Saint Mary School FYI
July 23, 2021
Notes from Mrs. Maricle
2. School Theme/T-Shirt: Just a reminder that wearing the t-shirt on Wednesday is optional. I would like for all students to purchase a t-shirt so we can wear them for special dress down days.
3. Lego Robotics: Help Needed! I am looking for 1-2 people to coach our Lego Robotics teams. The program is open to 5th through 8th grade students and will meet after school. The competition season is the fall semester (August-December). The program is student led so the coaches just need to have an interest in engineering and computers. It is a lot of problem solving. Please email lindsay.maricle@schoolofsaintmary.com if you are interested in volunteering!
COVID-19 Updates
Summer Plans
- The Computer Lab is getting a major facelift. We have a plan and bids are being made! Pics coming soon once work begins!
- If you are a middle school student, please make sure you return your choice preference sheet by August 6th!
- Thank you to Lauren Allen and Jennifer Strickler for spearheading an update of the teacher lounge/workroom. We are so excited to provide this space for our staff! Stay tuned for pictures of the finished product!
- We are working on signage around campus that highlights our awesome community. Thank you to Mike Malcolm, Jessica Moosmiller and their team of volunteers for this project!
Flat Jesus and Mrs Maricle want to highlight some cool things going on at School of Saint Mary!
Second Grade Calendar
Mrs Rocco's Room
New Stuff
New Recycling Bins
Science STEM Lab
- Registration Day information will start coming out at the end of the month. Please contact the office with questions.
- We still have openings in kindergarten, second, sixth and eighth. Please send referrals our way!
Home and School Notes
- We will have a both at Registration Day so don't forget to stop by and see us!
- Plans are being made for the 2021-22 school year. Please check email for communication from Home and School.
- The uniform closet is getting ready for registration shopping day. If you have any donations, please drop them off to school in the coming weeks.
Parish-School News
2. The school and church have teamed up for the Saint Mary Facebook page. Check the page for updates on campus happenings!
School of Saint Mary
Email: lindsay.maricle@schoolofsaintmary.com
Website: https://schoolofsaintmary.com/
Location: 1365 East 49th Place, Tulsa, OK, USA
Phone: (918) 749-9361