Distrito Escolar Unificado de Alvord
October 1, 2023
A Message from the Superintendent
If you're looking for an opportunity to serve, we have an opening on our Measure J Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC). One of our members moved out of the area. Measure J is Alvord's facilities improvement bond that was passed by voters during the November, 2022 election. Learn more about the Measure J proposed facilities projects here.
The California Education Code contains provisions ensuring public oversight and accountability concerning the expenditure of facilities bond revenues. To that end, the Alvord Board of Education appointed a citizens’ oversight committee known as a Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC). The CBOC must consist of a minimum of seven members and five requirements. Below are the current members and their roles.
- One member active in a business organization representing the business community located within the district (Lavinia Selagea)
- One member active in a senior citizens’ organization (Zack Earp)
- One member active in a bona fide taxpayer’s organization (Norma Berrellez)
- One member who is the parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district (Lauriann Ferguson, Jessica Gallardo, Luis Miguel Ramos)
- One member who is both a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district and active in a parent-teacher organization (Open)
- One member active in a local community group (Antonius B. Van Vegten)
CBOC member’s terms of office are two years and the maximum number of consecutive terms is three. The primary purpose of this committee is to:
- Inform the public on Measure J expenditures of bond proceeds.
- Review expenditures to assure that proceeds are being spent for projects approved and outlined within the proposition.
- Produce and present an annual report to summarize the Committee’s proceedings and activities within the prior year.
Mr. Ryan Carter, our Director of Facilities/Measure J Projects, facilitates quarterly meetings. The next meeting is this coming Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at 5:30 pm at District Headquarters. If you are interested in serving, Email Pauline Kawahara and express your interest. The current opening is for a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district and active in a parent-teacher organization.
Staff Development Day: 10/9/23 (No School)
Veteran's Day: 11/10/23 (No School)
Thanksgiving Break: 11/20-11/24 (No School)
Winter Break: 12/15-1/2 (No School)
Plan ahead to attend a free Community Health Fair on October 7 from 8 am to 4 pm. See the flyer below for details.
On behalf of the Board of Education, thank you for choosing Alvord as your education partner. We strive to be our best, so that your children can be their best.
In partnership,
Allan Mucerino
Upcoming Regular Meetings of the Board
Next Meeting is September 21. Agendas are posted 72 hours in advance for Regular Meetings of the Board of Education. Find them here. Agendas are posted 24 hours in advance for Special Meetings of the Board of Education.
Public Comments Welcome
Meetings are conducted at KPC Parkway, Corona, CA 92879. The Open Session begins at 6 pm. Members of the public may address the Board for up to three minutes on any topic on the agenda or not on the agenda.
Most Recent Board Meeting Agenda Highlights
Find the September 21, 2023 Board Meeting Highlights here. Sign up for the Board Meeting Highlights here. It will be sent to your Inbox immediately following board meetings.
Trustee Area 4
McAuliffe K-5
Orrenmaa K-5
Stokoe K-5
Arizona 6-8
Alvord High 11-12
Hillcrest 9-12
Vice President
Lake Hills K-5
Promenade K-5
Villegas 6-8
District Office
Trustee Area 1
Twinhill K-5
Valley View K-5
Loma Vista 6-8
Trustee Area 2
Arlanza K-5
La Granada K-5
Terrace K-5
Norte Vista 9-12
Alternative Ed Center
Keller Administration Site
Child Nutrition Services
Trustee Area 3
Collett K-5
Foothill K-5
Myra Linn K-5
Wells 6-8
La Sierra 9-12
Sign Up for Weekly Notifications in Aeries & Follow Your Student's Progress
Visit the Aeries Parent Portal frequently to check on assignments and grades. You can also sign up to receive a weekly notice in Aeries for a quick summary of the grade book, missing assignments, attendance for the week. Here's how to sign up:
- Login to Aeries Parent Portal
- Click on the down arrow on the top right corner after your email address
- Select “Parent Notification Preferences”
- Check the box next to “Receive Weekly Progress Email”
- Select the day and time for notification
- Click “Save”
Sign Up for our After School Program
Alvord provides an extension of the school day and school year through its Expanded Learning Program. The focus is on academic, artistic, social, emotional, and physical development for students in elementary and middle school, including middle school sports. The program does not replicate learning activities that take place during the regular school day. Instead, it builds upon them. The program is offered everyday after school, as well as intercession, including summer and extended breaks for holidays. Learn more about it here. Or call (951) 358-1682, Monday - Friday, 9:45 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.
Participate in our Middle School Sports Program
Did you know we offer a full year of middle school sports? We kick off the program with Track and Field just a few days after the school year begins. Specific information regarding clinic and team tryouts will be distributed by each individual middle school site. The link to register to participate in any our middle school sports programs will be sent via Parent Square next week once our registration website goes live. All interested students will need to register and students trying out for any of our competitive teams will need to provide a sports clearance physical form completed by a medical doctor prior to their tryout. Forms can be obtained in the main office of any of our middle schools. Soccer follows the Track & Field season. Other sports include volleyball, flag-football, basketball and pep squad. Make sure your child is registered to participate. The website link is coming soon!
Activate you Parent Square Two-Way Communication
Parent Square is a safe and secure platform for school-to-home and home-to-school communication. All of our schools rely on it to keep parents informed. Instead of a one-way communication tool, Parent Square provides two-way communication. But to fully utilize the two-way feature of Parent Square, you have to activate your account. Sign in here and activate the two-way tool.
Family Engagement
Call 951-396-0126 or email
Alvord Unified School District
Location: 9 Kpc Parkway, Corona, CA 92879, USA
Phone: (951) 509-5000
Twitter: @AlvordUnified
Instagram: alvordunified