Paw Prints
Mound City Elementary and Middle School

November 2023
- Big thanks to PTO for sponsoring the Student of the Month treats, stocking treats and drinks in the lounge, and for all the Halloween games in the gym!
- Shout out to Ta Ya Tu for the Tuesday treats! They seriously brighten our days!
- Also, thanks to Rogers Pharmacy, Thriftway, Nutrition Site, George's Total, NVB, the nursing home, and all the other organizations and parents for all the Halloween treats for our students!
We are infinitely grateful for the support from the community! It's one of the best perks of being a Panther!
Mark your calendar!
- November 1: Q1 Awards Assembly in gym. MS at 8:05, EL at 9:00
- November 6: Teacher in-service; no school for students
- November 10: Veterans Day celebration during school; MS Harvest Dance in cafeteria, 6-8 PM
- November 15: PAT Playgroup on the playground, 3 PM
- November 20: 7th and 8th Grade Civic Immersion Project at emPowerU
- November 21: MS Friendsgiving at 11:15 in multi-purpose room; PK-1 Thanksgiving Feast at 11:30 in lower elementary hallway
- November 22-25: Thanksgiving Break
- Dress your child appropriately for current weather conditions. Students will be kept inside when the temperature or wind chill is in the low to middle teens. Please dress students appropriately for the weather as they will be taken outside to recess if at all possible.
- Please do not linger in the hallways after 8:00 AM. All classes (PK-12) begin promptly at 8:00 AM.
- Please share an active email address on the enrollment form and with your child's teacher for easy communication.
Character Trait of the Month
Doing your part to make the world a better place
A few examples of how to demonstrate citizenship:
- obeying rules and laws
- helping others
- voting to voice your opinion
- picking up trash, even if it isn't yours
- respecting our flag
CITIZENSHIP is worth THREE PBS points during the month of November.
October Students of the Month
These students were chosen by their teachers for being shining examples of SELF-CONTROL.
Counselor's Corner
During the month of October, we talked about anti-bullying and choosing a healthy life by being drug-free. We had a great week of Red Ribbon activities! The students seemed to enjoy Downtime Day where they had 10 minutes of downtime in the afternoon. If you get a chance, ask your child about the activities we did for the week...downtime, exercise, healthy food/hygiene, superhero day.
For the upcoming month, we will be talking about community and citizenship. I ran across this article and it was a fantastic read. Some of you may have already seen this, but it is worth sharing. Hope you feel the same! https://deeprootsathome.com/kids-bored-entitled/
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The "Buy a Line" Fundraiser was a huge success. With this money PTO has already sponsored nearly $3,000 worth of projects including books, tables and chairs, the sensory path on the playground, lamps and much more! Thank you for participating! The next PTO meeting will be held Tuesday, November 7th at 3:15.
Title Talk
Each Friday the 2nd - 4th graders fill my classroom for "Free Read Friday." I am amazed at what I see - kids reading, laughing out-loud, and so many asking to read a part to me. As your children become independent readers, don't forget how important it is to listen to them read, read to them and read together. Some of my favorite books are the ones I read with Maggie when she was in middle school.
K- working on counting, learning to recognize the group that is greater or the group that is less, and number recognition 1-12
1st-working on addition facts to twenty and subtraction facts to twenty, addition and subtraction equations
2nd-working on subtraction facts, subtracting two digit numbers from two digit numbers. Learning to go to the 10's neighbor and borrow a ten to add to the ones.
3rd-memorizing multiplications facts for 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, and learning to divide using multiplication facts,
4th-working on multiplication facts and learning to multiply a two digit number by a two digit number
Students are doing well in math, progress monitoring shows steady improvement. GREAT JOB!
😄 Here's a joke to make "sum" of you chuckle: Why was the equal sign so humble?😄
Because he knew he was not less than or greater than anyone else!
Mrs. Osburn
Title 1 Reading
Mrs. Ashford
Title 1 Reading
Mrs. Asher
Title 1 Math