community members and when they were read to.
Kindergarten & 4th Grade Buddies
Every year there is magic surrounding fairy tales of the Gingerbread Man. Our littles listen to stories, investigate clues, write about it, and as a culminating event they decorate cookies.
Stevenson Music Program
All of our scholars have access to quality specialist classes; Art, Media, Music, Physical Education, and Spanish. Our scholars love their specialist courses. Ms. Park and our wonderful fourth grade choir gave an outstanding performance "A Night At The Movies" this last month.
Hour of Code in Media
Scholars participated in Worldwide Hour of Code Week! Those tech and math skills were busy at work!
Art in Action
New Legislation for Access to Products
State Statute Requires Schools to Provide Menstrual Products to Students in Grades 4-12
In response to legislation passed by Minnesota lawmakers last spring, Fridley Public Schools will make menstrual products available to students in grades 4 through grade 12. The products, limited to menstrual pads, will be available in dispensers at no cost to students and will be located in restrooms regularly used by students in these grades. The legislation requires that these products be available to students by January 1, 2024.
Research has shown that one in four teens missed class due to a lack of menstrual products, and this legislation is aimed at removing the barrier of limited access to menstrual products for students. Staff have installed product dispensers and waste receptacles. If you have any questions about the availability of these products, please contact your school's health office or building principal.
Cold Weather is Coming
Need winter wear?
If you need any help with warm gear, please contact our school social worker, Cait Ostman, at 763-502-5310.
Do you have winter wear your children have outgrown?
- Warm mittens
- Snow pants
- Boots
Items can be dropped off in our front office and will be available to our scholars in need of items.
Frosty Five
- Winter Jacket
- Hat
- Gloves
- Snow Pants
- Boots
After the snow falls, without boots students need to be on the sidewalk to avoid wet and super cold feet.
Information in All Newsletters Below
Fridley Schools Foundation Gala
The Fridley Schools Foundation awards educator innovation grants across the school district, provides post secondary scholarships to graduating seniors, and supports district initiatives.
Get your tickets
Gala table for 8-$750
Gala Sponsership-$1500
Juice Pouch Recycling/Fundraising
School Hours
Student arrival begins 8:55 a.m.
Free breakfast is served 8:55 a.m. - 9:10 a.m.
School day starts at 9:10 a.m.
Dismissal is 3:45 p.m.
The safety of children on the school bus depends not only on the bus driver, but others on the road as well. Please pay attention to the following winter safety tips to students, parents and motorists:
- Don’t Rush to Catch the Bus. When roads and walkways are slippery, rushing to catch the bus or driving faster to make it to your destination can have disastrous results. Children need extra time to get to the bus stop in cold, windy or snowy conditions. Encouraging them to leave a few minutes early and take their time can reduce the number of falls on slick pavement.
- Bundle Up like Randy from “A Christmas Story.” Students need to keep warm at the bus stop, but they also must still be able to see and hear what’s going on around them. When bundling up your child in the morning, make sure he or she still has an adequate line of sight and can hear traffic and other noises. And make sure your student can put his arms down.
- Put Down the Phone. As highlighted by the “Pokémon Go” craze, not looking where you are walking can have disastrous results. When walking on snow or ice covered surfaces, watch where you are walking, take shorter, more deliberate steps or do the “penguin shuffle.”
- Get a Grip. Wear footwear appropriate for conditions. Avoid footwear with slick (no-tread) soles when walking on wet surfaces, snow or ice.
- Just a Little Patience. School bus drivers are very well trained on driving in inclement weather; however, snow and icy roads can slow down even the most experienced driver. Safety is each driver’s top priority and extra time may be needed to get from stop to stop.
- The Last Step. The seemingly simple task of getting on and off the bus can be taken for granted. Always use the handrails!
- Pay Attention to Weather Alerts and School Messages. As hectic as mornings can be, parents should be aware of weather alerts and school cancellations or delays. Bad weather also can lead to early dismissals or a change in bus routes. Make sure your school has your contact information to receive late-breaking alerts, and be sure to check your school website or local media when inclement weather is expected.
2023-2024 School Attendance Information
School attendance is directly related to success in academic work, benefits students socially, provides opportunity for important communications between teachers and students, and establishes regular habits of dependability important to the future of the student.
Examples of EXCUSED Absences
Illness (ex. strep throat, fever)
Please note: After 10 or more days of excused illness absences, students will be required to present a provider note for ongoing absences
Medical, dental or orthodontic treatment or counseling appointment
Physical emergency condition such as a fire or floor
Family Emergencies
Religious Holidays
Death or Funeral of immediate family member or close friend
Examples of UNEXCUSED Absences
Overslept / Alarm Failure
Missed the bus / Car trouble
Staying home to babysit
Needed at home
Shopping / Errands
Please contact our school social worker with any questions!
Cait Ostman, MSW, LICSW
Phone: 763.502.5310
Email: caitlin.ostman@fridley.k12.mn.us
Text: 612.424.0478
Campus Parent Portal
Nutritional Services Updates and Changes
Thank you to everyone who has eaten meals with us. We look forward to seeing our students in the lunch line daily. We continue to provide some different meal entrees including Asian Noodle Bowls, Beef Sambusa, Chipotle Style Burrito Bowl, and School Made Mac & Cheese. All students must take at least ½ cup fruit or vegetable with their meal. Did you also know that you can come an eat school lunch with your student? The cost is $5.00 and includes the lunch entree, milk, fruits and vegetables. This is a great value, and you can taste what we are serving our customers. Reminder that students cannot just have a free milk if they are bringing a cold lunch from home, all students must take a reimbursable meal so if your student wants just a milk, we will also have them take fruits and vegetables along with the milk.
In January we will be providing some new fruits and vegetables for students to try as part of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable program (snack served in the classroom). On January 11 we will be serving papaya, January 18th star fruit and on January 31 Romanesco. Please ask your children about these items and what they tasted like.
If you have any questions or menu questions, please contact Renee Arbogast RD SNS at 763-502-5022. Thank you,
Nutritional Services
R.L. Stevenson Elementary
Email: Veronica.mathison@fridley.k12.mn.us
Website: https://sites.google.com/isd14.org/stevensone-learning/home
Location: 6080 East River Road, Fridley, MN, USA
Phone: 7635025300