Scott Family Newsletter
February 22, 2024
Amazing Scott Students
Woah! The specialist showcases have been absolutely amazing. Our students are sharing important parts of themselves through art and movement and it's a joy to see. Thank you to all of the families and friends who have been able to join us for the K/1 and 2/3 showcases. The 4/5 showcase is tomorrow at 10:00.
Our Very Special Specialists
All of the images above would not be possible if it weren't for our gifted specialist team. Our students benefit from intentional instruction in Library, Music, Art, PE and Dance from educators who specialize in these areas. Involvement in the arts can support the social and emotional learning needs of students, including teaching students how to manage their emotions and have compassion for others. When students engage in physical education, they can Increase their level of physical activity, improve their grades and are better able to stay on-task in the classroom. Movement and the arts provide alternate means of expression, honoring strengths that students have beyond academics. School librarians and school libraries support students in academic achievement, lifelong learning, 21st century skills, and reading. Thank you , specialists, for all of the support you provide our Scotties every day!
Ask your child(ren) the area of expertise of each person pictured below!
Self-Contained Classrooms Next Year
Over the last three years, Scott school has been departmentalized. This means that students have had one teacher for literacy (reading and writing) and a different teacher for math, science, social studies and health. Next year, in an effort to ensure that all K-3 teachers are strong teachers of reading, the district has decided that it will no longer support departmentalization in grades K-3. Our forecasted staffing for next year will not support departmentalization in grades 4 and 5. This means that all of our classrooms next year will be self-contained, meaning students will have one teacher throughout the day, apart from specials.
Fire Drill (Evacuate) Next Week
February's emergency drill is a fire drill. This will happen some time next week. We had a fire drill followed by a secure the perimeter drill last week because we had pushed it back from January due to our unexpected lockdown. That means we'll have a total of three drills in February.
Site Council Minutes
Scott's Site Council met at the beginning of the month to reflect on our Schoolwide Comprehensive Improvement Plan (SCIP). This slide deck includes the information that Site Council reviewed at the meeting, particularly our students' math and reading growth as measured by schoolwide screeners that are taken 2-3 times per year. Take a look!
Attendance Matters
It is cold season and we have been hearing many questions about when to send students to school. Luckily, here at Scott we have plenty of hand sanitizer and tissues to help with runny noses, sore throats, and coughs. We want your child here each and every day!
You only need to keep your child home if their symptoms include:
Fever higher than 100.5
Diarrhea (more than 2 loose stools in 24 hours OR sudden onset of loose stools)
New skin rash, sores, or wounds (not previously diagnosed by a health care provider)
Live lice infestation
Please help us keep our school healthy by encouraging your children to wash their hands frequently, cover their coughs, and avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth. If you have any questions, please call the main office.
Congratulations to Ms. Burke's class who has earned an attendance party!
Our attendance rate for the last week was 89%. We're so glad your child(ren) are coming to school!
School Counselor Corner: A Centimeter of a Centimeter
Greetings Scott Families!!!
My name is Ben Hildner; I speak fluent Spanish because I lived in Honduras as a Peace Corps volunteer from 2002 to 2005 and married into a Honduran family. My sons both went to Scott, and now attend Roseway Heights Middle School and McDaniel High School.
While sitting in the art classroom this past week, I overheard a conversation that really gave me pause. I’ll call it the “Centimeter of a Centimeter” conversation because that’s where it started. A student was trying to describe something as small. Another student argued that that wasn’t a thing - it is called a millimeter. I forcibly silenced my urge to correct that student, and I’m glad I did. I’m so proud of the student for taking the opportunity to step back and observe what had taken place. There was an opportunity to connect and be understood, and the opportunity was lost because of a detail. Sometimes, being understood is more important than being right. When there’s an opportunity to connect, I invite you to take it, and let the details or the “rightness” slide.
As we focus on our shared value of the month, “INCLUSION”, consider how we can change relationships by focusing on connection instead of correctness.
Scott Green Team!
THIS SUNDAY 2/25 is our first garden care day of 2024. We have lots to prepare in the school garden before we jump into Spring, and could use your support! Join us anytime between 9am-12pm to pitch in. We will be planting some new plants and seeds, weeding and spreading wood chips on the new trees and perennial gardens, and pruning the Aspen and Alder trees to increase air flow and light to the gardens. For all the “Guardists”, aka Garden Artists, we also have a few painting projects including making signs and painting the garden picnic table. Tools and snacks will be provided. Please dress for the weather, mud and paint. If you’d like, bring your own pruners and gloves since we have limited amounts for adult use. We hope to see you there!
Scott SUN School Announcements
March 5th Latino Parent Night 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
We are inviting our Latino(a) families to join us for a potluck dinner in community with other spanish speaking families. We will be focusing on the topic of Parent Leadership in our schools. Childcare will be provided. (This meeting will be entirely in Spanish).
March 14th Last day of Winter SUN Term
We want to remind families that our winter SUN term will be ending on Thursday, March 14th. Registration information for the Spring term will be going home during the first week of March. Our spring term will run for 7 weeks from April 8th - May 23, 2024.
Free Food Market - Every other Tuesday
As a reminder SUN School hosts a free food market every other Tuesday in partnership with Urban Gleaners and Portland Backpack to provide fresh fruits and vegetables, prepared meals and a variety of pantry items for families in need of extra food support.
Upcoming Dates in March: March 5th & March 19th
Time: 2:20 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: Under the small covered area by the K-1 school entrance.
English Classes at Scott & Rigler Schools
To register please call (503) 314-8451
At Scott Elementary
When: Every Monday & Wednesday from 6:00 pm a 8:00 pm
Where: Scott Library. Childcare provided in the school cafeteria.
Excellent opportunity to learn or improve your English language to use at work or to communicate with school personnel.
At Rigler Elementary (5401 NE Prescott St)
When: Every Tuesday & Thursday starting January 30th from 9:00 am a 11:00 am
Where: In portable #2.
Excellent opportunity to learn or improve your English language to use at work or to communicate with school personnel.
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, February 25 from 9:00-12:00 - Garden Care Day
- Friday, March 1 - Popcorn Friday!
- March 4-8 - Social Worker Appreciation Week