Oakland ACE Update
September 30, 2022
Upcoming Dates
October 3 6:30-8:30PM Financial Aid Night for Grade 13/Final Year Students
October 4 Week Six of Seminar Begins-Progress Checks take place during Seminar
October 11-17 Progress checks sent to enrolling school counselors and parents/guardians
October 21: Winter Registration Forms due
Parent/Guardian & Emergency Contact Information Needed-please complete
Winter Registration Begins October
Recommended OCC Counselors who know a lot about Oakland ACE:
Scott Kokotovich
Penny McKenzie
Edward Stotts
Mary Thomas
Rasheedah Wright
Michael Zelinski
You are of course welcome to see any counselor, however we find those listed above know the most about our program requirements.
Students who have in-depth counseling needs are encouraged to either schedule an appointment with an OCC Counselor in the next two weeks and/or attend Mrs. DeYoung's office hours.
Financial Aid Night
Oakland ACE is proud to once again offer our annual Financial Aid Presentation and FAFSA Workshop event on October 3, 2022. The event will feature a presentation about financial aid components, the application process, the financial aid awarding process, sources of financial aid and much more. This event is for 13th/Final Year Students and their families.
Immediately following the presentation, we will also offer an in-person FAFSA Workshop, where you will receive professional assistance from our speaker, Dr. Carrie Gilchrist, from Oakland University. You can expect to complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) that evening, ensuring you're maximizing your eligibility for financial aid and making sure you're considered for first come, first served funds at the school you plan to attend.
Attending in person a great option for Oakland ACE students, especially if you experience unique circumstances that might impact how you pay for college. If you are unable to attend, there are some virtual options available to you.
The meeting will be held at Oakland Schools Main Campus: 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford MI in Conference Rooms B, C, D.
Please see the communication below to RSVP.
Oakland ACE
Rachel DeYoung Early College Student Support Coordinator 248-209-2420
Kimberly Mason Project/Department Assistant 248-209-2025
Christy Turk Early College Student Support and VLAC Staff Member
Email: ace@oakland.k12.mi.us
Website: https://www.oakland.k12.mi.us/students/accelerated-college-experience-ace
Location: 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford Township, MI, USA
Phone: 2482092396