Weekly Update
January 2nd - January 12th 2024
Happy New Year!
Our students have been busy representing our school and local community in positive ways.
We congratulate our musicians for amazing performances at All County A.
We are proud of our student skiers with a successful first Ski Club Trip of the season.
Many students celebrated with friends and music at Winter Ball.
Our teaching staff continues to collaborate with Colton-Pierrepont with Keys to Literacy
our focus is developing school-wide vocabulary.
Frederic Remington Art Museum
40th Elementary Art Exhibition
Save the date of Saturday, January 20 from 2-4pm,
when we'll celebrate the exhibit with an
Opening Reception here at the Frederic Remington Art Museum
Note: Share your heart!
Come give in Feb. for a $20 Amazon.com Gift Card by email.
Looking Ahead:
January 19th:
Ski Club 3:30pm
January 20th:
40th Annual Frederic Remington Art Museum Elementary Exhibition @ 2pm
January 23rd-26th:
Regents Exams
January 26th:
Panther Pride
January 27th:
End of Term Two
January 29th:
BOE Meeting 6pm
***This is a CHANGE***
January 30th:
Grades Live In SchoolTool @ 2pm