Meet the Teacher + First Day Flagpole + Supply Lists + More
First Day of School is Only 2 Weeks Away!
Our teacher teams have been planning and preparing for another great year, full of social and academic opportunities to expand learning for our students. We can't wait to share our newly painted campus, our upgraded classroom technology and our newly created STEM lab with students and families! This is going to be the best year yet!
We hope that everyone is able to join us for our Twilight Tours: Meet the Teacher Night on July 27th (see below for details). We will also be hosting a First Day of School Flag Pole Assembly outside of the Gym. All families are welcome to come on campus with their student for the Welcome Back Assembly. Kindergarten parents are also invited to attend the Kindergarten "Tears and Cheers" parent breakfast in the media center after the assembly.
This year our fantastic PTO has created a calendar for a year full of family fun! They have new Desert Mountain spirit gear and will be on campus sharing information of how you can be involved with PTO. Please make sure to visit the PTO table during Twilight Tours and the Flagpole Assembly for more information.
Please be on the look out for an email from DVUSD with information about "registering" for the school year. This online process replaces the old "pink contact sheet" and we need all families to review and update contact information so that your family will receive all important phone and email communications this year.
Join us for Twilight Tours: Meet the Teacher Night July 27th from 5:30-6:30!
- July 27th: Twilight Tours: Meet the Teacher Night 5:30-6:30pm
- July 31st: First Day of School! Flagpole Assembly @ 8:15am outside the GYM
- July 31st: "Tears and Cheers" Kindergarten parent breakfast in Media Center
- Aug 4th: Friday Early Release @ 1:30pm
First Day Flagpole Assembly is a BIG EVENT!
As a reminder, gates open at 7:50am and school starts promptly at 8:15am.
Join The Desert Mountain School PTO!
We believe that together, we can make a positive impact on our children's school and education. We partner with the school and the administrative team to create school improvement goals, keeping our students as the #1 priority! We are hosting our first membership drive since COVID, and we need your support to make this year the most successful year yet!
Show your support for Desert Mountain School through your membership in our organization and the purchase of a Desert Mountain spirit shirt. There are two membership options, so you can find an option that works for your family. New Desert Mountain shirts will be on sale during Twilight Tours: Meet the Teacher Night and at the Flagpole Assembly. Please stop by our table for more information!
Desert Mountain School
Email: molly.gillett@dvusd.org
Website: www.dvusd.org/DesertMountain
Location: 35959 N. 7th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85086
Phone: (623)445-3500
Facebook: facebook.com/DesertMountainSchool
Twitter: @DMS_Blackhawks