Horace Mann/Roosevelt Elementary
February 2024
The mission of Horace Mann/Roosevelt Elementary School
School Improvement Goals
All students will demonstrate growth in the writing process.
All students will demonstrate growth in the math process.
Dear HMR Families:
Welcome to February!! Thank goodness an early Spring has been predicted. Our students are enjoying the outdoors a bit more this time of year with our mild winter temperatures. It is fun to see our students being creative with the games they play and the fresh air they need to keep growing and thriving as we enter our Spring Assessment Season. We will be celebrating Kindness this month and focusing on how our words and actions matter to others.
Mrs. Ostrom
Mrs. Shultis
School Wide Plan
Our Schoolwide plan is now on our website.
Early Out Day!
We have an early out day on Friday February 16th. Please be prepared to collect your students at the following times at the following campuses. Buses will pick up at dismissal if your student is a bus rider.
Roosevelt Dismissal: 12:37pm
Horace Mann Dismissal: 12:47pm
Parent Teacher Conferences:
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on:
Thursday February 29th from 3:00pm-7:00pm
Monday March 4th from 3:00pm – 7:00pm
We will be registering on PCTfast again this year. This web-based sign-up process will help parents and caregivers schedule conference times that work for you. There will be more information coming out to parents as we get closer to Conference time later this month.
PCTfast link: https://ptcfast.com/schools/Horace_Mann_Roosevelt
Here are some general hints on how to have a successful conference:
Ask your child if there is anything that he/she would like you to discuss with the teacher.
1. Jot down everything that you want to talk about at the conference.
2. Arrive promptly or a few minutes early.
3. Be open-minded to suggestions from the teacher.
4. Take notes about what has been discussed to share with your child.
5. Do not stay beyond your allotted time.
In the past, parents at HMR have had a 90% plus attendance rate at conferences. This is an impressive example of teamwork between parents and school in the educational process! We are excited to talk about the joy your child brings to HMR!!
Head Lice
HEAD LICE…..Never a topic we want to discuss, but something that we need to be informed about.
The Fargo Public Schools policy aligns with the recommendations of Fargo Cass Public Health regarding head lice (AP 4780): No Exclude from school until the end of the day the live lice were found and then the child must remain home until treated. Children should be treated for lice as soon as possible. Close contacts should be checked frequently for two weeks. Head-to-head contact with other children should be discouraged.
Due to the low risk of transmitting head lice at school and to maintain confidentiality, letters will NOT be sent to parents of classmates and classrooms will NOT be checked.
What do I Need to Know? Head Lice (Pediculosis Capitis)
What are head lice?
Head lice are small insects (less than 1/8 inch long). They range in color from red to brown, black, yellow-tan or gray-white. Head lice live on blood they draw from the scalp and lay tiny, gray/white eggs (known as nits) on a hair shaft near the scalp. The warmth from the scalp is needed for the eggs to hatch. Head lice are not known to spread disease.
Who is at risk for head lice?
Head lice infestations occur in all socioeconomic groups, are not an indication of poor hygiene, and can affect anyone.
What are the symptoms of head lice?
Most people who have head lice do not have symptoms at all. When symptoms do occur, the most common signs include itching of the skin on the scalp or neck where lice feed. Nits are glued to hair, commonly behind ears and at or near the nape of the neck. Scratching, especially behind and around ears and at the nape of the neck, may lead to open sores and a bacterial infection that also may cause swollen lymph nodes.
How soon do symptoms appear?
Symptoms appear when a live louse is present.
How are head lice spread?
Head lice are spread most commonly by direct contact with hair. Additionally, infested people can also spread head lice by sharing combs, brushes, hats, blankets, or sheets with others, but this is not very common. It can be spread only by live lice and not nits.
When and for how long is a person able to spread head lice?
Head lice will spread until they are treated with a chemical that kills lice and until the eggs have been killed or removed. Research has shown that removal of nits may not be necessary.
How is a person diagnosed?
Diagnosing head lice is done by identifying the presence of live lice or nits within 1/4 inch of the scalp. Identification of eggs and lice with the naked eye is possible; however, the use of a hand lens or microscope may help to confirm the identification.
What is the treatment?
Over-the-counter treatments and prescriptions that kill lice and most viable eggs are available. Follow the directions on the label. Re-treat nine days after initial treatment if not otherwise specified on the product label. Contact your health-care provider or local public health unit for more information.
Does past infection make a person immune?
No. A person who previously had head lice may get it again.
What can be done to prevent the spread of head lice?
Follow these steps to prevent the spread of head lice:
Avoid sharing headgear, coats, hats, hair ornaments, helmets, headphones, combs, brushes, towels, and bedding.
Combs and brushes should be washed in hot water (130 °) for 10 minutes.
Items that cannot be washed should be bagged and stored for two weeks.
Provide separate storage areas for clothing so that the personal articles of one person do not touch the personal articles of another.
When an infestation is found, check the hair and scalp of all household members and treat only those who have lice and those who share the same bed with the infested person.
Additional Information
For additional information about head lice, head lice removal, school exclusions, etc., contact the ND Department of Health, Division of Family Health at 800-472-2286.
American Academy of Pediatrics, [Pediculosis Capitis]. In: Pickering LK, ed. Red Book: 2009 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. 28th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2009: [495-497}
CDC - lice - head lice - parents. (2013, September 24). Retrieved August 5, 2022, from https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/head/parents.html
North Dakota Department of Health, (2012). Head Lice; A Lousy Problem. Division of Family Health. pp. 1-30.
Fargo Public Schools 2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for Fall 2024 opens online at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/registration on February 1. Your child must be age 5 by July 31, 2024 to attend school in the fall. Registration is a two-step process: STEP ONE: REGISTER ONLINE Complete online registration forms at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/registration.
For assistance, please contact your child’s school to schedule an appointment to complete in-person. STEP TWO: SUBMIT DOCUMENTATION Upload or bring the following documents to your child’s school by August 27 to finalize registration. • Child’s certified birth certificate • Child’s immunization record with 5-year shots • Document (i.e. current city utility bill and bank statement) that includes parent/guardian name and current address for verification If you do not know which school your child will attend, call 701.446.1043 or check online at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/boundarymaps. If you need help in PowerSchool (Fargo Public Schools online registration software), please call 701.446.1006
PTA Meeting
Our February PTA meeting will be on THURSDAY February 15th from 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Horace Mann Campus in the West Side Lunchroom. Topics to be discussed are: Grade Level Socials and talking through the steps we will take to review our HMR Mission and Vision Statement this Spring.
Winter Weather Preparation
Please provide outdoor clothing that will protect children from the winter elements. Children will go out for recess on a daily basis unless the temperature and/or wind chill hits -10 degrees.
I want to emphasize the fact that we will not allow a child to leave the school for early storm dismissal without having contact from a parent indicating that the child/ren have permission to either walk home or ride the bus. If you pick-up your child during an early storm release, we ask that you physically enter the building so we can confirm they have adult supervision.
Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day Classroom Events:
Each teacher may have some type of event for Valentine’s Day. Some classrooms may choose not to host an event. We give our classroom teachers a choice to participate or not. Please reach out to your classroom teacher if you have any questions. Also, check your See Saw or email to see if your child’s classroom is having some sort of Valentine’s Event.
If giving Valentine’s cards, each student in the class must get one. Classroom teachers will supply your student with a class list.
Treats are optional and welcome, depending on what the classroom teacher decides to do.
Please follow the classroom teacher’s instructions for the day. As they will plan best for their students.
After School Activities
Horace Mann Mondays:
2nd Graders Chess (please sign up in the office) 3:00-3:30p.
Roosevelt Mondays:
5th Grade Afterschool Gym 2:40-3:30
Roosevelt Tuesdays: (subject to change due to staff meetings)
3rd Grade Afterschool Gym 2:40-3:30
Roosevelt Thursdays:
4th Grade Afterschool Gym 2:40-3:30
Board Game Club 2:40-3:45 ( Feb 15,29, March 21, April 4, 18)
Dates to Remember!
February 1: Grade 2- Plains Art Muesum 8:45-11:15 am
Ben Franklin Concert 1:00-2:00pm
February 2: Grade 2- Plains Art Muesum 8:45-11:15am
February 8: 5th Grade MSUM Planetarium (Englund & Schroeder) 9:00-11:00am
February 9: 5th Grade MSUM Planetarium (Bergin & Jenkins) 9:00-11:00am
Spartan Spotlight- Roosevelt Gym -WEAR RED 1:00-2:00pm
February 13: Electrical Engineering Club- Roosevelt 2:40-3:45pm
February 15: Grade 1- Plains Art Muesum 11:10am- 1:40pm (Schauer & Wierschke)
PTA Meeting-Horace Mann West Side Lunchroom 6:30-7:30pm
February 16: Early Out Day (2 hours)- Roosevelt-12:37pm; Horace Mann 12:47pm
February 19: No School
February 20: 5th Grade Registration Information- Community Room 9:50-10:20am
February 21: Grade 1- Plains Art Muesum 11:10am- 1:40pm (Netland)
February 23: Zoomobile Grade 3 8:30-10:35am
5th Graders register for Ben Franklin in classes- 8:30-9:50am
February 26: Grade 2 Red Flag/Green Flag 10:15am - 2:15pm
February 27: Grade 4 Living Ag @ RRV Fairgrounds 9:00-10:30am
February 28: Grade 2 Red Flag/Green Flag 10:15am - 2:15pm
February 29: Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-7:00pm
Horace Mann/Roosevelt Elementary School
Jackie Shultis, Assistant Principal
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/HMR
Location: 1025 3rd Street North, Fargo; ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-4600 701-446-5300