Hudson Jaguars 2023-2024
Impacting the world one student at a time.
Fantastic Fall
It finally feels like fall and we are enjoying the beautiful weather on the playground. Students have done an amazing job working and learning in their classrooms. On October 2nd, we celebrate Custodian Appreciation Day. We are so grateful for everything Mr. Steve and Mr. Tommy do to keep our school clean and safe.
On Tuesday, October 31, students will have a Halloween Party and Parade. The parade will be held at 1:30 with the room parties immediately following. The parade will be held outside weather permitting. Please be sure your child's costume is appropriate for school. No weapons or scary masks, please.
The ZONES of Regulation
This fall students have been learning about the Zones of Regulation. Now that students know what feelings belong in each of the four zones, they are learning coping skills, or tools, to help them regulate their emotions. While it is appropriate for students to be in the red or yellow zone during the less structured times of lunch and recess the green zone is the best for learning in the classroom. The Feelings Thermometer gives students ideas to regulate their emotions throughout the day. Throughout October, teachers will be introducing students to the tools they can use to help them be successful at school.
Donations Needed
The school office is currently accepting donations for new or gently used clothing. These items will be used when students have an accident at school and need to change clothes. Please send the following items if possible:
- Boys and girls socks
- Girls pants sizes 4-5, 6-7, and 8 (leggings preferred)
- Boys pants sizes 4-5, 6-7, and 8 (sweatpants preferred)
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
Important Dates
PTO Meeting
Tuesday, Oct 3, 2023, 06:00 PM
Indingenous Peoples Day - No school
Monday, Oct 9, 2023, 07:45 AM
Picture Retake Day
Wednesday, Oct 18, 2023, 07:45 AM
Early Release Day - Students will be dismissed at 10:45
Students who have reserved a "Grab and Go" lunch will be given a sack lunch before they leave school at 10:45.