Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy
Digital Newsletter
March 2021
Dear Families,
Happy March. March is such an exciting time of the year. Spring is almost here and we can’t wait to see the flowers begin to bloom. Spring brings about new life, new opportunities and new learning.
We are thrilled to announce two new hires:
- Mrs. Alexander is our new Recess and Special Ed Para
- Mrs. Norris is our new Preschool Para
Please be sure to read various announcements below to ensure you understand our protocols:
School Hours
- Students should arrive on campus between 8:50am-8:55am to ensure they are on time for class. Students arriving at 9:00am or after 9:00am are marked tardy.
- Please be sure your child is not tardy by having him or her at school before class begins at 9:00am.
- Parents picking their child up from school should arrive by 2:20pm as students who are a “parent pick-up” are released from class at 2:20pm.
Visitors and Volunteers
We are not able to allow any visitors or volunteers this year.
Parents are not authorized to enter the building this school year.
Please message us through email if you need assistance and feel free to call our main office in place of entering the building to make inquiries.
Contact Information
Building Secretary: Rachel Hehemann
Building Secretary Email: r.hehemann@eatonvilleschools.org
Building Secretary Phone Number: 360-569-2567
Changes to Daily Transportation
Parents need to submit changes to their child’s transportation by 1:00p.m.
Please alert our main office of these changes by leaving a voicemail at 360-569-2567 or emailing our secretary at r.hehemann@eatonvilleschools.org or through Facebook messenger.
Paper notes are no longer accepted.
Tardy Policy
If a parent is dropping their child off late (9:00am or anytime after), the office will need to be called from the parking lot. Parents will not come into the building to sign their child in for the day. Students who are late to school will need to come through the front door of the schools and stop at the office to check in. Parents should stay in their vehicle and watch their child until they have entered the school.
Parent Drop Off & Pick Up
Parents who transport their child(ren) will need to remain in their vehicle when they drop them off in the morning. Parents who are picking their child up at dismissal need to park their vehicle in the parking lot. The parent will stand in front of their vehicle and wait for a staff member to walk the child to the vehicle. Parents may not congregate outside the front entry or come inside the lobby to wait for their child.
Preschool Parents
Please drive your vehicle closer to the Kindergarten portable when dropping off and picking up your preschool child. The Preschool teachers look out the window from their classroom to see if a parent has arrived. They are unable to see vehicles parked near the flagpole.
Allison Shew
Ms. Stewart's Retirement
As we celebrate reading we also celebrate the retirement of our very special reading para, Leslie Stewart. She is retiring after completing her career as paraprofessional for many years at Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy, Eatonville Middle School and Weyerhaeuser Elementary School. She will be missed as she is such a dedicated and caring person.
Snow in February
Middle School Group A Returned February 1st
Middle School Group B Returned February 4th
Education Support Professionals Week
Also known as "Classified Appreciation Week" the week of March 8th-12th is set aside by Governor Inslee in recognition of their work in our schools, and throughout the state. The special week is formally recognized as "Education Support Professionals Week".
Take a moment to thank our special staff members which include our secretary, paraprofessionals, janitor and cook.
Thank you, Classified Staff!
Mrs. Hehemann
Mrs. Hilliker
Mrs. Downs
Fall 2021 Kindergarten Enrollment
Fall 2021 Kindergarten registration begins on Monday, March 15th. Please make sure you have the necessary paperwork with you to complete the registration process.
When you register, please bring your student's:
📌Medically Verified Immunization Records
📌Birth Certificate
📌Proof of Residency
When you arrive in the parking lot, please call Mrs. Hehemann to alert her that you have arrived (360-569-2567). She will bring the enrollment folder to your vehicle.
NorthWest Trek Program
Chromebook Alert for 2nd-8th Grade
2nd-8th Grade Students and Parents,
Please ensure your charged chromebook comes to school each day of in-person learning. This is a critical supply needed at school, each day. We can not always provide a spare device or charger so it is very important to come prepared.
Counselor Corner
Free Covid Testing Locations
Friday, March 12th
Daylight Saving
St. Patrick's Day
First Day of Spring is Coming Soon
The first day of spring will occur on Saturday, March 20, 2021, at 8:37 a.m. PST for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, which is marked by the arrival of the Vernal (Spring) Equinox.
Food Service
Grab & Go Meal News
Mrs. Weichsler offers three bundles of breakfast and lunches every Wednesday at noon.
Pandemic EBT
- Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) is Back!
Get money for meals missed by students at school this school year.
There is no need to apply. Eligible families will get their benefits in the mail this March.
What do you need to do? It’s easy – just make sure your address is up to date with us! Call your student’s school if your mailing address in Skyward is incorrect.
- Pandemic EBT: Who is Eligible?
Did your child go to a K-12 school this school year that closed or had reduced hours due to the pandemic?
Is your child eligible for free or reduced-price school meals?
Then your child may be eligible for P-EBT this school year!
Has your family move in the past 2 years? Make sure your address is up to date! Check your Family Access Skyward account to make sure your address is up to date!- Have you heard about P-EBT?
Get money for meals missed by students at school this school year.
There is no need to apply. Eligible families will get their benefits in the mail this March.
What do you need to do? It’s easy – just make sure your address is up to date with us! DOES THE SCHOOL HAVE YOUR CORRECT ADDRESS?
District Calendars for Families
Contact Information
Principal: Mrs. Allison Shew
Secretary: Mrs. Rachel Hehemann
CCA Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Student Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Attendance Message Line: 360-569-2567
Transportation: Ride 360 app
Principal Shew
Email: a.shew@eatonvilleschools.org
Website: https://www.eatonville.wednet.edu
Location: 24503 State Route 706, Ashford, WA, USA
Phone: 360-569-2567
Facebook: facebook.com/eatonville.school.district/