4-H Friday NewsBlast
A Few Days Early! Happy Holidays!
❄❄Holiday Office Hours ❄❄ HAPPY HOLIDAYS! ❄❄
👈How to Pick A Project in 4HOnline:
Sometimes it is difficult to know which project to choose when registering in 4HOnline. The Pick Your Project resource can help! Using this searchable, web-based tool, users can search for projects by keywords, curriculum areas, knowledge levels, and geographic levels that link to 4HOnline projects. Curriculum and resources are directly linked within each of the fairbook entries within the new Nebraska State Fair 4-H Fairbook.
Cass County Clover Kids
Animal Science: Inspiring Your Future Scholarship Contest
This is the inaugural year for the Animal Science: Inspiring Your Future Scholarship Contest and we will be awarding ten $5000 scholarships. We want students to tell us their digital story about an individual or animal who has inspired them to pursue an education and career in animal science. This can be done via video, essay, pictures, a combination of those things, or really any medium that allows them to comfortably express themselves. The website link is below that lists out the contest details and link to apply and submit their digital story. All entries must be submitted by Noon on February 15th!
More details at: https://animalscience.unl.edu/Inspiring-Your-Future-Scholarship-Competition
Due to Government DHMs and University guidance, we will not hold a county beef weigh-in this year, and furthermore we will not award a Rate of Gain at the 2021 County Fair. Beef 4-Hers who are planning to participate at the 2021 State Fair will need to visit the office to pick-up a DNA envelope(s) and EID tag(s). If you need assistance with pulling DNA, tagging, or if you have any questions, please email Lauren at lstohlmann2@unl.edu or call our office at 402.267.2205
2021 4-H Horse Stampede Contest
We have made some changes to our 4-H Horse Stampede contest for the 2021 year in accommodation with health restrictions and guidelines. More information can be found at: https://4h.unl.edu/horse/stampede
Nebraska Cattleman's Classic
We hope that you'll join us in Kearney, NE on February 13th for another great contest at the Nebraska Cattleman's Classic. One thing to note again is that it will be official dress and the entry deadline is February 5th. More details can be found here: https://cattlemens.org/index.php
4-H Camps
- We had so much fun at our Virtual December Days Camp that we decided to plan another online session over winter break! If you need some camp fun over the break then join us for WINTER BREAK VIRTUAL CAMP! We will do an art project, cooking and STEM activity! This Virtual session will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 29th from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm CT. Ages: 5-14
- We are also planning an IN-PERSON event at the Nebraska State 4-H Camp in Halsey, NE. This event will take place from Saturday, January 16th to Monday, January 18th. See the beautiful Nebraska National Forest during wintertime and have a blast at camp! We will enjoy sledding, snow-people, hot chocolate and more! Transportation option from Lincoln or Omaha is available! *All CDC recommendations will be followed including: social distancing, masks and enhanced sanitizing procedures. Ages: 8-14
For more information on either of these events and online registration please visit this site: https://4h.unl.edu/camps-centers/school-year-camps
Hunting Wildlife Outdoor SkillsTeam for Nationals 2021
Hunting Skills is an exciting and challenging discipline. We are seeking members that are interested in competing on the Hunting Skills team for 2021.
There is a lot involved in preparing for this discipline, studying game guides and wildlife identification and management, hunter scenario and map and compass and shooting practices too.
This discipline requires a commitment to work hard to learn what is needed but it is also interesting and fun.
At Nationals there are two types of competition:
- Testing on these topics:
- Wildlife identification using tracks, scat, skulls, pelts, and sounds.
- Hunting scenario utilizing game laws of Nebraska and hunter ethics.
- Map and compass course and wildlife management testing.
- Shooting scores for 3-D archery, Sporting Clay's and .22 silhouette (1/2 scale targets).
This is a long week of shooting and testing but it is a great time to challenge yourself and make some new friends.
There is a lot of studying and range practicing before nationals, but it is a fun week!
Contact Tracy @tracy.ensor@unl.edu for more details
National Western Catch -A- Calf
The National Western Catch-A-Calf program has re-opened the 2021-22 NWSS CAC Application website and the new deadline is January 15, 2021. Go to: https://nationalwestern.com/catch-a-calf-program/?fbclid=IwAR3LBfau6HJKcroQJmU7Q9RlYClb-qVSWTzpwXh7LhgHHzhA_7amYd_B2N0
👉4HOnline is now open for 2020-2021 Enrollments👈
**Sign up for the Special Garden Project while you are enrolling! 👇
2021 Nebraska 4-H Special Garden Project
NEW! Cass County 4-H is excited to offer these expertly curated kits for checkout to our members and 4-H leaders! Perfect for club meetings, homeschooling, interest-led learning, and family activities. Visit http://go.unl.edu/casskits for details, or contact Tracy at tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Don't forget to complete your Year End Club Treasurer's Report! They are due January 31, 2021 Click here to complete your clubs report! You can email it to Tammy @ tcavanaugh2@unl.edu or bring it by the Extension Office.
‼2020 Awards and Fair Premiums ‼
4-H Calendar
4-H Calendar - Be sure to check often for updates!
- December 24, 2020 Cass County Extension Office CLOSED Holiday Break
- December 25, 2020 Cass County Extension Office CLOSED Holiday Break
- December 31, 2020 Cass County Extension Office closing at 12 noon Holiday Break
- January 1, 2021 - Cass County Extension Office Closed Happy New Year!
- January 2, 2021 - Beef Weigh In - CANCELED! SELF TAGGING REQUIRED THIS YEAR!
- January 31, 2021 - Year End Treasurers Reports Due - REQUIRED
- June 14, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Scottsbluff
- June 15, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Burwell
- June 16, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Columbus
- June 17, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Lincoln
- June 18, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - McCook
- June 28-29, 2021 - Life Challenge
- June 28-29,2021 - Premier Animal Science Event (PASE)
- June 30, 2021 - State 4-H Public Speaking Contest
- July 10-14, 2021 - Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Lauren Stohlmann, Extension Educator and Unit Leader, lauren.stohlmann@unl.edu
Katie Kreuser, Extension Educator, katie.kreuser@unl.edu
Tracy Ensor, Extension Assistant, tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Tammy Cavanaugh, 4-H Support Staff, tcavanaugh2@unl.edu
Sandy Prall, Office Manager, sprall2@unl.edu
General Mailbox, cass-county@unl.edu
Email: cass-county@unl.edu
Website: www.cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, 68463
Phone: 402-267-2205
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UNLCassCounty/
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty