District November Newsletter
November 10, 2023
This year is flying by! We are already in our second quarter, and we are only 14 days away from Thanksgiving! We are grateful to all our students and staff for a stellar first grading period.
Making Memories in Washington, DC
Thank you so much to KHS Social Studies Teacher Scott Schuster for coordinating another awesome Washington, DC trip for our sophomores! There were many stops on the trip, including the White House, Capital Building, Supreme Court, Arlington National Cemetery, and the MLK, FDR, Vietnam, Korean, WWII, and Lincoln Memorials. Students also visited the Holocaust, Smithsonian, and Marine Corps Museum in addition to attending a play at the Kennedy Performing Arts Center and traveling to Mount Vernon. Special thanks again to Scott Schuster and chaperones Shannon Heffernan, Tracy Abfall, Michelle Compton, and Bruce Broad.
Celebrating Our Nation's Veterans
In honor of Veteran's Day, fifth graders hosted the annual Veteran's Day performance. During the performance, Mrs. Paulchell's fifth graders performed numerous songs, including the Star Spangled Banner, America the Beautiful, and more. United States Air Force Veteran Sergeant Timothy Gress also spoke at the assembly. We cannot express our gratitude for all those who have served and who presently are serving with United States Armed Forces.
Congratulations Michael Gale!
Congratulations to Michael Gale for placing 14th in the State Cross Country Championship. He is the first male cross country runner to earn all Ohio honors from Keystone. KHS is very proud of his performance!
So Many Ways to Get Involved!
KMS Stem Club starts soon! Engage in fun experiments and learn about engineering, computer science, coding, and more! Click on the image to register by Nov 15 and join this amazing club at KMS!
Attention Skiers and Snowboarders!
Registration for Slope Days is in progress now through Dec 10! Register early to secure your student's place in the program. The fun will begin Friday evenings at Boston Mills/Brandywine from 4:30-9:30, beginning Jan 12.
Each student will receive
- A lift ticket and rental equipment for each day of the program
- An hour-long lesson at a discounted rate, beginning at 5pm.
- Time to ski/snowboard and enjoy the resort until departure
Additional Details
- Self transportation is required.
- This is a 5-week program.
- Additional forms, including waivers, must be submitted by Dec 10.
- Contact Ashley Miller at Keystone Elementary at ashley.miller@keystoneschools.org with questions.
KMS Cross Country Success!
This season the middle school boys cross country team won the conference championship for the first time since 2018! Show your Keystone pride by ordering cross country gear @ https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/CATSCC2. Be sure to order your items by Nov 15!
ADHD Parent Information Night
Plan to join Special Education Director Nikki Campbell on November 15 at 7pm in the KMS cafeteria to attain skills, tips, and strategies for children/students with ADHD.
Congratulations Coach Morgan!
For the fourth time in five years, Coach Greg Morgan, who recently retired, has earned the title of the 2023 LC-8 Coach of the Year! We so much appreciate the time and dedication Coach Morgan (pictured far left) continues to have for our District! Both of Morgan's sons play golf at the collegiate level at Otterbein University.
What Is Bullying?
Keystone recently held a parent information session, titled, "Bullying: What It Is, What It Isn't, and What to Do About It." If you were unable to attend the presentation, please use the link below to access the material presented in this parent session: Bullying Presentation.
Upcoming Events
November 15: ADHD Parent Information Night
November 16: KES Conferences
November 17: NHS Inductions
November 22: Thanksgiving Break Begins