Shark Bytes
January 7, 2024 - Community Newsletter
Dear Monomoy Middle School Families,
A sincere thanks to all the students for a great first week back. The staff were delighted to see that students came into 2024 ready to learn! Thank you to our families for helping us get the students back into routine so quickly. The building was quickly buzzing this week field trips, performances, clubs, and athletics. Please help to remind students that MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing will begin this week. It is important that students give their best effort on these assessments, as we rely on results as a measurement of student growth as well as to identify supports. Also, be reminded that next week we have Monday off for MLK Day and Tuesday is a no student day as the staff has professional development.
In Partnership,
Abby Dudley
Movie Night Returns to MRMS: Thank you to the UA team for bringing back movie night! Please see the flyer below and we hope to see you there!
Drama Seminar: Families of Drama seminar students are invited to view the seminar performance on Friday, January 12th at 10:40 AM. Please help remind students that "tech week" begins on Monday (this means costumes come to school).
COMMUNITY RESOURCES - • A helpful resource that provides information on utility bills and rights Cape Cod
Times Needy Fund • 1-800-422-1446 or • Urgent financial assistance for Cape Cod & the Islands families including utilities. Payments are made directly to vendors through a voucher system
Lower Cape Outreach Council • 508-240-0694 or • Short-term financial assistance for qualified applicants for payments of essential household services such as electricity, gas, rent/mortgage payments, and medical expenses. • Must be a resident of Brewster, Chatham, Harwich, Orleans, Truro, Wellfleet, or Provincetown.
Libby Arnold Stevens Emergency Assistance Program • 508-432-0015 or • One-time emergency assistance for housing, utilities, and transportation. Payments are made directly to the service provider. • Must be a resident of Barnstable County with a year-round lease or mortgage, which is the only residence.
Massachusetts Good Neighbor Energy Fund • 508-775-0364 • Available to any Massachusetts resident with temporary financial difficulty who cannot meet an energy expense. • The resident must not be eligible for state or federal energy assistance. • Income must fall between 60-80% of the state’s median income levels.
St. Vincent's de Paul Societies • Provide emergency financial, clothing, and food assistance. Each one is independent and administered separately. Contact the one closest to where you live to ask about eligibility.
South Shore Community Action Council, Inc. • 508-746-6707 • Eligibility is based on gross income, household size, and vulnerability to heat costs. • If you are living in non-subsidized housing and your heat is included in your rent, fuel assistance can reimburse you for a portion of your rent.
School Council: We are recruiting members for our second School Council meeting on 1/8 at 4pm in the front office. Pleas email Mrs. Dudley if you are interested in joining us!
Annie the Musical: Please send any inquiries about the Spring musical to Ms. Davol,
Clubs Canceled: The following clubs have been canceled due to enrollment under the 8 student p: Art in Your World, Dancercise, and Projects in Art.
Sports Communications: We rely directly on the coaches to communicate with families. Please reach out directly to your student's coach with sports questions, or reach out to Ms. Guillmette at
Winter Coats: As the weather continues to get cooler, students will still have the option to get fresh air as a part of our lunch routine. If students are choosing to go outside, please help them remember to bring proper gear for the weather. Students MUST bring their outerwear to lunch as they are not able to return to their lockers once lunch has begun.
Robotics team members Olivia Eaton, Io Torellas, Conrad Bradley, John Rodgers, and Chris Vasquez competed in their first robotics competition on Saturday at the Winter Classic VEX Tournament at Mashpee High School. The team competed in 6 matches and a skills challenge. The matches require the each team to form an alliance with another team. Our team was the youngest team at the event and they had to compete with and against high schoolers . Every member of the team helped build and program the robot. The team caught the attention of the referees for their teamwork, positive attitudes, and cooperation with other teams. They were awarded a special award for their Sportsmanship.
Project Sharing at CES
Students in Grades 5 and 6 in the Seashore Stewards environmental stewardship seminar presented their amazing projects to the students of Chatham Elementary School this week! Their knowledge, creativity, and hard work were evident in their fun and engaging presentations. Students were also able to present and experience Salt, the lifesize inflatable humpback whale, thanks to the generosity of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and volunteers, including former Monomoy science teacher Melinda Forist, Betsy, and MJ! Many thanks to CES for welcoming us and sharing the experience with us. Special thanks to seventh-graders Gianna L, Myla W, and Mia Z for their help and support in so many ways to help make the event successful! 💚🌎 Mrs. Kane