Onekawa School Newsletter
Week 10 Term 2, Friday 8 July
Kia ora Families
In this newsletter we farewell two wonderful staff members:
Mrs Robby Greatrex has been a teacher aide for nearly 29 years and has given wonderful service to the school.
In this time Robby has worked throughout the school and has supported hundreds of children.
Robby has been a road patrol supervisor for many years and we thank her for keeping our children safe on a very busy road.
Her contributions to our school have been many and varied; she has been a highly valued team member.
Robby is going to be missed by both children and our staff. We wish her all the best for the future.
Mr Tim Race has won the position of Principal at Pakowhai School and will start there on day one, next term.
Tim has been an outstanding class teacher and senior leader.
It would be difficult to walk around our school and not see the improvements that Tim has made to our environment. He has been responsible for planting gardens, concreting areas, creating our vegetable gardens, installing our water tank, installing seating, preparing our wall for the mural and installing our new native path 'Te Ara Taiao'.
We know Tim will do an amazing job at Pakowhai and we wish him well for his new Principalship.
New Assistant Principal Appointment
We are delighted to let you know that our new Assistant Principal and Room 10 teacher, has been appointed. Mr Bronson Meehan is the successful applicant.
Bronson is currently a teacher at Maraekakaho School and is highly regarded by the community.
Bronson will be starting in week 7 next term. Congratulations Bronson!
Learning Conferences
Our conferences were well attended this week. Our teachers enjoyed sharing your children's successes over the last term.
As Mr Stone was absent this week, Room 6 conferences will take place at some stage early next term.
End of Term Two
We've had another wonderful term at Onekawa School!
It's been a challenging ten weeks in terms of staff and child illness and we are hoping for a more settled term three in this respect.
Thanks to my wonderful staff for their amazing efforts again this term.. you are awesome!
See you all next term!
Nga mihi,
Farewell Mrs Greatrex and Mr Race
Onekawa School Quiz Night is back!
Be sure to save the date: FRIDAY 16 SEPTEMBER!
We will let you know further details, including how to purchase tickets, early next term.
Team Pipi will be hosting this fun event and are in the process of obtaining sponsorship for the evening. If you know of any businesses who may like to support the quiz night, please share the letter with them below.
congratulations to this week's class certificate winners!
Important Dates
Friday 8 July Term Two Ends
Monday 25 July Term Three Begins
Friday 16 September Quiz Night
Contact Us
Location: 235 Kennedy Road, Onekawa, Napier, New Zealand
Phone: 06 843 8297