Heights Happenings
Heights Elementary IB World School
February 1, 2024 Volume 9 Issue 5
Heights Mission: Heights Elementary IB World School is dedicated to developing balanced, lifelong learners through educational excellence, a global perspective, reflection and action.
Heights Vision: To Be A World Class School.
Heights PBIS Statement:
We strive to be a school that models positive behaviors which develop the whole child and social skills. We have a common culture and language which supports student growth and high expectations to empower our students to become well-rounded global citizens through teaching and recognizing positive behavior.
About Us:
School Hours: 7:55 am—2:10 pm
Doors open: 7:30 am
Breakfast: 7:30-7:45 am
Heights Contact Information:
Address: 15200 Alexandria Ct. Ft. Myers, FL 33908
Telephone: 239.481.1761 Fax:239.481.3154
Website: het.leeschools.net Twitter: @HeightsIB
Facebook: Heights Elementary
After School Program: Lisa McElyea
504 Accommodations: Bryanna Van Helden
Contact information Changes: Michele Curry
Transportation: Anika Carter
Gifted testing: Lisa Alexander
Clinic: Cheri Mack
What Is Going On This Month At Heights?
Feb. 2nd: Heights PTA Daddy/ Daughter Dance (6:00 Heights Cafe - must have pre purchased tickets)
Feb. 3rd: Heights Run Club - Strides 5K at FSW
Feb. 14th: Valentines Day - Please follow the Heights Treats Guidelines (see below)
Feb. 16th: Hurricane Makeup Day (Schools Closed)
Feb. 19th: Presidents Day (Schools Closed)
Feb. 20th: 3rd grade field trip to the Naples Zoo
Feb. 27th: 4th grade: Mollusks on the Move Program
Feb. 28th: Early Dismissal Day (12:10)
Feb. 28th: No Heights After School Care
PTA News
Join Our Shop To Give Program
Donations back to the Heights PTA.
Come one, come all to support the Greatest School on Earth!
Our Annual Auction will be held on Friday, April 26th at St. Charles Yacht Club. This year's theme is A Night Under The Big Top! Tickets will go on sale ONLINE ONLY on Monday, February 26th. Ticket quantity is limited so don't wait to purchase!
Interims and Report Cards
Quarter 3:
- February 7th – Interims
- March 20th – Report Cards
Quarter 4:
- April 24th – Interims
- June 3rd – Report Cards
Paper copy interims and report cards are no longer sent home. Parents may review their student's grades at anytime on Focus. Your student's grades will be up to date on the assigned interim and report card days listed above. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school.
Attendance Matters
Attendance rates are a very clear representation and reflection of the success of school. It speaks very clearly on how parents are active in their child’s education, how excited students are to come to school, how effective teachers are in providing an exciting learning environment, and how the school and parent organization are in providing a stimulating, positive school community.
Why it Matters
If students don’t show up for school regularly, they miss out on fundamental reading and math skills and the chance to build a habit of good attendance that will carry them into college and careers.
When students attend school regularly, they can see outsized literacy gains.
Top 5 Reasons to Be In School Everyday
1. Prepares your student for a brighter future.
2. Your student's grades and reading skills will improve.
3. Your student will develop stronger social skills and friendships.
4. Helps create a positive attitude which will increase your student's academic achievement levels.
5. So much fun taking place in our Heights classrooms that your student gets to enjoy.
Heights IB PYP Corner:
In the month of February, we have a lot of exciting things happening as part of our IB Units of Inquiry.
- Our Fifth Graders are in their action stage of their Exhibition Projects. They have presented their learning to several classes in the building and are now raising funds for their chosen organizations through our school-wide Penny War! Donations will be divided and given to several local organizations partnering with us to help support the Global Goals our students are researching. You can help support the Penny War by sending in coins with your child during the week of February 5-9th.
- Our Fourth Grade students applied their poetry skills to making Valentine's Day Poetry Placemats which were donated to the residents at Shell Point.
- As part of their unit on Where We Are in Place and Time, our third grade students built a Planetarium for the whole school to enjoy! Students from all classes were able to visit the Planetarium and learn about space and the constellations.
- Our second graders have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly by watching the complete process in their own classroom. Many of their caterpillars have emerged from their chrysalis as a butterfly and will be released into our Butterfly Garden in the coming weeks.
- Our First Graders are learning about Where We are in Place and Time by learning how to use a compass and other mapping devices.
- Lastly, our Kindergarten students are inquiring about journeys and adventures as they also learn about Where We Are in Place and Time.
IB PYP February Profile Word: Caring
The IB Learner profile aims to develop students who are caring. Students who are CARING show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. They remember to treat others how they themselves would like to be treated.
How can parents help to develop students who are CARING?
- Start by practicing empathy. Model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child. Your child notices everything you do! Using kind words, helping others and being an active listener will show your child that you care about other people.
- Help your child consider the feelings of others. Ask, "What do you think she's upset about?" "How would you feel if that happened to you?"
- Read books that demonstrate caring and kindness. Discuss the message of the story and how it can be applied in your every day lives. Ask, "What are some things we can do to show kindness?" "Is there anyone we know that could use some extra caring right now?"
- Brainstorm ways your family can get involved in the community. Send cards to residents of a local nursing home. Donate food, clothing or toys to those in need. Place inspiring quotes around the neighborhood for others to see.
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Sometimes this can be challenging for busy families, but make an effort to establish these habits in your home. By developing children who care about the environment, you are helping the future of the globe.
- Emphasize social skills like saying please, thank you, sharing with siblings and recognizing when others may be having a difficult day.
- Smile
Heights Birthday/Celebration Treats Guidelines
Student birthdays are very important to recognize. We encourage parents to celebrate student birthdays at home. If treats are brought in to school, they will be distributed during the assigned class snack time in the classroom. Treat ideas: Healthy food items, pencils, stickers, etc. may be shared. Celebrations involving favors, toys, balloons, flowers, etc. are unacceptable items during school hours, including lunch time. Please contact your child’s teacher before sending in any item(s) for a celebration. Parents must contact the teacher if they wish to bring a treat. Treats must be store bought with the ingredients label visible. Invitations to private student birthday parties may not be handed out during the school day unless the entire class is invited, or all girls/all boys are invited.
*You may send in any of the following items only:
Mini cupcakes
Stickers, pencils, notepads
Animal crackers, cookies, pretzels, crackers, popcorn, cereal (store bought items only)
Pudding, Jell-O cups, cheese sticks, yogurt
*Make sure you have enough for the entire class. You should confirm this number with the teacher.
Please refrain from sending in the following items:
· Cakes or large cup cakes
· Donuts
· Pizza
· Anything requiring cutting
· Presents
· Candles, matches, lighters
· Flowers/Balloons
· Home-made items
Although we appreciate your child’s excitement for their birthday, the school setting is not the appropriate place for a birthday celebration. Keep the treat simple and easy for staff to distribute and clean up.
Thank you for supporting Heights Elementary.
Ice Cream Fridays
Ice cream cups are on sale every Friday during lunch time. Each student will be limited to one ice cream cup during their lunch. The cost is $1 per cup. Money collected from ice cream sales goes to the Principal's Discretionary Fund. This fund is used to celebrate a variety of events and activities for our students and staff throughout the school year.
Heights Book Fair Coming Soon:
Heights Book Fair: March 4th-8th
The Heights Book Fair will be held from March 4th-8th. The materials available for purchase at the Book Fair were not selected by the School District of Lee County. We encourage parents to review their student’s wish list and have a conversation about what they wish their student to purchase at the book fair before sending money to make any purchases.
The Heights Book Fair review link is below. The link is a representation of any Fair’s actual selection. Some books in the Preview might be excluded based on availability at the branch when Scholastic packs the Fair; likewise, you may see books that aren’t featured in the Preview sent as substitutes for other titles.”
Scholastic is offering a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee if ever a student, family member, or teacher is not completely satisfied with their purchase.
If a refund is requested, the purchaser should email custserv@scholasticbookfairs.com for help with their return.
Want to Volunteer and Help With The Book Fair?
Click here if you would like to volunteer to assist with the Heights Book Fair this year. All volunteers must be pre approved volunteers in order to assist with the book fair. Contact Mrs. Carter at Heights if you would like to become an approved volunteer.
Watch DOGS
Any Heights Dads or father figures that are interested in becoming or continuing to be a Heights
Watch DOG, please click here or scan the QR Code.
FOCUS Accounts
Heights Families: Do you have a Focus Account? If not, it's important that you sign up. There are many forms that are required to be signed before getting your child's schedule or in order to ensure your child can receive care at the school clinics. Plus, get access to grades, attendance, and much more. Sign up today: https://www.leeschools.net/our_schools/focus
FAST Results (3rd-5th grade): Parents can go to your Focus portal, click: Reports and then click Florida TIDE Family Portal. The results pop right up. Parents can also click on: View All Tests (once in the TIDE portal) and see the PM1 score.
Notification to Parents Regarding Out-of-Field Teachers:
Florida State Statute 1012.42 recognizes that teachers at times must be assigned duties in a class outside the field in which the teacher is certified. The following teachers at Heights Elementary are certified, but may be assigned one or more classes outside their areas of certification and are required to take appropriate steps to comply with the statutory regulation:
Michele Ware and Carmen Diaz
In addition, the following teachers are engaged in training to add the endorsement, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), to their certificates: Nicole Driscoll, Courtney Sleeper, Monica Fastenau, Jennifer Kee, Gina Celej, Julie Ramsay, Stephanie Bovinett, Michele Ware, and Carmen Diaz.
The School Board of Lee County:
Board Members:
District 1 - Samuel Fisher, Board Chair
District 2 - Melisa W. Giovannelli
District 3 - Chris N. Patricca
District 4 - Debbie Jordan
District 5 - Armor Persons
District 6 - Jada Langford-Fleming, Board Vice Chair
District 7 - Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan
Christopher S. Bernier, Ed.D.
School Board Attorney:
Kathy Dupuy-Bruno, Esq.