The Dragon's Tale
The Biweekly Newsletter of the Kaohsiung American School
2021-2022 Issue #5 October 4, 2021
Dear KAS Community,
One of the hallmarks of good international schools is that they work together to create and sustain effective partnerships with parents. KAS is committed to collaboration and open lines of communication. We value your perspectives on your children. Our teachers, counselors, and principals are accessible to parents, and I hope that you experience warm and open dialogue with us when you ask.
優秀國際學校的標誌之一是他們共同努力與家長建立並維持有效的夥伴關係。 KAS 致力於合作和開放的溝通的管道。 我們很重視您對孩子的看法。 我們的教師、輔導老師和校長都歡迎您與他們聯繫,我希望您在提出要求時與我們進行熱情和公開的對話。
Parents also share in the responsibility to create and sustain an effective partnership with teachers and the school administration. The foundation for our partnership should be mutual respect and a common commitment to the KAS mission and vision. Parents should be familiar with our policies and practices. When concerns arise, we hope parents will value the perspective that teachers and principals have regarding their students. KAS parents should feel confident about seeking information directly from teachers, counselors or principals, always consulting with the staff members best able to address their questions and concerns.
家長也有責任與教師、學校管理部門建立及維持有效的夥伴關係。我們夥伴關係的基礎應該是相互尊重和對 KAS 使命和願景有共同承諾。家長應該熟悉我們的政策和做法。 當出現問題時,我們希望家長能重視教師和校長對學生的看法。KAS家長應該直接從教師、輔導老師或校長那裡尋求資訊且對學校充滿信心、隨時與最能解決他們的問題和疑慮的校方人員協商。
Daily, I learn more about our KAS community’s culture and values. There is a good foundation for effective partnerships between parents and the school staff, but as in any community there can be hiccups. Perhaps a parent is worried about communicating in English. Or maybe a teacher says something to a student or parent that is misinterpreted and causes concern. Taking questions or concerns to a Line chat group instead of a teacher or a principal doesn’t build a partnership. It can be disruptive to an effective partnership, in fact.
每一天,我都會更加地了解我們 KAS 的社區文化和價值觀。 家長和學校工作人員之間建立有效的夥伴關係、奠定了良好的基礎,但與其他任何社區一樣,也可能會出現一些小問題。 也許父母擔心用英語交流。 抑或,老師也許對學生或家長說了一些話卻被誤解而引起值得關注的事情。 在 Line 的聊天組上提出問題或疑慮,不會比直接反應老師或校長還能建立夥伴關係。 事實上,這還可能會破壞有效的合作關係。
Part of any effective partnership is ‘presuming positive intent’ when a misunderstanding or concern arises. On our side, we always assume that parents want the best for their children. We assume that parents want their children to be learning at high levels, and they want them to be happy. For parents, we hope that you will presume that we—teachers and administrators—are working to the best of our abilities and energies to deliver on both of those expectations. If you have a question or concern, bring it first to the staff member who can answer it best and most directly. This element of mutual respect will help us build strong, effective partnerships in support of our BIG Learners at KAS.
當出現誤解或擔憂時,任何有效夥伴關係的一部分是“推定積極意圖”。在我們這邊,我們總是假設父母希望他們的孩子得到最好的。 我們假設父母希望他們的孩子獲得高品質的學習,父母希望他們孩子快樂。 對於父母,我們希望您認為我們——教師和管理人員——正在盡我們最大的能力和精力來實現這兩個期望。如果您有任何問題或疑慮,請先將其提交給能夠最準確、最直接地回答的校方人員。這種相互尊重的元素將幫助我們建立強大、有效的合作夥伴關係,以能最大地支持我們在KAS的BIG Learners。
Please join me on Zoom for a Parent Forum at 10:30 on Wednesday October 13. Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea and join me online to hear an update as we end the first quarter. I’ll share updates on student learning, our programs, and some of the work that our teachers and principals have been doing so far this year. There will also be time for parent questions, so I hope many of you can join me.
邀請各位家長們在10月13日星期三,早上10點30分加入我的Zoom線上家長座談會。請為自己準備一杯咖啡或是茶,在這個學年第一學期靠近季末的時候,了解學校最新的資訊。我將分享有關學生的學習、我們的課程以及我們的老師和校長們從開學到現在為止所做的一些工作的相關最新消息。 會中也會有開放家長提問的時間,所以希望各位家長能參加。
In hope and solidarity,
Mr. Laney, Interim Head of School
Ms. Clark, High School Principal
Mr. Payne, Middle School Principal
Mr. Coyle, Elementary School Principal
Social Emotional Wellness 社交情感健康發展
As Social Emotional Learning and Character Development is a priority to KAS, we are excited to introduce you to the new advisory curriculum in high school called CharacterStrong. CharacterStrong lessons focus on building relationships and community as well as building social emotional skill sets while providing tools for students to put their character into action.
由於社交情感學習和性格發展在KAS是被優先看重的事項,我們很高興向您介紹高中新的諮詢課程-CharacterStrong。 本課程重於各種關係的建立及社交情感技能的學習,同時幫助學生學習如何將情緒轉化為正當行為的一切方法。
There are 5 Key Areas of Focus:
Emotion Understanding & Regulation: How We Feel & How We Act 情緒理解和調節:我們的感受&行為模式
Empathy & Compassion: What We Understand & How We Care同理心和同情心:我們理解的&如何表示關心
Values & Purpose: Who We Are & What We Do價值觀和宗旨:我們是誰&我們在做什麼
Goals & Habits: The Dreams We Have & The Actions To Get There目標和習慣:我們的夢想&實現目標的作法
Leadership & Teamwork: Developing Agency & Working Together領導力與團隊合作:發展&合作
This curriculum focuses on personal development and reflection. This is a key area that is addressed in the college application essay questions. We hope this will help our students understand their core values better, so they can embrace what makes them unique. Additionally, the curriculum addresses our school wide goals in the area of social-emotional wellness. These topics help students to develop a personal and community oriented growth mindset grounded in inclusion, diversity and equity. To learn more about the curriculum please visit the CharacterStrong website at
本課程重於個人發展和反思。這是大學申請論文問題中的一個重要部份。我們希望這能幫助我們的學生更加理解他們的核心價值,能更容易接受讓他們與眾不同的東西。此外,該課程還解決了我們學校在社交情緒健康發展的目標。這些主題可幫助學生在包容性、多樣性和公平性的基礎上發展個人和社交為導向的成長心態。要了解有關課程的更多信息,請查閱 CharacterStrong 網站。
Ms. Lori Dietrich
Financial Aid 奬助學金
The 2022-23 FAFSA is now available for U.S. citizens and permanent residents interested in applying for financial aid. The FAFSA helps families determine the Estimated Family Cost (EFC). You must re-apply each year for continued eligibility. The deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m. Central time (CT) on June 30, 2023. Any corrections or updates must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CT on Sept. 10, 2023.
Read a school's financial aid website and reach out to the financial aid office directly.
2022-2023年度 FAFSA 已經開放美國公民或永久居留人士申請奬助學金,FAFSA幫助許多家庭預估應付的學費部份,您必需每年提出申請以持續取得資格。申請截止是2023年6月30日11:59(美國中央標準時間)之前,任何變動或更正需在9月10日11:59(美國中央標準時間)之前提出,請參考各校奬助學金網站或聯絡奬助學金辦公室.
We recommend you apply to schools by December 1, 2021 for maximum consideration of aid.
我們建議您在 2021 年 12 月 1 日之前向學校申請,以獲得最優先考量資格。
International students and U.S. citizens can apply for scholarships and financial assistance using the CSS Profile from the College Board. There are over 200 schools that use the CSS profile to award aid.
國際學生和美國公民可以使用 CSS Profile from the College Board 申請獎助學金。有超過 200 所學校使用 CSS 文件來提供奬助學金。
Certificate of Finances 財力證明
Many universities will require students to submit a Certification of Finances showing you’ll be able to fund your four years of study. If you expect to use savings, parental support, outside private or government scholarships, or any combination of these to finance your studies, you’ll need to send official letters or similar certificates as proof of such support. Include your name and date of birth on each document. The documents must be in English. For the U.S., students who hold a F-1 or J-1 student visa are generally not allowed to work in the U.S. to help pay for their education and are required to pursue a full-time course load each semester.
許多大學會要求學生提交一份財力證明,證明你有能力支四年大學學費。如果您希望使用儲蓄、父母支持、私人或政府獎學金或以上的任何組合來支付您的學費,您需要發送官方文件或類似證書作為此類支持的證明。在每份文件上都需要有您的姓名和出生日期,且必須全部是英文的。對於美國,持有 F-1 或 J-1 學生簽證的學生通常不允許在美國工作來支付教育費用,並且必須每學期修讀全日制課程。
Important dates 重要日程
October 22, 2021
Parent Teacher conference day - Seniors are invited to come to school from 12 - 3 to work with counselors on their college applications.
親師會 - 當天12年級生可以在12點-3點之間來學校和大學輔導一起做申請表未完成的部份。
November 1, 2021
Deadline for many Early Decision and Early Action applications
College Visits 大學代表參訪
Parents, we welcome you to come to talk with us anytime about your student. Please request an appointment by email so that we can notify security to allow you as a visitor to campus. 我們歡迎各位家長來和我們聊聊孩子的事,請以email和我們約時間,方可事前通知大門警衛進入學校。
Students are assigned college counselors alphabetically based on their last name:
字母A-L Cerise Roth-Vinson,
字母M-Z Lori Dietrich,
We Are KAS
KAS challenges students to achieve academic excellence and prepares them to be balanced individuals, independent learners, and global citizens.
Kaohsiung American School (KAS) is a private, non-profit, co-educational Pre K – 12 institution offering an American, college preparatory program leading to a US high school diploma and the opportunity for an IB Diploma.
KAS is located in the northern area of Kaohsiung city, the second-largest city in Taiwan with 1.5 million inhabitants. Kaohsiung American School was established in 1989 as an elementary school serving the needs of local and expatriate families with children.
Location: 813, Taiwan, 高雄市左營區翠華路889號
Phone: 07-586-3300
Twitter: @kaohsiungas