Coyote Connection
September 9, 2022

Bus routes are running smoothly
The Anna ISD Transportation Department has received more than 3,300 requests for bus services so far this school year. Buses and passenger vehicles are logging 1688 total miles on the road daily. Chris Burke, Transportation Director, says he is very proud of the office staff and garage crew's hard work coordinating routes, relaying information to students and parents, and getting vehicle maintenance and repairs for the service they need. Burke also says the driving staff has done a great job in getting to know the students and the routes to provide students with positive experiences getting to and from school.
Anna ISD has a new program for parents to make navigating a new school or new school year easier. The Parent University course has seven online modules that can be worked through at your own pace. This course will help you navigate the supports and resources you need to be invested in the success of your children by providing an introduction to district programs, campus resources, and parent-engagement strategies. Visit the link below to get started.
Harlow Elementary and AHS receive top rankings
Congratulations to Harlow Elementary teachers, staff, and students on earning an overall "A" campus rating from the TEA Accountability system rankings. Harlow students also ranked in the top 25% for closing the gaps and received academic achievement in math.
Job well done also goes out to Anna High School teachers, staff, and students who received Distinction Designations for academic achievement in Science, top 25% in comparative academic growth, and top 25% in comparative closing the gaps.
See Something-Do Something
The Anna ISD Police Department wants to make everyone in the community aware of the iWatchTexas mobile app. The public can use this app to report suspicious activities or behaviors that may indicate ongoing or future criminal or terrorist activity. The iWatch Texas program was created as a partnership between communities and law enforcement and utilized citizen-sourced tips related to illegal activity.
The app is available for iPhone users on the Apple App Store (iWatchTexas) and Android users on Google Play (iWatchTexas).
Anna ISD Cafeteria Updates
The safety of our students and staff remains our top priority. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as some of our procedures have changed.
Online Payments are Preferred
We encourage parents to make cafeteria payments and manage meal accounts through our online system at www.myschoolbucks.com
Cash or Check Drop-off Procedures
Cash and checks are not accepted in the serving lines.
Parents not using our online payment system must place cash or checks inside an envelope labeled with the student's first and last name and student ID number. The envelopes must be placed in the campus's front office drop box.
Envelopes will be picked up by cafeteria staff daily at 10 AM. Envelopes placed in the dropbox after 10 AM will not be added to accounts until the next day.
Touch-Free System/Student ID Badges
Keypads have been removed from the cafeteria and replaced with barcode scanners.
All students will be issued a badge with their name, ID number, and bar code. Student ID badges must be presented for every transaction in the cafeteria lines.
AHS Homecoming Caravan/Pep Rally Information
The homecoming caravan is Monday, September 19, at 7 PM. The theme for this year is Sink the Pirates (Ocean theme/Hawaiian). The caravan will end at the parking lot north of the Fieldhouse. The community pep rally will start immediately after the caravan and will take place inside the stadium.
Plan to Get Involved & Stay Connected
The beginning of the school year is a great time to connect with opportunities to support our students and teachers.
- Register to be a volunteer at your child's school. Volunteer Application.
- Visit the Parent University to learn about Anna ISD. Parent University
- Join your school PTA or Booster club. AISD is grateful for the support of these parent leaders.
In the know: In addition to this eNewsletter, which typically comes twice a month, there are other ways to keep up with all the great things happening in Anna ISD:
- Ensure your information is current with your school, so you receive text message alerts, phone calls, and emails.
- Follow AISD and your campus on social media.
- Download our mobile app
Make sure to wear your College, Career, or Military shirt.
September 14..............Bond Town Hall Meeting at Anna Middle School, 6 PM
September 23..............Student Holiday
September 26..............Student Holiday
October 19...................Bond Town Hall Meeting at Anna City Hall, 6:30 PM