District 15 Board of Education News

February 8, 2023
The District 15 Board of Education meeting was held on Wednesday, February 8, 2023. The full meeting agenda as well as the minutes from its January 18, 2023 meeting, can be found on the BoardDocs website. A livestream of the meeting can be viewed on our Youtube channel.
Pledge of Allegiance: Stuart R. Paddock Student Council
Stuart R. Paddock’s Student Council led the Pledge of Allegiance at this month’s Board meeting. Their Student Council is composed of one 5th grader and one 6th grader from each classroom, selected by their peers, to serve as representatives. Student Council members provide valuable student input on building topics, support with teaching PBIS expectations, take part in new family tours, and much more. They represent Paddock Panther values and are true student leaders. SRP is lucky to have such tremendous student leaders. Great work Panthers!
Student Recognition: District 15 Spelling Bee
Annually, interested students participate in school-based spelling bees. Winners from each of our elementary and junior highs advance to the annual District 15 Spelling Bee!
Dr. Heinz and the Board were proud to recognize the 1st place winner and the two runners-up from the District 15 Spelling Bee! The 1st place winner, Nischal, is a 7th grade student at Plum Grove Junior High School and will compete in the 13th Annual North Cook ISC Scripps Spelling Bee on March 15, 2023. Aadhav, a 4th grade student at Hunting Ridge, and Rhea, a 7th grade student at Walter R. Sundling Junior High are both runners-up as they went out in the same round. We are so proud to have such exceptional spellers in D15!
Student Recognition: Walter R. Sundling Athlete
Jacari has wrestled with the Walter R. Sundling Paladins during both seventh and eighth grade. According to his Coach, throughout his time on the team, Jacari has demonstrated hard work, responsibility, leadership, drive, and friendship. He has been a genuine member of the team with his positive attitude and desire to win not just on his own, but with his team. As of February 3, Jacari’s record is 3-0. Last season he won the Walter Sundling Junior High Athlete of the Year Award. He has not only achieved this success, but he has helped his teammates win too. Jacari’s get-to-it attitude and contagious sense of humor motivates his peers to get the job done. His leadership is seen not only in wrestling but in the classroom as well. The Walter R. Sundling Junior High community is fortunate to have Jacari as a student, an athlete, and a peer. Keep up the tremendous work both on the mat and in the classroom, Jacari!
Staff Recognition: Steven Johnson (AKA Mr. J.)
Steve Johnson, Substitute in District 15, was selected as the Staff Member of the Month for the Above and Beyond recognition following a nomination by the Conyers Learning Academy (CLA) administrative team. Steve Johnson is currently in his 3rd year as a substitute at CLA. Mr. J. subs in CLA’s therapeutic day program every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday where the team knows that they can always count on him. According to Principal Warren, he is consistent, caring, kind, and patient. He has built strong and trusted relationships with both students and staff members. Every day he exemplifies in his actions the CLA motto that “Every Kid Can Learn”. He never shies away from a challenge and always returns the next day with a smile on his face. Thank you Mr. J. for all you do for CLA students and for serving as a strong role model that lives the CLA motto! We are lucky to have you in D15.
e-Learning Plan Public Hearing
In 2015, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) authorized an e-Learning pilot to emphasize the merits of using e-Learning during emergency days. Both during and following the COVID-19 pandemic, District 15 prioritized in-person learning over remote learning and did not seek ISBE approval for e-Learning plan.
That said, with the amount of construction necessary to move all aspects of the Moving 15
Forward plan forward, especially over the summer of 2024, District 15 has submitted an e-Learning Plan for approval so that, should we experience inclement weather during the 2023-24 school year and need to utilize an emergency day, we will not extend the last day of school by utilizing one or more snow days, but will instead call an e-Learning day(s). Again, this will allow a 14-week construction window during the 2023-24 summer break.
e-Learning days will be similar to an in-person school day (interactive virtual teaching and regularly scheduled services for those students requiring them as part of a plan). Students will take home District assigned devices for use during the e-Learning day.
2024-2025 Calendar
The 2024-2025 draft official school calendar is recommended by both the administration and the Classroom Teachers’ Council (CTC). For the 2024-2025 school year, it is proposed that the District would start the year with two teacher institute days on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, and Wednesday, September 4, 2024, due to the Labor Day holiday on Monday. Students would begin classes on Thursday, September 5, 2024, with Early Childhood and Kindergarten classes beginning on Friday, September 6, 2024.
Winter break is scheduled from Monday, December 23, 2024, through Friday, January 3, 2025. The first day for students after Winter Break would be Monday, January 6, 2025. Spring Break is scheduled from Monday, March 24, 2025, through Friday, March 28, 2025. The first day for students after Spring Break would be Monday, March 31, 2025. The holiday break portion of our calendar is aligned closely with the projected calendar for Township High School District 211. The school year is scheduled to end on Friday, June 13, 2025.
Following Board discussion, the Board recommended Institute Days be moved to Mondays, Fridays, or on days connected with other holiday breaks. Two updates were suggested by the Board of Education to switch the dates of Teacher Institute Days during the school year to Tuesday, January 21 following a non-attendance day on January 20, and Friday, May 2.
The District heard feedback from public comment and has reached out to District 211 to work with them regarding our students transitioning from 8th grade to high school.
Based on questions we received we also wanted to share, all Illinois schools are prohibited from having staff or students in school on Election Day. Also, Teachers/Staff have collective bargaining agreements (contracts) that set days and times in which they work. Changing their work year to have professional development during the summer would be a mandatory requirement of bargaining.
Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Heinz shared District updates from the past month. Dr. Heinz has had meetings with the Village of Arlington Heights regarding the proposed Chicago Bears project, the Rolling Meadows community partner group working to launch a POC-inspired facility in Meadows, and continues to have many meetings regarding the Moving 15 Forward plan. The District has finalized its bond sale of $50M. In addition, there were various departmental updates including:
staffing allocation and planning for the 2023-2024 school;
conducting Assistant Principal screenings interviews;
planning the Northwest Suburban Council PTA and the Palatine Police Department for a Parent University about a Parent’s Role in Crisis Situations. This Parent U will be held on February 23 at 6 pm at Carl Sandburg Junior High;
looking into high-impact tutoring grant options;
planning and hosting Multilingual Parent Advisory Committee meetings. The next one is scheduled on February 28 at Frank C. Whiteley and the theme will be Supporting Math Learning at Home;
opening a bilingual Russian program at Hunting Ridge;
ongoing processing of student records through letter “U” with a total of 94,356 records in total being handled;
Carl Sandburg Junior High School’s MILE program Coffee Cart being featured in the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) weekly newsletter; and
planning for the May Institute Day as well as full-day kindergarten and middle school programming as part of the Moving 15 Forward plan.
Construction Update for Moving 15 Forward
Walter R. Sundling Junior High School’s project went out to bid on January 30. The bid opening will be on February 23 with Board approval set for the regular meeting of the Board of Education on March 8, 2023.
*At the Board of Education meeting on April 12, the District will provide a comprehensive update on the Moving 15 Forward construction plan in partnership with our architect and construction teams.
IESA Update
Dr. Edgar provided an update on the Spring Track and Field season status with the Illinois Association of Elementary Schools (IESA) 2023. In terms of background, the 2022 administration worked to create a new agreement with our certified staff/teacher’s union (we were required to negotiate such participation and did so in good faith) that established agreed-upon parameters for coaching the new IESA events, which are an extension of our existing District 15 track and field season.
Our review of the pilot IESA Cross Country season determined it was successful. Regrettably, District 15 made an error and did not register all four junior high schools for this school year’s IESA Cross Country and Track and Field seasons. This unfortunate error was discussed in the District’s update to the Board. The District was notified on January 31, that the IESA Board declined our plea for permission to register late.
We are disappointed that an exception could not be made that would allow our athletes to
participate. The IESA Board cited that they were not willing to make an exception for District 15 as it would be precedent-setting for any and all other districts who had missed a deadline and were also denied. That said, we acknowledge and own our error, but wanted to ensure that our Board and community are aware of what contributed to this error and acknowledge the impact it has on our track and field athletes and families.
Arlington International Race Course and Chicago Bears
Ares Dalianis from Franczek P.C. presented a summary of the recently released Mega Project Legislation also known as Senate Bill 1350. The Board also discussed the potential need for the District to retain a lobbyist to assist the District in engagement with the General Assembly down in Springfield to ensure the needs, impact, and voice of District 15 is understood and considered as this legislation moves.
District 15 will continue to advocate for what is in our best interest and will update our families and staff as more information is available.
View the update on Arlington International Race Course and Chicago Bears in BoardDocs.
Board Committee Reports
ED-RED Committee
Board Member Annerino shared a brief legislative update where he focused on SB1350 and the Invest in Kids Act.
one-five Foundation
Board Member Taylor shared that the one-five Foundation’s 50/50 raffle will begin on February 14. He also encouraged everyone to save the date for the Foundation’s Fun Run on May 20. Information will be shared soon to sign up!
Finance Committee
Board Members Hunt and Wang shared there are no new updates at this time.
Equity Committee
Board Members Khan and Ader shared they asked Dr. Heinz to provide an update on the strategic plan. Dr. Heinz shared that the strategic planning committee had a meeting recently and the next step is to share the information with our leadership group. Mrs. Ader asked to have an equity committee of the board meeting scheduled in the coming weeks.
Board Policy PRESS 110 Second Reading
The Illinois Association of School Boards has released its Policy Reference Education Subscription Service (PRESS) Issue 110 for review (see attached PRESS Issue 110 Update Memo for reference).
The Board reviewed the following policies are attached for Second Reading showing the committee’s recommended updates:
2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest
2:210 Organizational School Board Meeting
4:010 Fiscal and Business Management
4:140 Waiver of Student Fees
4:165 Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors
5:220 Substitute Teachers
5:250 Leaves of Absence
5:270 Employment At-Will, Compensation, and Assignment
5:280 Duties and Qualifications
5:320 Evaluation
5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves
6:255 Assemblies and Ceremonies
7:050 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools
7:250 Student Support Services
7:285 Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program
7:340 Student Records
View the policies in BoardDocs.
Board Policy 7:060 Second Reading
Board Policy 7:060 outlines residence procedures. The updated policy states, “If proof of residency is not provided by August 1, students will be dis-enrolled from the district. When students are dis-enrolled from the district, they will not receive a classroom assignment, a schedule, or a bus route if applicable. Families will need to contact the school office and provide the required documentation to prove residency to be re-enrolled in the district.”
Action Items
- 12.1 Request for Salary Adjustment-Data Analyst Position - approved
- 12.2 Approval of Personnel Report: Administration, Certified, and Non-Certified, as presented - approved
- 12.3 Approval of Board Policy PRESS 110 - approved
- 12.4 Approval of Board Policy 7:060 - approved
- 12.5 Bid Award #23-006 Chromebook Cases - approved
- 12.6 Approval of 2024-25 School Calendar - approved
- 12.7 Approval of 2023-24 eLearning Plan - approved
- 12.8 Approval of Assistant Director for Human Resources - approved
- 12.9 Approval: Retain Lobbyist to Support District 15 in Responding to Mega-Project Pilot Legislation - approved
- 12.10 E-Rate Bid for Refresh of the District Wireless Network - approved
- 12.11 Resolution Authorizing Modifications to School Holidays - approved