The Falcon Flyer
Weekly News and Updates - Volume 4 Issue - 8/25/2023
Volume 4, Issue 11 - 10/27/2023
"Patience is the training in abiding
with the restlessness of our energy
and letting things evolve
at their own speed."
- Pema Chödrön
Welcome New UTK Families!
This week at Fletcher, our newest Falcons landed in room CC2. They did a phenomenal job learning classroom routines, getting to know each other, and learning all about the school. Mrs. Sperry is a natural in her new role. Next week we'll be announcing her co-teacher once the hiring is made official.
Can you believe we're almost 1/3 of the way through the year?! On Wednesday, teachers spent the afternoon preparing Trimester One report cards. The Trimester officially ends on November 9th. That's less than two weeks away! November 9th is also a minimum day and November 10th is the Veteran's Day holiday. The following week is dedicated to student conferences. Every day will be a minimum day November 13th-17th. The next week is the Thanksgiving Break from the 20th-24th.
Next week TRUNK or TREAT returns on Tuesday afternoon up on the blacktop. Students may wear costumes to school that day with the following expectations:
- Masks must not cover the entire face
- No blood, gore (fake injuries)
- No fake weapons of any kind (swords/knives/guns)
- No metal spikes
- Dress code standards must be followed (midriff and undergarments covered)
Federal Impact Aid Survey
This week, your student brought home an incredibly important survey called the Federal Impact Aid Survey. It's also available on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. It takes LESS THAN TWO MINUTES TO COMPLETE. This survey is crucial to ensuring Fletcher Elementary receives the appropriate level of funding to support our students. If you can't find the form in your student's backpack and are unable to log into the Parent Portal, the form is linked below in English and Spanish. Paper copies are also available in the front office. Forms are DUE NOVEMBER 8th. Our goal is 100% participation! You can also download the forms at home, print, and return. Click either of the links below.
Student of the Week
This week's Student of the Week is Avery in Mrs. Quaal's 3rd/4th grade class. Avery is a great student, always paying attention, participating, and working hard. She is a great friend to others, and offers to help her peers. Well done, Avery! Thanks for exemplifying what it means to be a leader at Fletcher Elementary School!
Leader In Me Learning at Home
Highlights of the Week
First Day of TK
BFF's at Recess :)
Writing the Great American Novel
Weekly Forecast
Looking Ahead
31 - Trunk or Treat!
1 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
8 - Minimum Day - Options Based Response Training
9 - Minimum Day - End of Trimester 1
10 - No School - Veteran's Day
13-17 - Minimum Days - Student Conferences
20-24 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
26 - VAPA Day
29 - Minimum Day -School Site Council & Instructional Leadership Team
6 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
13 - Minimum Day - Staff Meeting
18th - January 2nd - No School - WINTER BREAK
Click the image above for the slide deck from October 20th's Family Friday Mathematics Presentation.
School Accountability Report Card
The School Accountability Report Card for Fletcher Elementary School is online via the above link or available as a hard copy in the front office.
Uniform Complaint Procedure - SDUSD
Fletcher Elementary School
Location: 7666 Bobolink Way, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619)605-4600
Twitter: @FletcherSDUSD