Crusader Times
August 6, 2021
Bonita Vista Middle School
Welcome to Bonita Vista Middle School - Home of the Crusaders! Thank you for visiting our newsletter. In this edition we bring to you our school highlights and a glance at events coming up. Additionally, we are now accepting newsletter submissions. If you have any content you'd like to be featured, please submit by clicking here. Enjoy this edition of the Crusader Times. Go Crusaders!
Words from our Principal
It's time for our Back to School Night! You will be receiving information this week about how to log in to our back to School Night on August 12th via Zoom from the comfort of your homes. The meeting begins at 5:00pm and class visitations will finish by 7:45pm. Please join us for a chance to meet your students' teachers and receive information about their classes.
Our after school and lunch time tutoring begins this week. Please see the schedules below or visit our BVM website for details. This is the perfect opportunity for students to catch up and get help. We will also be offering our first Saturday Scholars on August 14th from 8:00am-12:00pm. Any student is welcome to attend to get support or have a quiet place to work.
We had over 90 parents join us for our first Coffee with the Principal! I hope the information you received was valuable. It was great to have a chance to chat with many of you. We will have our next meeting on August 26th from 10:00-11:00am and it will be virtual.
I hope your students are enjoying the return to school. We are making every effort to ensure their safety while on campus. COVID is out there in the world and if it creeps in to BVM, as long as we consistently follow our safety protocols, we can continue to offer in person instruction for our students while prioritizing their safety and the safety of our staff.
Thank you for your partnership and support.
Teresa Kramer
Bonita Vista Middle School
School Highlights
It's good to be back
We are all so happy and excited to start the school year! It is awesome to be able to welcome our students back on campus and slowly return to a sense of normality. Wishing everyone a successful school year!
Off Campus Permits
please be aware that we do not give off campus permits during student lunches (12:06-1:16 on regular days and 11:40-12:10 on minimum days) or after 2:45 pm.
Our campus assistants are critical to the supervision and safety of this campus and they need to focus on student safety during those times.
Thank you for your understanding.
Face Covering and Social Distancing Protocols
While we are still requesting social distancing be respected whenever possible on campus, CDPH has removed minimum social distancing requirements generally and specifically in classrooms and buses.
As is required by OSHA and/or California Department of Public Health, the SUHSD will maintain the requirement for all students and employees to wear face coverings indoors on all school sites absent a medical exemption cleared through the District. Similarly, all visitors to District facilities will be required to wear masks absent exemptions.
When outdoors, staff, visitors and students may decide not to wear a mask, but are still asked to respect social distancing. In large gatherings outdoors, staff, students and volunteers will be encouraged to wear masks.
Non-discrimination Statement
The Board of Trustees is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination based on age, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information, sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, immigration status; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
School Information
Wifi Troubles? Try this:
Home Wi-Fi connection tips:
Clear Safari history daily!
Go to Settings -> Safari -> Clear History and Website Data -> clear
Student iPad home Wi-Fi instructions:
1. You must connect to your own home Wi-Fi first
2. Tap on the iBoss SUHSD Login app
3. Login with-
Username: student ID
Password: 8-digit birthdate
Username: iboss
Password: suhsd1
4. Successful login will take you to (keep this page open)
5. Safari and apps will now work from home
Print here.
Parent/Community Information
Be a BVM All Star Parent!
Click on the video links if you need help learning!
Good evening parents of BVMS,
On behalf of Janice Oani President of the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) at Bonita Vista Middle School would like to communicate that This 2020-2021 school year will be like no other. Your support is greatly appreciated as we work together to support our school during this unprecedented time.
The strength of our PTSA lies in its members: parents, teachers, school administrators, business leaders, and community members who devote themselves to making a positive difference in the lives of children.
Please help support BVM PTSA with: Membership Drive • Hospitality during parent meetings (orientations, Coffee with the Principal) • Book Fairs • PTA Reflections Contest • Staff Appreciation Events • Fundraising Events • Assist with School Improvement Initiatives • Monthly meetings with the Principal, students, and staff representation.
Please join PTSA by clicking on the address bar provided and check your Infinate Campus inbox or your personal email for further information from PTSA President Janice Oani.
Thank you
Buenas tardes padres de familia de BVMS,
En nombre de Janice Oani, la Presidenta de la Asociacion de Padres, Maestros y Estudiantes conosida como PTSA de Bonita Vista Middle le gustaria comunicar que este ano escolar 2020-2021 sera como ningun otro. Se agradece su apoyo mientras trabajamos juntos para apoyar a nuestra escuela durante este tiempo sin precedentes.
La fuerza de nuestro PTSA radica en sus miembros: padres, maestros, administradores escolares, lideres empresariales y miembros de la comunidad que se dedican a hacer una diferencia positiva en la vida de los ninos.
Por favor, ayude a apoyar PTSA de BVM con la Campana de afiliacion • Hospitalidad durante las reuniones de padres (orientaciones, cafecito con la directora) • Las ferias del libro • Concurso de reflexiones de la PTA • Eventos de agradecimiento al personal • Eventos de recaudacion de fondos • Ayudar con las iniciativas de mejora escolar • Reuniones mensuales con la directora, los estudiantes y el personal.
Unase a PTSA haciendo clic en la barra de direccione provista y revise su bandeja de entrada de Infinate Campus o su correo electronico personal para obtener mas informacion de la presidenta de PTSA, Janice Oani.
Now Accepting Newsletter Submissions!
Is our newsletter missing anything? Now you can submit your stories, highlights, or general information that you would like to see on future volumes. Click the link below to access the form.
Bonita Vista Middle School
The mission of Bonita Vista Middle School, a dynamic learning community with a tradition of academic excellence, is to empower students to succeed in middle school and beyond through a system of learning distinguished by:
- A rigorous and relevant curriculum.
- A broad range of opportunities that support student success.
- A climate that promotes strong parent, community, staff and student collaboration.
- A safe and nurturing environment that embraces diversity.
- A school culture that promotes personal integrity.
Location: 650 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: 619-397-2200
Twitter: @WeAreBVM