Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - February 4, 2024

Heavy Rain Expected Mon/Tues ☔
- Make sure your child has an umbrella, warm layers and rain gear.
- Make sure to give yourself plenty of time for dropoff. Expect traffic delays.
- Students may wait in the Cafetorium before classes begin from 7:30-8:00am.
- We will run an inclement weather schedule both days (students eat inside and there is no outdoor play)
- At this time, school will OPEN tomorrow. Any change to that plan will be messaged directly from AUSD.
Dropoff and Dismissal Gates 🔑
- Gate 4 (Casuda Canyon Stairs/Lower Blacktop) is now open daily for DROPOFF and DISMISSAL. We have discontinued use of the Marquee Gate.
- Gate 5 (Barranca @ Casuda Canyon) will open for DROPOFF. We hope to reopen for DISMISSAL soon. We remain short-staffed in the afternoons. Thank you for your understanding.
Help 6th Grade go to Science Camp! 🔬
We are down to the final weeks to raise the funding for Outdoor Science School (OSS). We truly appreciate the donations that have come in, unfortunately we are still short.
As of today, we have a count of 101 students who have committed to Outdoor Science School in Wrightwood, CA from May 6 - May 10, 2024.
Total costs of camp (transportation, lodging, camp tours, insurance) are $40,400. As of 2/1/24, the 6th Grade ASB account has a balance of $26,352. That means, 6th Grade is still short $14,408. That is a significant gap that may put the trip in jeopardy.
If you have not yet made a donation and you are able to please send your donation with your 6th grader. Cash or checks are accepted. Please make checks payable to Monterey Highlands ASB.
MKHS 8th Grade Parent Night moved to Zoom! 🧑💻
Due to anticipated heavy rainfall, the 8th Grade Parent Night Meeting at MKHS has been moved to a virtual Zoom meeting.
Please disregard the previous message indicating this meeting will be held in the Cafeteria.
- The Zoom link for this meeting is: https://zoom.us/s/97466443797
- Mandarin and Spanish translation will be provided.
- The virtual meeting starts at 6pm.
Other useful information for 8th graders going to MKHS:
- MKHS Showcase Field Trip - Wed 2/28 from 9-11:15am
- MKHS Counselor Visits - Thurs 3/7 and Fri 3/8
MKHS 8th Grade Parent Night
MKHS 8th Grade Showcase
MKHS 8th Grade Counselor Visits
Annual Title 1 Meeting 📘
This week, we hosted our Annual Title 1 meeting to explain Monterey Highlands' Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Goals for 2023-24. SPSA goals will drive school programming in the areas of: academic achievement, English Learner proficiency, improving school culture and increasing parent/family engagement.
In case you missed it, please find the Zoom Meeting recording and Slideshow. These materials are also on the School Site Council homepage.
No Drop Off Policy 🚫
When students forget something, we know it may be frustrating (for both students and their parents), but we believe in the long run, this policy will help students develop responsibility and problem solving skills. This helps us keep classroom interruptions to a minimum. Emergency situations may be considered on a case-by-case basis, but in general we will NOT accept drop offs of student assignments, food/beverages (including water bottles), school supplies, musical instruments, etc.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
Attendance Reminders 📈
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to call the office @ 626-570-6220 or email to our Attendance Manager, Mrs. Rodriguez at Rodriguez_Rebecca@ausd.us to report an absence.
If an absence is not reported, it will be unexcused. Multiple unexcused absences will lead to an in-person School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting.
Repeated truancy will be referred to the District Attorney and the School Attendance Review Board (SARB), held monthly at Alhambra Police Department.
For students attending Highlands on permit, attendance is an important condition of the permit contract. Permit warnings will be issued for excessive unexcused absences and excessive tardies. Permit warnings may result in a permit revocation.
Husky Fun Run – 2/6 👟
Our Husky Fun Run is days away! Our goal is to raise $30,000 for library updates, campus beautification, and PTA programs, and we need your help! The first step is to register your student on MYBOOSTER.COM by searching for our school name. Registering is easy and free!
Registration is the first step to help our school reach our fundraising goal this year. Students get a FREE prize just for being registered, as well as entry into two raffles, including a Grand Prize Raffle for a chance to win an iPad. More information about our various prizes and incentives is available here, and in our FAQ.
Head to MYBOOSTER.COM now to register, share, and give. Thank you for your support!
We are also looking for Cleared Volunteers to help on the day of our Fun Run event, Tuesday, February 6, 2024, to slice and bag oranges and bananas for snacks, to help with water station cups, and to help cheer on our runners! If interested in volunteering, please click here.
Lunar New Year 2/8 🐉
As we usher in the joyous festivities of the Lunar New Year, your PTA is excited to bring a special celebration to our school community. This year’s Lunar New Year Program will feature engaging craft stations for students, a captivating campus-wide art project, and a wonderful opportunity for everyone to learn more about this culturally significant holiday.
To make this celebration a success, we're calling on our fantastic community for volunteers to assist with decorating, managing craft stations, and ensuring a smooth cleanup. Let's come together to create lasting memories for our children and celebrate the diversity that makes our school so vibrant! If interested in volunteering, please click here.
PTA Now Accepting Nominations for 2024-2025 Executive Board! ✨
Attention all Monterey Highlands Parents, Guardians, and Teachers! We are now accepting nominations for the 2024-2025 Executive Board. Our PTA plays a crucial role in supporting our school and ensuring the best possible experience for our children. We need your help in identifying dedicated and passionate individuals to lead the way.
For more information and to submit nominations, please click here. Nominations must be submitted by March 1, 2024. The election will take place on April 10, 2024.
Don't miss this opportunity to have a voice in shaping the future of our school. Get involved and make a difference! Thank you!
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities 🤝
We are grateful for our volunteers. Here are some of our volunteer needs at this time:
Mr. Calvin Ly, Adviser
The Associated Student Body (ASB) oversees all fundraising and school activities at Monterey Highlands. The ASB Cabinet meets weekly on Fridays to review activity and fundraising requests.
Useful ASB Information:
- Fundraiser Request Form and Fundraising Calendar.
- This is the current list of ASB-Approved Clubs
- Check out the latest Wonderful Wednesday video from ASB! January's theme is Being Fair featuring 8th Grade students! Check out the video below!!
ASB Approved Fundraisers 🤑
Valentine Gram Fundraiser for 6th Grade Outdoor Science School 🔬
- All week Februrary 5-9, 2024 in the breezeway at Recess and Lunch
- Students will write a message for their gram which will come with a sweet treat!
- All grams are $1 each
Cupid Store Fundraiser for 8th Grade Promotion Activities 🎓
- February 13-14, 2024 in the breezeway at Recess and Lunch
- Students can purchase small gifts and treats for their Valentine
- Prices vary from $1 to $5
Clothes Donation Fundraiser for 6th Grade Outdoor Science School 🔬
- Saturday, Februrary 24, 2024 from 10am - 1pm (revised date)
- Clean out your closets and help 6th Grade go to Science Camp!
- Please enter the bus circle/valet to drop-off your items.
- Items should be washed and bagged in large trash bags, if possible
- School staff will be present in the valet circle to assist with unloading and collecting items
8th Grade Parent Committee - 2.5.24
Join us as we continue planning 8th Grade Promotion for the Class of 2024.
The meeting will be held virtually at 6pm at this link: zoom.us/my/mh.principal
If you can't make it, don't worry! We will meet again soon to continue planning. Please email Mr. B if you are interested in working on the 8th Grade Parent Committee.
Moved? Please Update Your Address 🏡
If you have moved outside Monterey Highlands boundaries, you will need to complete a permit for your child to remain enrolled at Monterey Highlands. You can find more information about permits at the AUSD website.
🚨 City of Monterey Park Construction 🚧
Please be advised that several public works projects are happening at the same time in the immediate vicinity of the school. This may impact traffic at dropoff and dismissal. Please give yourself plenty of extra time to get to school and be mindful of City contractors.
All construction projects are being managed by the Monterey Park Public Works Department (phone: 626-307-1320, Construction Update website).
- Street Resurfacing - Here's a map of impacted areas.
- NEW: Slurry Seal - Here's a map of the impacted areas. Many roads around campus including Casuda Canyon and Pat Carroll (including the entire parking lot) will be resurfaced. Please note: roads will NOT be painted until slurry is cured (paint will come later). Parking will be marked out by "tabs". Park cautiously! Tentatively work will be 2/10 - 2/12 (no school on Monday).
Please do not call the school office for any updates on construction.
East Playground (near Tennis Courts)
Storage Area near Pavilion
The City has moved a storage bin for playground equipment on Th 1/18/24. This will free up parking near the Tennis Courts.
West Playground (near Pavilion)
Paving Work on Hillside Streets
Monterey Park Public Works Department
phone: 626-307-1320,
Slurry Seal of Casuda and Parking Lot
This is currently scheduled Sat 2/10 thru Mon 2/12 (no school).
Upcoming Dates 📆
Don't forget - College Wear Wednesdays and Fun Fridays (Husky Spirit Wear) continue!
- 2/5 - 8th Grade Parent Meeting @ 6pm on Zoom
- 2/6 - MKHS 8th Grade Parent Meeting @ 6pm on Zoom
- 2/5 to 2/9 - 6th Grade Fundraiser Valentine Grams Pre-Sale in Breezeway
- 2/6 - PTA Husky Run (Lower Blacktop or virtual Dance-a-Thon if it's raining)
- 2/8 - PTA's Lunar New Year Celebration (all day in the Cafetorium)
- 2/9 - CA School Parent Survey closes
- 2/10 to 2/12 - Anticipated slurry seal of Casuda Canyon and Pat Carroll including parking lots
- 2/12 - Lincoln's Birthday Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
- 2/12 - Anticipated Slurry Seal of Pat Carroll (no access to parking lots)
- 2/13 and 2/14 - 8th Grade Fundraiser Valentine Pop-Up Store in Breezeway
- 2/15 - Minimum Day (Certificated Staff PD)
- 2/16 - Minimum Day (Report Card Prep), End of 2nd Trimester
- 2/19 - President's Day Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
- 2/24 - 6th Grade Fundraiser Clothing Drive from 10am-1pm @ Valet Bus Circle
- 2/27 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Walt Disney Concert Hall
- 2/28 - 8th Grade Showcase @ MKHS
- 2/28 - School Site Council Meeting @ 1:15pm on Zoom
- 2/29 - Spring Pictures (Free Dress) for TK - 3rd
- 3/1 - Spring Pictures (Free Dress) for Grades 4-8th
- 3/2 - Math Field Day @ MKHS, History Day @ SGHS
- 3/4 to 3/8 - PTA's Read Across America Week
- 3/6 - 5th Grade On-Site Field Trip Experience
- 3/6 - AUSD STEAM Night @ Marguerita from 5-7pm
- 3/7 and 3/8 - MKHS Counselor Visits for 8th Graders
- 3/8 - PTA Founder's Day Dinner @ San Gabriel Hilton from 6-8pm
Monterey Highlands School
📥 Email: highlands@ausd.us
🌐 Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
📍 Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
📲 Phone: (626) 570-6220