O.J. DeJonge Middle School
February 11, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Hello Oriole Students and Families:
Welcome to Beat the Blahs week! This annual tradition provides students and staff with the opportunity to have some fun while raising funds for a local charity of our students' choosing so that they can understand the role they play in our community. Throughout the week, students will be able to buy raffle tickets for a number of prizes, engage in a silent auction, and have fun participating in our dress up days that are detailed below. Information will be shared throughout the week regarding this fun opportunity.
The end of the second trimester is coming quickly! This trimester will end on Friday, March 1. Students will have half days on February 28, February 29 (yes, it's a leap year!), and March 1. Students will engage in end of trimester assessments on February 27, 28, and 29.
As the trimester ends, we have encouraged our students to be diligent about checking PowerSchool and Canvas to ensure that they are all caught up on their assignments. We have also encouraged students through our weekly You Matter at OJ theme of the week to develop SMART goals. A SMART goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This helps our students develop goals that they can achieve and create a plan to achieve it!
As always, please contact us if we can be of any assistance to you! Our main office line is (231) 845-3810 and all of our staff emails are available on the OJMS website.
Thank you for your continued partnership!
With Oriole Pride,
Mike Hart
Student of the Week
The OJ PBIS Team has created a new initiative where we will recognize one student per week that lives up to our expectations of being responsible, being respectful, and being an Oriole. Teachers will nominate students and the PBIS team will select students that are true Orioles! We are excited to recognize our students in this way.
The OJ Student of the Week is 6th grader Sophia Ruppert. According to the nominating teacher, she is a very sweet young lady who always tries her best. She helps others in class by explaining how she gets her answer and does so in a supportive manner. Way to go, Sophia!
OJ Dance
To end the Beat the Blahs week, we will have a dance at OJ on Friday, February 16 from 3 until 5 pm. The dance will take place in the new OJ cafeteria and is hosted by the Ludington HS BPA program.
This is not meant to be a dance where students have to go out and buy dresses or shirts and ties - those things are best saved until students get to high school and engage in homecoming, winter whirl, and prom - so don't feel any pressure to go out and buy a whole new outfit for your child! This is meant to be a fun afternoon activity for all students.
Beat The Blahs Week Daily Themes
The OJMS MathCounts Team had a successful day at the regional competition on Friday held at Muskegon Community College. Eighth grader Ian Mueller got second place overall and advances to the state competition at Michigan State University! Our top performing team of Ian Mueller, Ainsley Albrecht, Brooke Nehm, and Claire Keith got third place as a team! We are proud of you!
LEGO Robots in 6th Grade Robotics!
Sixth grade students in our Robotics elective class are able to build their own robots with Lego education kits. Students are coding their robots to drive and perform a number of tasks. Some excellent collaboration and critical thinking at work!
The Ludington Jazz band, with members from both OJMS and LHS, earned the Most Outstanding Band, Most Outstanding Rhythm Section, and Most Outstanding Drummer at the Central Michigan University Phi Mu Alpha Jazz Band competition on Friday! Congratulations!
The OJ and LHS Jazz Band play for students before they left for CMU on Thursday.
OJ and LHS Choir Concert
The OJ and LHS Choirs held their winter concert on Thursday, February 8. It was an amazing show and we are incredibly proud of our student singers! Congratulations to 6th grader Henry Hilton on his solo performance in front of a packed house!
OJ Athletic Events for this week:
Monday, February 12: Girls Basketball vs. Manistee (Home)
Wednesday, February 14: Girls Basketball vs. MCC (Home); Wrestling vs. OV (Away)
All sports schedules and news are available on the new LASD athletics webpage at LASDathletics.com.
The OJ Wrestling team had a successful first meet on Monday, February 5.
Construction Updates
Construction continues to progress in the renovated spaces and in the new OJMS main office / front entrance located near Peterson Auditorium. We as a school staff understand that the construction and renovation process is unique and presents challenges for our students but the final prize of a new space is getting closer!
The office team got a sneak peek of the new office space last week and it is really taking shape! We're excited to move into this new space for the start of the 2024-2025 school year.
Celebrating Heart Month at OJ
February is National Heart Health Month and we will "Rock the Red" each Wednesday throughout the month. We encourage students to wear something red to join the OJ staff!
Student Drop Off and Pick Up Reminders
Student drop off and pick up takes place at the Pool Doors. Please enter the pool parking lot off of Tinkham Avenue and drop students off at the poor doors, then follow the U-shaped path to leave the parking lot. Our school day ends at 2:50 pm and students must leave the building by 3:00 pm.
Students should not be dropped off in front of the building on Tinkham Avenue. With it being dark outside at drop off time, this creates an unsafe environment for our students as well as the drivers on Tinkham.
Employment in LASD
Are you interested in having a flexible schedule that aligns with your children's schedules? If so, then working for Ludington Area Schools might be the right fit for you! There are several positions available within the District, please see https://www.lasd.net/district/employment-information/ for more info!
Be Safe Because You Matter at OJ!
Contact OJMS
Website: www.lasd.net
Location: 706 East Tinkham Avenue, Ludington, MI, USA
Phone: (231)845-3810
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/OJMSParentInfo
Twitter: @OJ_Orioles