Columbia Crest
A-STEM Academy

June 2023 Newsletter
Dear Rainiers,
We are swinging into summer vacation! Now that June has arrived the countdown to the last day of school is in full swing. This school year has been rewarding as traditional celebrations and traditions returned. Diving deeper into learning foundational skills took priority. While we will still see the impact of the pandemic for years to come, you can make a difference with your own child(ren) this summer by keeping them engaged in reading and learning all summer long.
We recently had a librarian from the Pierce County Library meet with every class to read a story and teach them how to join the program. Please visit this link to learn more about the Summer Reading Program. When your child brings home thier final report card on the last day of school, be sure to check out the summer work activities sent home as well.
June is packed full with numerous events and activities that we are all excited about. The events are featured in this newsletter and we hope to see you at one or all of them.
Wishing you a rejuvenating, sunny and family filled summer.
Kind Regards,
Principal Burslem
CCA Happenings
After School Art Club
Jocelyn using her recess to clean
8th Grade Leaving their Mark
Special Visit from Mrs. Johnstone with Mr. Stool
Middle School writing letters to their future self in the forest
Bubbles on B Day
🌳 June Activity Calendar ☀️
📲 Leaving a Voicemail 📲
🎶 Disney Spectacular Concert for 2nd-5th Gr and Band 🎵
🌊 Preschool End of Year Party, June 16, 10am-2pm 🌊
🏆 June 23 End of Year Awards 🏆
🎈 Join us on June 23 🎈
We hope you plan to attend one of our End of the Year events occurring on Friday, June 23.
We are hopeful to have many parent volunteers to assist at Field Day! If you would like to volunteer at Field Day:
Please submit the “Volunteer Application” paperwork to our district office, if you have not done so already.
Please watch for a sign up like to come out from our PTO to sign up to volunteer at one of our Field Day stations.
Schedule Friday, June 23
Students will be in homeroom classroom for the following:
Teachers prep students for the day’s events and discuss proper yearbook signing etiquette.
Tie-dye shirts will be delivered. Please have students put them on for our picture.
Discuss this afternoon’s Field Day expectations:
Students are to stay with their classroom teacher as a team and rotate through stations according to schedule.
Each classroom will have 2 bathroom passes and 2 First Aid passes. Students must have a pass to use the restroom.
Students are not allowed to mingle inside the hallways.
Follow each game station instructions and rules. Playground and school rules apply.
Good sportsmanship is required!
Be positive!
Be respectful to your teammates and to all volunteers/helpers.
Leave yearbooks with your belongings in the classroom.
Autograph the back and sleeves of t-shirts
(Middle School—autograph field day T-shirt’s appropriately)
Student behavior issues:
Redirection to follow directions and correct behavior
5 min break
Sit out a whole station rotation
Yearbook Signing. Students may visit classrooms throughout the building to sign yearbooks.
Whole School Picture on Bus Loop with Tie Dye Shirts on
Whole School Track Recess
Awards Ceremony every student will bring their own chair to the gym. Families are invited to the ceremony and may sit on the bleachers. Students return to class after the ceremony concludes.
All School Picnic with families on playground, recess afterward
All adults ordering a picnic lunch need to submit their order form by Monday, June 5th using this link: https://bit.ly/PicnicLunchFieldDay23
Hot lunch students and adults with pre order submission form may retrieve their lunches at the following times:
Preschool & Kindergarten – 11:00
1st Grade – 11:05
2nd Grade - 11:10
3rd Grade- 11:12
4th & 5th – 11:15
6th, 7th and 8th Grade - 11:20
8th Grade vs Staff Kickball Game
All students return to their homeroom. Teachers will walk classes out after rules are discussed and restroom use. Bring your labeled water bottle. Sign t-shirts just of your classmates.
12:30- 1:40pm
Field Day Outdoors
Teachers and Paras rotate the stations with their class:
Preschool: Ms. Franklin, Mrs. Larson and Mrs. Willson
Kindergarten: Mr. Hanson and Mrs. Hilliker
1st Grade: Mrs. Vihlen and Mrs. Alexander
2nd Grade: Mrs. Brandt and Mrs. Scartozzi-Thornton
3rd Grade: Mrs. Hight and Ms. Powell
4th Grade and 5th Grade: Mrs. Loftiss and Mrs. Barrett
6th Grade: Ms. Forde Nihipali and Mrs. Hoversten
7th Grade: Ms. Litzenberger and Miss Brown
8th Grade: Mrs. Struck and Ms. Noble-Perry
Autograph Tie Dye Shirts and Enjoy Otter Pops
Students return to their classroom
🍔 June 23 Picnic Family Invite 🐜
👏👩23-24 Student Leaders👏👦
- President: Lu Lu
- Vice President: Curtis
- Secretary: Chloe
- Treasurer: Aiden
- Business Manager: Addison
- Communication Commissioner: Wesley
👨🎓 8th Grade Graduation 👩🎓
👨🎓 Kindergarten Graduation 👩🎓
🌡️ Warm Weather Tips 🥵
ABC Countdown
📅 June Dates ☀️
📚 Library Books Due June 9📚
Student Store Open on Wednesdays
The Student Store is open for all students to spend real cash once a week. Funds raised support the 8th grade class. The store is open on Wednesday mornings before school as students enter in the main hallway.
The last day the store will be open this school year is on June 14. Special thanks to Mrs. Green for helping run and stock the store!
Items for sale include:
- CCA Socks $2
- Chips $1
- Capri Sun $1
- Cookies $1
- Fruit Roll Ups $1
- Goldfish $1
- Rice Krispies $1
- Earbuds $2
- Eraser $.25
- Pen $.50
- Pencils $.25
- Mechanical Pencils $.25
Microwave popcorn $1
Tics Tacs $2
Preschool Registration Time
Kindergarten Enrollment is Open
June Breakfast and Lunch Menus
June Half Days
🐚 Summer Break Dates 🐟
Non-Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.
The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone: 360-879-1000
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonvilleschools.org