TSGA Newsletter
September 2023
TSGA School Hours 8:05-3:05pm
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Dates to Remember
Sep. 4: Labor Day; No School
Sep. 18: Professional Learning Day; No School
Sep. 29 Picture Day
Night Event Options for 2023-24:
Oct. 26 Fall Family Event 5-8pm
Apr. 18 Bulldog Bash 5-8pm
From The Principal's Office
We are now in our second month of the school year, which means we are almost at the halfway point of the 1st quarter. Your child's homeroom teacher will be emailing progress reports on Friday, September 15. You will receive an Infinite Campus email/text on Tuesday, September 19. This is just a reminder to check your email for the 1st quarter progress reports. You can always check your child's grades in Schoology.
On Friday, September 29 all teachers will email the parents of any student in their class who are receiving a D/F. This email is meant to give you notice that your child has two weeks before the end of the 1st quarter to complete any missing work, which can often be the cause of a low grade. If you ever have any questions about grades, always feel free to reach out to your child's classroom teacher.
When TSGA sends out message in Infinite Campus we always try to send out information in an email and text format. We try to avoid the voice feature, which calls the number we have listed for your child. I accidentally forgot to turn that function off when I sent my last newsletter. My apologies for that mistake as I do not anticipate using that function in the future. If you do happen to miss a call from the school, you can always check your email to see if a messenger was sent via email. My bi-weekly newsletter will always have the same email heading, just a different date.
Below you will find information about:
- BIST Parent Series
- TSGA Papa John's Night
- Turner Honor Choir
I will send out two newsletters each month. At the beginning of the year there is a lot of information to share and many links that are included in the newsletter. We want to share as much information as possible so you as a parent feel comfortable as you send you child to TSGA to for their 6th grade year. There will be some information that will be included in every newsletter. I will always try to add new information to the top of the newsletter. If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to call TSGA. Our office number is 288-3800.
Matthew Kennedy
Principal, Turner Sixth Grade Academy
Frozen Fridays: Your child can bring a $1 to purchase ice cream bars every Friday at lunch.
Schoology is our district's learning management system. Your child will use this daily at TSGA. When logged is as a parent you can view information about your child's grades and can communicate with their teachers. I encourage you to download the app, if you have not already done so, in preparation for the upcoming school year. Use the link below to log-in to your Schoology account.
Turner Sixth Grade Academy and the Turner Middle School have a joint PTA. Our PTA does many wonderful things for our 6th graders. We have an amazing PTA board. Lynette Droge and Chandra Ward are our PTA co-presidents. Please consider joining our PTA so that they can continue to support and provide for our students. Some of the things that the PTA has done over the years include:
- Organizing our World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser.
- Supporting our TSGA Kickball Tournament by providing funds so we can purchase kickball shirts.
- Supported school events (dances, celebrations, etc.) by donating food, water and other supplies.
I am including a flyer and QR code that you can use to join. You can just scan the code and select the "Membership Only" or "Membership & Spirit Wear Bundle" option. If you order spirit wear it will be delivered to TSGA and sent home with your child.
Role of the Student
Turner Sixth Grade Academy is a place of learning. The primary mission and purpose of our school is to help students learn and prepare for a successful and productive future. It is our goal to create the best possible academic environment for students and teachers at Turner Sixth Grade Academy. Important characteristics needed by students include the desire and willingness to prepare for a successful and productive life.
Responsibilities of the student are:
- Attend class regularly and report to class on time.
- Bring appropriate learning materials to class: charged iPad, pencils, planner and string bag. • Build partnerships with others (teachers and peers).
- Make challenging academic choices.
- Learn about interests and strengths and how they create pathways to college and career goals.
- Prepare for and participate in the learning environment.
- Self-monitor and model digital citizenship to protect learning time and minimize distractions.
- Work positively and productively with peers, teachers, administrators, and parents to achieve your goals.
Breakfast and Lunch
We will have breakfast available for students. When students arrive in the morning they may walk down to the cafeteria to grab breakfast. They will then walk back to their homeroom and may eat in there.
We have three lunch periods each day. Students may choose to eat a school lunch or bring one from home. At school they will have three lunch options to choose from. They make their selection at the beginning of the day in homeroom. They receive a milk, main entrée and get to choose the sides (fruits or vegetables) from a buffet. They must choose at least one fruit or vegetable. If they choose to bring a lunch from home they should only bring what they need to eat. For example, they do not need to a large bag of chips to lunch and share with with their table.
Visit the TUSD Food Services website using the below link for:
- Breakfast and lunch menu
- Meal prices
- Free and reduced lunch application
Back-to-School Acknowledgement Forms
To do this you will need to:
1. Log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and click on "Online Registration".
2. Enter and/or review the information on file for your child.
3. Sign-off of the Parent Acknowledgements. Read and sign any form under "Needs Attention". Only one parent needs to sign off. It should say "Signed and Pending" once you have completed it.
Student Behavior and Discipline
BIST is our behavior management system that we use to protect the learning environment when students are being hurtful or disruptive. When a student is hurtful or disruptive, the adult will calmly but assertively direct the student to move on the BIST continuum. This movement provides students with the opportunity to calm down and refocus so they can return to their regular seat and/or classroom. The continuum begins with the Safe Seat, which is a separate seat within the classroom. If the student continues to be hurtful or disruptive in the Safe Seat, the adult will calmly but assertively direct the student to move to the Buddy Room. The Buddy Room provides students with a separate seat in a new setting outside of their normal classroom. If the student continues to be hurtful or disruptive in the Buddy Room, the adult will calmly but assertively direct the student to move to The Learning Lab. As the student processes with the sending adult, they will move back through the continuum.
Student Code of Conduct
If a student receives a behavior referral, then I will address the behavior. In the District Handbook 23-24 you can find the "Turner Discipline Offenses and Consequences". This will show you how offenses are classified and what the possible consequences could be. You can use the "District Handbook 23-24" link in this newsletter to find and view that document.
iPad Fee and Information
Some tips to help with iPad care:
- Charge every night
- Keep in a safe place (not on the floor at home or school)
- Bring to school each day
- Store safely in a backpack at school (when not in use)
I know that these sound like simple tips, but we experience numerous broken iPads at school and at home. Talk to your child about proper care and storage of the device so that we can avoid this issue.
Transportation Ride 360 & Bus Cards
Traversa App
All TUSD buses are now equipped with technology that allows parents to track their student’s bus and receive notifications about the bus location. Students will have swipe cards that they use when they get on or off of the their bus. This will allow parents to see track the bus ride. Students will need to keep this swipe card in a safe place. They receive one free lost card per year. If they need a third card, they will be charged $5.
If you have any questions or need assistance getting your student(s) linked in the Ride 360 app, please call us at 913-288-3700. We encourage you to watch the below videos to learn more about how to download the Ride 360 app as well as the many features you will find in the app, including phone notifications for when the bus is nearing your stop.
Features of the Ride 360 App: https://youtu.be/tXlMRen-snQ
Downloading and Linking Students to the Ride 360 App: https://youtu.be/Estz9DOdDi4
Bus Cards
Student should have bus cards and lanyards . Students will swipe their card when they get on the bus. This will allow parents to use the Traversa app to track their child's bus ride.
Remind your child to keep this bus card in a safe place. If a student loses their card, they do receive one free card. If they lose it a second time they are charged $5. If a student loses their card, please let our office staff know. There is additional information about the Traversa app in this newsletter.
Arrival and Dismissal
Car riders can be dropped off starting at 7:40am in the front circle drive. We have two lanes. Your student will enter the building through the double doors. If you arrive after 8am your child will have to enter through the main office doors. They will have to press the buzzer to the right of the door to be let in.
Car Rider Dismissal
Car rider will go to our gym/cafeteria at 3:05pm. Once you pull up in the front drive a staff member will ask you who your child is, call for them and then they will come out. After the first couple of weeks our staff members will recognize you and may not have to ask who you are picking up.
Bus Arrival
Buses will be unloaded as they arrive at TSGA. A staff member will walk them from the bus into they building. Upon entering they will go straight to their homeroom.
Bus Dismissal
We load all busses at 3:05pm.
Bus Expectations
Bus Expectations
Transportation is provided by the district at no cost. This is a privilege that most other districts are not able to provide. Our goal is for bus drivers to safely get our students to and from school. This job becomes difficult when students do not follow the expectations on the bus. In an effort to help minimize or eliminate behaviors on the bus I will be addressing behaviors according to our district's code of conduct for students using district provided transportation.
While on the bus students are expected to:
- Stay seated
- Talk quietly
- Keep hands and feet to themselves
- Not throw anything
Excerpt from the Transportation of the TUSD Handbook:
"Bus drivers are the school authority on bus routes. Students are always to obey their driver. Violation of bus rules will result in the bus consequences indicated below and additional school consequences as indicated in this handbook’s Code of Conduct. Administrators have the authority to use discretion when enforcing bus consequences. All administrators also have the responsibility to impose an appropriate level of consequence for clear and blatant violations of the bus rules and TUSD Code of Conduct. This would include applying a higher level of consequence for serious violations of the code, even if it would be the student’s first offense.
- 1st referral: Warning
- 2nd referral: Loss of bus privilege for 1-3 days
- 3rd Referral: Loss of bus privilege for 3-5 days
- 4th Referral: Loss of bus privileges for a term to be determined by an administrator
It is important to have your child attend TSGA every day. Classes start at 8:05am. After 8:05am a student will be counted tardy. All students get 10 excused absences. If your child is out for a medical purpose, you can share the doctor's note with our office staff and they will enter this as a medical absence. If your child is absent for any reason, please call the school at 913-288-3800. Our office staff will get this marked in our attendance system.
Nurse Information
Debbie Pittman is our school nurse. She will be the one who takes care of your child's health needs at TSGA. She is a great resource if your child:
- has a health condition that needs attention at school
- becomes sick or ill
- needs hygiene supplies
Any student with a temperature of 100 degrees, or higher, will have to go home. If a student goes home with a temperature they cannot return until they are fever free for 24 hours without medication. If this occurs parents will be notified and have to pick them up immediately. You will not need to come into the office, just call 913-288-3800 and we will bring them out to you.
It is important that you have an updated phone number and email address so that we can contact you if this occurs. You can check and update this in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. If you have issues access your Parent Portal account please use the following email address for assistance: ParentPortalHelp@turnerusd202.org
TSGA Contact Information
Email: kennedym@turnerusd202.org
Website: https://www.turnerusd202.org/our-schools/turner-sixth-grade-academy
Location: 6425 Riverview Avenue, Kansas City, KS
Phone: 913-288-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/turner6thgrade/
Twitter: @TSGABulldogs