The Petty Post
October 28, 2022
W.C. Petty Elementary
Location: 850 Highview Drive, Antioch, IL
Phone: 847-838-8101
Twitter: @WCPetty34
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Hip Hip Hooray for Red Ribbon Day!
Monday, 10/31
- Red Ribbon Week & Halloween - Wear Orange and Black (costume change for afternoon)
- 4th/5th Concert Orchestra practice 7:30 am
- 4th/5th Band Percussion practice 7:30 am
- Soccer Intramurals until 4:30 pm
Tuesday, 11/1
- 5th Grade Band practice 7:30 am
- Beginning Orchestra practice 7:30 am
- Yoga Club until 4:30 pm
- Diversity Club until 4:30 pm
- Yearbook Club until 4:45 pm
Wednesday, 11/2
- Beginning Band 7:30 am
Thursday, 11/3
- 5th Grade Band practice 7:30 am
- 4th/5th Cadet Orchestra practice 7:30 am
- 5th Grade Music Concert 6:30 pm
Friday, 11/4
- Beginning Band practice 7:30 am
- Intermediate Orchestra practice 7:30 am
- 4th Grade Field Trip to the Zoo
Tuesday, 11/8
- No School, Election Day
Friday, 11/11
- Veterans' Breakfast @ 8:00 am
- Veterans Day Assembly @ 9:00 am
Monday, 11/14
- Family Conferences
Thursday, 11/17
- Family Conferences
Nov. 14th-18th
- Scholastic Book Fair
Nov. 21st-25th
- No School - Fall Break
Testing our Alert System
On November 7th, the district office will be sending out a district wide email, phone call and text message regarding school not being in session November 8th due to the election. This communication will also serve as a test of our alert system. If you don’t receive an email, phone call or text message before 3 pm on November 7th from Antioch CCSD 34, please contact either Kathy Hogan at or 847-838-8481 or Josh Coon at or 847-838-8480.
Add Funds to Your Child's Lunch Account
Please click on the button below to download the directions for adding funds to your child's lunch account.
Veteran's Day Celebration
WCP Staff and Families-Veterans Day is fast approaching and we want to honor the Veterans in our lives that have proudly served our country with a light breakfast at 8:00 and assembly at 9:00 on Friday, November 11.
If your Veteran is able to join us for either part of our celebration, please complete THIS FORM by November 4.
If you have family members that served our country but they are unable to come to Petty on Veterans Day, we would still like to honor them. Please complete THIS FORM by November 4.
Thank you for your service and we look forward to honoring you!
*If you are having difficulty with THIS FORM, please try cutting and pasting this link into your browser:
Save the Date - Scholastic Book Fair
Yearbook Ordering
It’s time to order the 2022-2023 WC Petty yearbook.
Cost: $20 (price increases on January 8, 2023)
Click on the website or scan the QR code:
Kids Night Out
We hope your child will be joining us for a night of fun with friends at Kids Night Out on Friday, November 11! We will have lots of activities including sports, games, karaoke and a movie: Lightyear. There is limited space and NO walk-ins will be accepted so make sure to sign your child up quickly. Click the link below to sign up and for all the details!
Amazon Smile
Make Petty Bobcat Boosters, Inc. your designated charity and Amazon will donate a portion of all your purchases at to the Boosters!
Updates from the Teaching & Learning Department
2022 Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) scores
2022 Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) scores for the current 6th graders were sent home this Friday, October 28th. This is a state required assessment that all 5th and 8th graders take annually. The individual student scores are not received until the following school year.
Antioch CCSD 34 | ISA Family Letter | Student Scores Reports | English Version
Antioch CCSD 34 | ISA Family Letter | Student Score Reports | Spanish Version
2022 Illinois State Report Card
The State of Illinois released the 2022 Illinois State Report Card released this week. Families can learn more on the topic by reading the district letter linked below. Antioch CCSD 34 2022 Illinois Report Card can be viewed at www.illinois report
Antioch CCSD 34 | Illinois State Report Card | Family Letter | English Version
Antioch CCSD 34 | Illinois State Report Card | Family Letter | Spanish Version | Coming Soon
Updates from the Technology Department
iPad Information
Parent reminders regarding the new iPads:
Stickers and/or labels should not be placed on the iPad or chargers.
If there is an issue and an item is not working, please contact your building administrator to get a replacement as soon as possible.
Please help with the expectation of having the iPad charged once the student comes to school. It is very important that the student has a charged iPad so that class and instruction time isn’t lost accomplishing this task.
If possible, help show your student how to plug and unplug headphones in the headphone jack. The Technology Department has had numerous issues with broken plugs in the headphone jacks.
Please remind your student that the iPads are for school use, not personal use. They should not be used for taking personal pictures outside of school.
The iPads should be used for school-related work at home, not watching YouTube videos. YouTube can be a valuable educational tool when used appropriately. Please help us monitor this tool so that we can continue to utilize the value of it and not have the negative aspects.
The staff at Antioch CCSD 34 thank you for your continued support regarding the iPads and their value in enhancing the learning of your student. Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.
Common Sense Media
The link below is a great link for parents to help teach their students about proper technology use and how to keep them safe using the internet. Antioch CCSD 34 uses some of the resources from this website as well to help with digital citizenship.
Additionally, Common Sense Media has information that can help with internet services or home devices. Please click here to find out if you qualify for free internet.
Updates from Student Services
ALICE Training for Students
During the week of October 17 - 21 we introduced age-appropriate ALICE strategies to students using developmentally appropriate resources. Training will consist of scenario-based practice and developmentally appropriate discussion regarding how to respond during a critical event. Please see our communication sent to all families on 9/22/22, and our Safety Update presented at our Community Safety Night that took place on Monday, October 3, 2022, for additional information. Please reach out to your building administrators if you have any questions.
Updates from the Business Office
Bus Safety
PAVE the way to bus stop safety!
The days are getting shorter and some of our students are waiting at their stops before the sun comes up. As important as their safety is to us, we can't always control what happens before we get to their bus stop. Here are a few helpful pointers they can put into practice to help ensure that our precious cargo can get safely from home to bus stop and then to school.
P stands for Prompt. Set an alarm if that helps, and allow yourself adequate time to gather your belongings and get to your stop without rushing. Your driver needs you at your stop five minutes before your assigned time so you're not running to catch the bus.
A stands for Attentive. Pay attention to your surroundings. When walking to your bus stop, make sure you're watching for cars pulling down a driveway, bike riders and joggers. Pay attention to what appears out of place and stay clear of strange cars.
V stands for Visible. Especially during these darker months, be aware that you might be difficult to see, especially if you are dressed in dark colors. Consider carrying a flashlight with you so people can see you. There is gear available that runners use to increase their visibility in the dark. A white or brightly colored hat could save your life, just because you're easier to see.
E stands for Expect The unexpected. This is taking attentiveness to the next level.
Remember to be Prompt, Attentive, Visible and always Expecting the unexpected. These are great habits that will help you stay safe in your travels.
See you at the bus stop!