4-H Friday News Blast for 3.20.2020
Serving you from a distance!
Be on the lookout for at-home learning opportunities that we will share on our social media, via newsletters, and our website (www.cass.unl.edu. The UNL Extension community is working, as you read this, to develop some truly awesome on-line learning and activities for our 4-Hers and their families.
As always we are here for you!! Email the office at cass-county@unl.edu, or call 402-267-2205. Or contact our Unit Leader, Lauren Stohlmann, at Lauren.Stohlmann@unl.edu or call 402-409-0747.
University of Nebraska COVID-19
Meet our New Extension Office Staff
Sandy Prall
Tammy Cavanaugh
Local Senior Scholarship deadline April 1st
Send it to: Nebraska Extension Cass County, Attn: Scholarship Application, 8400 144th Street, Suite 100, Weeping Water, NE 68463
or email it to: cass-county@unl.edu
Silent Auction to support the Nebraska 4-H Camping Program
As you probably know, our upcoming 10th Annual “Inspire Kids to Do” Camp Scholarship Dinner was recently canceled due to concerns of the COVID-19 virus.
We are excited to announce the opportunity to support the Nebraska 4-H Camping program through our Silent Auction. Our auction will run from Saturday March 14, 2020 at 6:00 AM to Friday March 20, 2020 at 10:00 PM. We hope that you will check out all of the great auction items donated by our sponsoring partners. Our goal is to raise $10,000 in camp scholarships for 2020 Summer Camps! 100% of the proceeds will benefit the 4-H Camp Scholarship Fund!
The auction can be accessed via this link: https://www.32auctions.com/ne4hcamps
Once on the site, in order to bid, you will need to create an account. You can easily do so by clicking “Create an Account” link on the yellow alert bar.
At the conclusion of the auction, an invoice will be sent from 32 auctions. Please pay your invoices at the following link: http://bit.ly/inspirekids2do. All auction items will need to be picked up at the Eastern Nebraska 4-H Center.
We appreciate and thank you for your continued support of Nebraska 4-H Camping!
Nebraska 4-H Virtual and At-Home Learning
To start, go to: https://4h.unl.edu/virtual-home-learning
You'll find: Living Room Learning, Boredom Buster Challenge, Self-Paced Opportunities, and various Activity Guides.
Diamond Clover Program in 4-H
Now, while kids are out of school, working on the Diamond Clover program, offered through r4-H, would be a great thing to do!
Notice to all 4-H clubs who meet at the Extension Office
A note from Steve Pritchard regarding Shooting Sports ...
As the COVID-19 situation in Nebraska continues to evolve, please know that Nebraska Extension is adapting and adjusting their recommendations and decisions. Our commitment is to respond with an abundance of caution to try to provide thoughtful and valuable information. And, to do our best to contribute to the protection of Nebraskans.
What does this mean for Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports Program?
1. All Extension 4-H events are cancelled from March 16 – May 9 unless they can be taught remotely. This would also include the two shooting sports workshops that were scheduled for April.
2. 4-H Club meetings and/or practices – I would strongly discourage holding these sessions.
3. Attending a partnering event (Ex. - conference trap) – I would strongly discourage at this time.
I do know that this poses many inconveniences and disruptions for us that are outside of the norm. However, I do ask you, to ask yourself, if this event/activity is essential for life. The Extension Leadership Team continuously re-evaluates the current scenario in Nebraska and hopefully these guidelines may change for the better in the future.
Thank you for your patience as we move through the tremendous amount of change occurring as a result of this global pandemic.
Be Safe……….. Be Smart
Steve Pritchard
Extension Educator
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Cass County Fair Award Sponsorship's Available
There are numerous 4-H Award Sponsor opportunities available for the 2020 Cass County Fair in the areas of Livestock Judging, Beef, Sheep, Goat, Horse, Small Animal, Modeling, Shooting Sports, Floriculture, and General Areas.
View a complete list of 4-H Award Sponsorship opportunities available here.
Contact the extension office if you would like to sponsor any of these awards. Sponsorship's are on a first come, first serve basis.
Here's an Opportunity to Consider: Be a part of the GREAT CASS COUNTY TEAM who make the fair happen!
Interested in Community Service or Encouraging 4-Hers who sew? Here's an opportunity to consider! During the county fair, superintendents are needed to help in these two categories: Community Service and Clothing. Superintendents can be anyone ... like 4-H Alumni!!! If you are interested, or could recommend someone, contact the 4-H office at 402-267-2205 or cass-county@unl.edu. You'll be glad you did! :)
4-H Youth in Action Awards
In 4‑H, you’ve developed your passion. You’ve found your purpose. You’ve inspired others – and now you’re moving forward. Share how 4‑H propelled you to change your community and you could earn a $5,000 scholarship and a trip to Washington, D.C. for National 4‑H Council’s Legacy Awards!
The 2021 4‑H Youth in Action application is now open!
Learn more about the 2020 4‑H Youth in Action Pillar Winners and Finalists here.
More at https://4-h.org/parents/4-h-youth-in-action-awards/#!overview
State Fair Book Available!
(direct link: https://4hfairbook.unl.edu/fairbookview.php/rules)
UNL Digital Disgnostics
Homeowners, farmers, lawn care professionals, pest control operators and others can submit questions and photos through a UNL website. An expert panel of Extension professionals will promptly review and respond to your question.
To get started you will need to create an account so that our experts can review and respond to your question via your email address. Go to: http://digitaldiagnostics.unl.edu/
Sondra says "Good Bye, Friends!"
Today, March 20, would have been my last day at the office, but I'll be back a couple more days to help with training during these unprecedented days of the Coronavirus. No one thinks I'm old enough to retire, but I am! With the office in good hands, now's the time to do it and embrace all those things I still want to do, while I'm able to do them!
I wanted to let everyone know that my time spent as your office manager has been a very rewarding chapter in my life. I've met so many wonderful, talented, kind, patient, funny, helpful, intelligent, and freindly people through this job, and I've enjoyed working alongside each and every one of you. I feel richly blessed! Thank you, Cass County folks, you are remarkable people!
I grew up in 4-H, served many years as a leader, and know the benefits of this program. I only wish every child could have this opportunity! Cass County ... Always strive to Make the Best Better, and Inspire Kids to Do remarkable things!
Bye everyone and Thank you!!!
Have a great day!
Sondra Buell
4-H Calendar
Current Calendar Changes ... The following are canceled for now. Please check back later for potential rescheduled dates:
- Cancelled ... 4-H Public Speaking Workshop - March 24, 2020
- Cancelled ... Spring Rabbit Show in Lancaster County - March 28, 2020
- Cancelled ... 4-H Horse Stampede - March 28, 2020 at UNL
- Cancelled ... 4-H Companion Animal Challenge - March 28, 2020
- Cancelled ... Horse Stampede 2020 4-H Horses - March 29, 2020
- Cancelled ... Platte County Livestock Judging Clinic - April 4, 2020
- Cancelled ... YQCA Training in Cass County - April 9, 2020
Note Regarding "Looking Ahead" ...All events are canceled up until May 9th. Stay tuned for activities after that to see if there will be further cancellations or re-scheduling ....
- Weeping Water Whiz Kidz Scholarship Deadline - April 1, 2020
- Cancelled: Burlington Capital International Omaha Horse Discovery Zone - April 9-12, 2020
- Nebraska Agricultural Youth Institute Application Deadline - April 15, 2020
- Cancelled: School Year Camp at Eastern Ne 4-H Camp - April 18-19, 2020
- Cancelled: Cass County 4-H Public Speaking Contest - April 20, 2020
- Cass County Extension Office Closed for Arbor Day - April 24, 2020
- Cancelled: Otoe County Livestock Judging Clinic - April 25, 2020
- Cancelled: Loup Valley 4-H Horse Conference - April 25-26, 2020
- Horse IDs - Deadline May 8, 2020
- Level Testing, - Deadline May 8, 2020
- Entry for District and State Deadline - May 8, 2020
- Hayes County 4-H & FFA Livestock Judging Contest - May 12, 2020
- 4-H Project Deadline for county fair - May 15, 2020
- Cass County 4-H Council Meeting - May 18, 2020
- Cass County Extension Office Closed for Memorial Day - May 25, 2020
- Pawnee Fit and Feed Clinic - May 30, 2020
- 2020 Winner Unlimited Livestock Judging Camp at UNL (one-day camp) - June 2
- 2020 Winner Unlimited Livestock Judging Camp at UNL (multi-day camp) - June 3-5
- YQCA Training in Cass County - June 4, 2020
- Online Horticulture Judging Contest - June 5-22, 2020
- Big Red Camps in Lincoln - June 7-12
- New 4-H Member Enrollment Deadline - June 15, 2020
- Cass County 4-H Animal ID Sheets Due - June 15, 2020
- YQCA Certification Completion Due to Extension Office - June 15, 2020
- District Horse Show information - June 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
- PASE/Life Challenge Contest at UNL - June 22-24, 2020
- 4-H Plant Science and Insect Contest - June 25, 2020
- Tractor Safety Training - July 1-2, 2020
- Cass County Extension Office Closed for Independence Day - July 3, 2020
- State Horse Show at Fonner Park - July 12-16, 2020
- County Fair Online Pre-Entries Due - July 15, 2020
- Cass County 4-H Dog Contest - July 18, 2020
- Cass County 4-H Council Meeting - July 20, 2020
Ag Information & Other Opportunities:
- Nebraska Ag Land Values Increase for First Time Since 2014
- Horticulture Column ... with Sarah Browning
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Lauren Stohlmann, Extension Educator and Unit Leader, lauren.stohlmann@unl.edu
Katie Kreuser, Extension Educator, katie.kreuser@unl.edu
Tracy Ensor, Extension Assistant, tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Sondra Buell, Office Manager, sondra.buell@unl.edu
General Mailbox, cass-county@unl.edu
Email: cass-county@unl.edu
Website: www.cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, 68463
Phone: 402-267-2205
Facebook: facebook.com/UniversityofNebraskaLincolnExtensionCassCounty
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty