Mr. Brown's Weekly Newsletter
Issue 19 January 7, 2024
Jan 10-Girls and Boys Basketball Games (girls home, boys away at Baker)
Jan 10- Incoming 6th Grade Parent Meeting (via Zoom)
Jan 10-11- MAP Testing (during school hours)
Jan 11- SGA Meeting
Bad weather is on its way (maybe). Want to get notified when schools are closed, on a delay or dismissing early???? Sign up for AlertMCPS.
School notifications will come directly to your phone! Don't delay. Sign up is easy!
Click on the link below and get started!
RCMS Registration is Under Way!
Incoming 6th graders (current 5th graders), registration begins January 11th! Please use the link above to view the flyer for our parent meeting.
The Parent Meeting is January 10th at 7:00 via Zoom. Zoom link is provided below:
Next year's high school students, our current 8th graders, will begin registration January 31st at our high school fair in which our local and regional high school counselors will come to RCMS to meet with 8th graders and explain the process.
Please contact counseling with any questions.
This month, the counseling department is celebrating World Religions through our monthly cultural fairs. Students will learn about religions across the globe and better understanding and appreciate each other through this learning. The experience culminates in the creation of our unity tree of peace. Happy January!
Welcome back, RCMS families! We hope you had a wonderful winter break.
There will be no PTSA meeting this month; our next meeting will be on Tuesday Feb 13 at 7 pm in the Media Center.
SSL Opportunity! On MLK Day of Service, students can earn up to 2 SSL hours by participating in a community program reflecting on the community and life of Dr. King. More info and sign ups can be found at Uniting Through Art: MLK Day CommUNITY Montage | Montgomery County Volunteer Center
Thank you,
Heather, Kisha, Rebecca and Christine
Just a reminder...
If you would like to join the PTSA, please go to the website below and join!
We'd love to have you as a member!
Food resources in Germantown / Recursos alimentarios en Germantown
Germantown Help – Call 301-482-1320 for assistance. Llame al 301-482-1320 para obtener ayuda.
Upcounty Hub – Check the distribution calendar linked here for food pick up opportunities. They have distributions 3 times a week in the Gaithersburg/Germantown area.
Consulte el calendario de distribución vinculado aquí para conocer las oportunidades de recogida de alimentos. Tienen distribuciones 3 veces por semana en el área de Gaithersburg/Germantown.
Manna Food –Call 301-424-1130 to get on the list. Once approved, you can pick up food on Thursdays from 2pm – 5pm at the Salvation Army parking lot on 20021 Aircraft Dr.
Llame al 301-424-1130 para inscribirse en la lista. Una vez aprobado, puede recoger comida los jueves de 2 p. m. a 5 p. m. en el estacionamiento del Salvation Army en 20021 Aircraft Dr.
New Covenant Fellowship Church – This is the church across the street from Roberto Clemente MS. Food distribution is the first and third Saturday of the month. You can find their calendar here.
Esta es la iglesia al cruzar de la Roberto Clemente Middle School. La distribución de alimentos es el primer y tercer sábado del mes. Puedes encontrar su calendario aquí.
Are you looking for things to do with your kids the days that school is closed? Please see the attached flyers (click on the links below) for events with the Boys and Girls Club and the Montgomery County Recreation Department.
¿Están buscando cosas que hacer con sus hijos los días que la escuela está cerrada? Consulte los folletos adjuntos para eventos con el Boys and Girls Club y el Departamento de Recreación del Condado de Montgomery. Haga click en los link que se encuentran abajo.
Roberto Clemente Middle School has a Best Buddies Friendship Program and we hope that your child is able to join our efforts in making our school a more inclusive place. For those of you who are unfamiliar, Best Buddies is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
One-to-one friendships will be established between students with and without disabilities and if your child decides to participate, it is expected that they commit to that friendship for the entirety of the school year. By forming and supporting one-to-one friendships, RCMS Best Buddies is helping to create a place of belonging, comfort, and fun for students with and without IDD. By matching students with disabilities with their peers, the Best Buddies program strives to eliminate social isolation and provide engaging and integrated events and activities with the leadership of teachers and students.
To become a buddy, your child will need to submit a membership application that comes with a section for parent consent. Go online to https://forms.bestbuddies.org/4895599 and complete your application.
For more information please contact Jannine Miller at jannine_t_miller@mcpsmd.org or Counselor Nicki Walter at nicole_walter@mcpsmd.org
SGA Announcements:
Want to have a voice in school activities? Join the SGA! SGA meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 3:15-4:15 in the Media Center. All are welcome to join.
Upcoming Meetings:
January 11
January 25
Papa John's Fundraiser Cards for sale! Cards are $15 and can be used for all of 2024 to get Buy One Get One Free pizza. Cards work for pick up only (not delivery) and work at all DC area Papa John's stores. (List of store here)
MAP Testing for ALL Students will be on Wednesday, January 10th and Thursday, January11th!
**Please help students arrive on time (8:15 am) to school on testing days.
**Students will need their CHARGED DEVICE (Chromebook)on both days.
January 10th MAP-R (Reading)
8:20 - 10:20 Testing
10:25 - 10:50 Choice Wellness
10:55 - 11:30 Period 2
11:35 - 12:05 Period 4
12:10 - 12:40 Period 5
12:45 - 1:15 Period 6
1:20 - 1:50 Period 3
1:55 - 2:25 Period 7
2:30 - 3:00 Period 8
January 11th MAP-M (Math)
8:20 - 10:20 Testing
10:25 - 10:50 Choice Wellness
10:55 - 11:30 Period 1
11:35 - 12:05 Period 4
12:10 - 12:40 Period 5
12:45 - 1:15 Period 6
1:20 - 1:50 Period 2
1:55 - 2:25 Period 3
2:30 - 3:00 Period 7
We are excited to host our first Girl's Basketball Game of the season vs. Baker Middle School. The game will be from 3:20-4:40 on Wednesday, January 10th. Parents and Students are welcome to come and cheer our team to victory.
Students...if you plan on staying for the game, please have a ride home promptly at 4:40. Students that stay for the game will conduct themselves according to the RCMS Community Agreements. Anyone not following MCPS policies and the RCMS Community Agreements will be asked to leave.
Tuesday – Boys and Girls Practice (3-5:15)
Wednesday – Girls Home Game vs. Baker / Boys Away Game at Baker
Thursday – Boys and Girls Practice (3-5:15)
Order your 2024 Yearbook before the price increases!
Click on the link below to place your order!
Click on the link below to find out more information about January 2024 SSL opportunities.
Passport Through China - Grade 6 in-school field trip
On Friday, February 2nd, ALL 6th grade students will participate in an in-school field trip, Passport Through China. This day of interdisciplinary exploration is designed to connect the learning that has occurred in different subject areas while celebrating different aspects of Chinese culture. The cost for this event is $10, which covers a performance, buffet lunch and materials associated with the day. This payment can be made online using the School Cash online payment system. While all 6th grade students will participate in this day, a permission slip is required in order for students to eat the buffet lunch. This will be distributed to students through their World Studies/Global Humanities teacher on Monday, January 8th. Permission slips are requested back by Friday, January 19th and can be given to Ms. Courtemanche or Ms. Gall. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Middle Years Programme Coordinator, Liz Gall at Elizabeth_K_Gall@mcpsmd.org
Permission Slips
Here’s how you can help!
There are several ways we would love your help to make this day the very best!
- Sign up to help serve our buffet lunch
- Pick up the buffet lunch at noon (in Gaithersburg) and deliver to RCMS
- Donate some snacks for students to sample! Due to our schedule students will eat a later lunch than usual and we would like to provide them with a snack item that may be popular in China. Possible ideas are included in the link below.
Sign Up Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4FAAAB2DA2FC1-47067302-passport
Hello families,
We are in the home stretch for 8th grade! This is very exciting, and we have a lot going on!
T Shirts-Thank you to all of the students who entered into our Design Contest for our 8th grade T Shirts. The designs were amazing, and it was a close call! We would like to congratulate Sophia Li for the winning design! We will be opening an online store in the New Year. The cost for the shirts will be $20. Please see the slide for details. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hjAGlReb1P-O7yEqK24ECFKoBgjmucHrT4bVen0Lxmo/edit?usp=sharing
Jersey Mike’s fundraiser will be on January 19, 2024. Please see the following link for details. All proceeds will go towards our End of the Year celebration in June!
High school information:
Some of our high schools have their Rising 9th grade student nights set up already. Please see our newsletter for more information.
Tentatively, we are having our High School Fair (the day we start registration) for students on January 31, 2024. Students will register for their HOME high school even if they are waiting on a program they applied for.
Northwest bound students! You have been given a permission slip to visit Northwest’s Ulysses Fair on January 12, 2024. It is a first come first serve field trip and the cost is FREE. Please turn forms into Ms. Blades ASAP. The cut off is January 8, 2024.
Ulysses Signature Program Class of 2028 at Northwest HS:
The application for the Ulysses Signature Program Class of 2028 at Northwest High School is now open! Interested 8th graders who live in the Northwest cluster are eligible to apply. The application can be found on the Northwest website, under the Quick Links menu option for “Ulysses Signature Program.” You can also find the application linked here along with more information about the program. The deadline for submitting applications is February 16th, 2024. If you have any questions about the application process or the Ulysses Program, please contact Mr. David Parks david_p_parks@mcpsmd.org."
Seneca Valley:
Did you know that Seneca Valley High School offers 8 different options for theatre classes? From Theatre 1 to IB Theatre, Stage Design to Advanced Acting, there's something for every level and every interest! Incoming 9th grade students should start their journey with Theatre 1! Check out our flyer at https://bit.ly/SVHSTheatreClasses or email Joanna_c_Fellows@mcpsmd.org for more information.
End of the year Dates:
June 4, 2024-Smokey Glen Field trip
- This is a field trip to Smokey Glen Farms. Permission slips will be going out in April and payment plans will be an option.
- Food will be served there. It is burgers and hotdogs style. If you have food allergies or restrictions, please let Ms. Blades or Ms. Presley know on the permission slip.
June 5, 2024-Semi Formal Dance
- Will be after school ONLY! This will be from 5-8pm at Roberto Clemente.
- This is ONLY for 8th grade students who attend Roberto Clemente.
- Permission slip and funds will be handed out at the end of May.
June 6, 2024-End of the Year Celebration
- This will be at Roberto Clemente.
- We provide games and activities for families. All are welcome!
- Food trucks will be present for purchase as well.
Information for the Year:
The team leaders also keep a running newsletter for events for 8th grade students. This document is a running document as new things arise; they are added to the document. Currently, we are adding information for our High School rising 9th grade informational nights.
Thank you very much! We are going to have an amazing year!
Hola familias,
¡Estamos en la recta final para el octavo grado! ¡Esto es muy emocionante y tenemos muchas cosas que hacer!
Camisetas: gracias a todos los estudiantes que participaron en nuestro concurso de diseño para nuestras camisetas de octavo grado. ¡Los diseños fueron increíbles y estuvo cerca! ¡Nos gustaría felicitar a Sophia Li por el diseño ganador! Abriremos una tienda en línea en el Año Nuevo. El costo de las camisetas será de $20. Consulte la diapositiva para obtener más detalles.https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hjAGlReb1P-O7yEqK24ECFKoBgjmucHrT4bVen0Lxmo/edit?usp=sharing
Recaudación de fondos
La recaudación de fondos de Jersey Mike será el 19 de enero de 2024. Consulte el siguiente enlace para obtener más detalles. ¡Todos los ingresos se destinarán a nuestra celebración de fin de año en junio!
Información de la escuela secundaria:
Algunas de nuestras escuelas secundarias ya tienen organizadas sus noches para estudiantes de 9º grado. Consulte nuestro boletín para obtener más información.
Tentativamente, tendremos nuestra Feria de Escuelas Secundarias (el día en que comenzamos la inscripción) para estudiantes el 31 de enero de 2024. Los estudiantes se registrarán en su escuela secundaria HOME incluso si están esperando un programa al que solicitaron.
¡Estudiantes en dirección noroeste! Se le ha otorgado un permiso para visitar la Feria Ulysses de Northwest el 12 de enero de 2024. Es una excursión por orden de llegada y el costo es GRATUITO. Por favor entregue los formularios a la Sra. Blades lo antes posible. La fecha límite es el 8 de enero de 2024.
Clase del 2028 del programa Ulysses Signature en Northwest HS:
¡La solicitud para la Clase 2028 del Programa Ulysses Signature en Northwest High School ya está abierta! Los estudiantes de octavo grado interesados que viven en el grupo Noroeste son elegibles para postularse. La solicitud se puede encontrar en el sitio web de Northwest, en la opción de menú Enlaces rápidos para "Ulysses Signature Program". También puede encontrar la aplicación vinculada aquí junto con más información sobre el programa. La fecha límite para enviar solicitudes es el 16 de febrero de 2024. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el proceso de solicitud o el Programa Ulysses, comuníquese con el Sr. David Parks david_p_parks@mcpsmd.org".
Fechas de fin de año:
4 de junio de 2024: excursión a Smokey Glen
- Esta es una excursión a Smokey Glen Farms. Las hojas de permiso se enviarán en abril y los planes de pago serán una opción.
- Allí se servirá comida. Es estilo hamburguesas y hot dogs. Si tiene alergias o restricciones alimentarias, infórmeselo a la Sra. Blades o a la Sra. Presley en el formulario de permiso.
5 de junio de 2024-Baile semiformal
- ¡Será SÓLO después de clases! Esto será de 5 a 8 p.m. en Roberto Clemente.
- Esto es SÓLO para estudiantes de 8vo grado que asisten a Roberto Clemente.
- El formulario de permiso y los fondos se entregarán a finales de mayo.
6 de junio de 2024-Celebración de fin de año
- Esto será en Roberto Clemente.
- Ofrecemos juegos y actividades para familias. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!
- También habrá camiones de comida presentes para la compra.
Información del año:
Los líderes del equipo también mantienen un boletín informativo sobre eventos para estudiantes de octavo grado. Este documento es un documento continuo a medida que surgen cosas nuevas; se agregan al documento. Actualmente, estamos agregando información para nuestras noches informativas para estudiantes de 9º grado de secundaria.
¡Muchas gracias! ¡Vamos a tener un año increíble!