Daniel Wright

Heroe's Dinner
Daniel Wright's Leaders in Learning team served up a delicious Heroes Dinner to Lincolnshire first responders and area veterans. The band and orchestra played on the stage as entertainment. Thanks for doing an incredible job students! Visit the school's Google Doc folder to see pictures of the event.
Getting to School on Time
We would like to remind parents that students are expected to be in advisory by 8:30 a.m. and we would recommend they arrive at school NO LATER THAN 8:20 a.m. to have time to get to their lockers first. The school doors open at 8 a.m. every morning and students may receive detentions for three or more tardies as per our student handbook.
More importantly, research shows that students who are late often start the day with extra anxiety and may also be treated with disdain and resentment by their peers.
If your student is delayed, has an appointment, is sick or has another reason for being late to school, please do not hesitate to phone or email the DW Attendance line 847 604 5280 or DW_attendance@d103.org.
Science Bowl: Heads to Nationals
Daniel Wright Science Bowl team advanced to Nationals after a virtual regional competition over the weekend. Five students competed by answering tough questions like:
- What organelle functions to isolate a human cell’s chromosomes from the cytoplasm?
- What is the most common term for the energy an object has because of its position or configuration?
- One degree of latitude at the Earth’s surface is equal to how many nautical miles?
At the conclusion, Daniel Wright's team was named regional champions. Congratulations to the following students:
- Ananya Iyer, 7
- Wenhan Li, 8
- Sanjay Senthilnathan, 7
- Anirudh Srinivasan, 8
- Eric Zhang, 8
Student Moves Onto Regionals
Ira Chakraborty, eighth-grade, placed first in the D103 spelling bee on Thursday, Jan. 26, and and Rishi Vasireddy, sixth-grade, was named runner-up. Ira will move on to compete at the Lake County regional spelling bee competition. The students went 12 rounds. There were 26 students in grades 4-8 who competed in the Scripps National Spelling Bee competition. Ira will compete in person against other students at the Lake County Sectional Spelling Bee on March 3. Ira won the district bee by correctly spelling the word, exponential.
Important Changes in Pick Up Procedures
Due to the large number of after school activities at DW, traffic flow for pick up after 4:45 p.m. can be hectic and unsafe for students and parents. For these reasons, the following changes will go into effect on Monday, Feb. 6:
PASS Buses: The PASS buses will line up in the FRONT of DW just as they do for afternoon dismissal. Students riding the PASS bus will exit the front entrance to board the buses.
PARENT PICK UP: Pick up after 4:45 p.m. will follow the same procedure as afternoon dismissal. Cars should enter the northernmost entrance of campus, turn right (counter clockwise) and proceed around the building. Students can be picked up near the exit closest to their after school activity. There are two lanes. Proceed to your student’s door on the outside lane and park on the inside lane ONLY to pick up your student.
Please review the diagram to understand the flow of traffic, effective Monday, Feb. 6.
Black History Month
February celebrates Black History Month. For the month of February we celebrate change-makers both famous and little-known. There are many amazing people teachers and students celebrate during Black History Month.
Missed Simplifying Stevenson?
If you missed the Simplifying Stevenson presentation for eighth-graders, please feel free to watch the recorded videos from the event.
District News
D103 Job Fair
Attention all job seekers! Lincolnshire-Prairie View District 103 is hosting a job fair on Thursday, Feb. 9, from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the District Office, 111 Barclay Boulevard, Lincolnshire. This is a great opportunity for those individuals interested in working in the district to apply, interview for positions, and learn more about working in District 103 now and in the future.
We are currently hiring for a variety of positions including:
Classroom and special education teacher associate
Special education teacher/LBS1
Adaptive P.E. teacher
Substitute teacher
Bus driver
Bus monitor
Crossing guard
Office/clerical position
Teacher Middle School Science
Teacher Middle School Chorus & Music
Information will also be shared on how to apply for required state certifications.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to meet with district representatives and learn more about the job opportunities available. We hope to see you there!
LFF Partnership
Leave a Family Legacy in D103
Create a memorable impact in your student's life by placing their name in the D103 LFF Brick Garden outside Daniel Wright. Future, current, and past Daniel Wright students have the school paved in bricks with their family name. Please see the foundation's Google Doc folder for pictures of the brick garden and other families who have donated.
The Learning Fund Foundation has been an active supporter of our D103 school district for many years providing STEM programming, classroom audio systems, and the establishment of the Dawn Anderson Scholarship awarded to a Daniel Wright graduate. The Learning Fund Foundation is a registered 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit educational foundation and your donation is tax deductible.
PTO Partnership
Fundraiser: Valentine's Day Treats from Max and Benny's
Join us for this delicious fundraiser from Max and Benny's! A percentage of all sales will help fund PTO programs.
Orders are due by Friday, Feb. 3. Valentine's treats will be available for pick up at Sprague School on Monday, Feb. 13, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Order your goodies through the PTO Store.
Help Needed in the Library
Parents, are you interested in volunteering at Daniel Wright? Our DW librarian, Mrs. Otto, would love help shelving books on Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. There are plenty of opportunities available beginning in February and running until the end of the school year.
Volunteer for Explore the Arts Day
D103's annual Explore the Arts Day at Daniel Wright Junior High School is held in the morning on Friday, Feb. 17. The sixth- through eighth-grade students will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on workshops throughout the day in performing arts, visual arts, music, dance and more!
We are seeking parent volunteers to help the day run smoothly!
- Note: This day is a half day of school for students.
- Volunteer Today!
Fostering Grit & Growth Mindset: A look into the SEL Curriculum at DW
Learn about the importance of a growth mindset in our children’s success and see how D103 is teaching students about these ideas at DW.
- 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 8
- In Person Event at Daniel Wright
- Register Now
Community News
Math Tutoring by SHS Students
Math-Aid is a completely free math tutoring program that aims to help students who need extra help in mathematics. Sessions are conducted by high school sophomores or older who are in advanced math courses. Please fill out the Math-Aid interest form.
Community Satisfaction Survey
The Village of Lincolnshire is seeking your opinion on what it does well, what it can do better, and the services residents/community leaders value most! By taking 15 minutes to complete this survey, you’re guiding village wide decisions about public safety, water service, economic development, road maintenance, special events, preservation of natural spaces, and more. Paper copies are available at Village Hall or the Vernon Area Public Library. Please submit only one survey per Lincolnshire household/business by Friday, Feb. 17. Surveys should be completed by a resident/employee who is at least 18 years old. Thank you for sharing your vision of Lincolnshire.
Village Seeks Community Input
We invite you to attend Lincolnshire’s Open House from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, Lincolnshire Village Hall, 1 Olde Half Day Road. This event will allow you and other community members to provide input about issues facing Lincolnshire by engaging in several interactive activities and conversations with staff and Teska Associates. You can arrive at any time during the two-hour timeframe. Please let you colleagues, neighbors, and friends know about the Open House as well. We want a big turnout!
AYSO Auditions
American Youth Symphony Orchestra (AYSO) is holding auditions for its youth orchestra (all instruments) and auditions for it chamber music program.
Football Training
Sign up for All American 7v7 by emailing bgbillsyouth@gmail.com or by filling out this All Pro Sports Performance Off Season Training form.
Daniel Wright Information
- Principal Michelle Blackley, Ed.D.
- Assistant Principal Nina Nusbaum, Ed.D.
- Assistant Principal Melody Littlefair
- 847-604-5280
- Dw_attendance@d103.org