Padbury CPS Newsletter
Issue #17 - 29 October 2021
Stewardship: Let us take care of everything God has given us
Padbury Catholic Primary School is an education community committed to following in the footsteps of Jesus, living our motto ‘Love One Another’ (John 13:34)
Our Vision is to educate the whole child, Inspiring Hearts and Minds, to become faith-filled, creative, life-long learners through meaningful and innovative experiences.
Our Vision comes to life through our core values which are inspired by the Gospels and our Mercy charism: Compassion; Service; Mercy; Justice; Dignity; Hospitality; Stewardship; Excellence
Please check the community calendar for upcoming and future dates as the calendar is regularly updated.
All Saints and All Souls
On 1 November it is the feast of All Saints whereby we honour all of our saints and the great inspiration they are for us all. Yesterday afternoon Father Cyprian celebrated a whole school mass with us in honour of All Saints.
2021 is the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Saint Joseph as patron of the universal Church:
How many fathers, mothers, grandparents and teachers are showing our children, in small everyday ways, how to accept and deal with a crisis by adjusting their routines, looking ahead and encouraging the practice of prayer.
How many are praying, making sacrifices and interceding for the good of all.
Each of us can discover in Joseph, the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence, an intercessor, a support and a guide in times of trouble.
Saint Joseph reminds us that those who appear hidden or in the shadows can play an incomparable role in the history of salvation (Pope Francis)
On 2 November is the feast of All Souls whereby we pray for all those who have passed away and hold their memories close to our hearts.
Congratulations to our Year Three children as they celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesday evening at Our Lady of the Missions Church. It was a beautiful celebration and I am so proud of the way the children were so respectful and reverent whilst receiving the sacrament. It was so lovely to see many family members going to Reconciliation as well. Thank you to the Year Three teachers Mrs Holness and Mr Randazzo for preparing the children so beautifully and to Father Cyprian, Father Francis and all the priests who came along to assist. As Father Cyprian reminded the children, this is not a ‘one off’ sacrament and we need to encourage our children to receive this sacrament on a regular basis so that they can deepen their relationship with Jesus and ask him to help them make good choices in their daily lives.
Jesus And Me (JAM) is on tonight Friday, 29th October at Our Lady of the Missions Church. The children engage in fun activities learning all about Jesus - Mini JAM (Years 1-3) 4.00pm - 5.00pm and JAM (Years 4-6) 5.15pm - 6.15pm. Pizza will be provided! Contact: Stefan 0406 050 035 and Monica 0408 499 985; email:
PCPS Family Mass
All families are invited to come celebrate the PCPS Family Mass on Sunday 14 November at 11am at Our Lady of the Mission Church. The P&F Faith Team are currently calling for families to assist on the day. Please see details in the newsletter.
Remembrance Day
On the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, a minutes' silence is observed and dedicated to the loss of Australian lives from all wars and conflicts. On Thursday 11 November at 11am we will be having a Prayer Service for Remembrance Day in our school hall. All parents are welcome to join us.
PCPS Kindy to Year Two children performing plus PCPS School Choirs
Book this date in your diary now - Carols by Candlelight on Thursday 9 December 6-8pm. Padbury Catholic Primary School and Whitford Catholic Primary School will be holding Carols by Candlelight in conjunction with Our Lady of the Missions Parish on the oval right near the church. All children from PCPS are invited to attend with their families and enjoy carol singing and a picnic.
All Kindy to Year Two children will be involved in performances on the night as well as our School Choirs.
Sausage Sizzles and food vans will be available. Various PCPS year levels as well as our choirs will be performing on the night.
Further details coming soon.
Year Five Leadership
The Year Five classes have enjoyed a week of leadership events with a leadership retreat day with the 24/7 Youth Ministry and elections for 2022 Year 6 Councillors with the Electoral Education Centre. The children then concluded their week with a Sleepover. It was wonderful to celebrate a Leadership Liturgy with the children after which they took part in lots of fun and games. Big thank you to Mrs Tardrew, Mr Dias and Mr von Bergheim for sleeping overnight and giving up their own family time to share this special event with the children. The Year Five children are displaying some excellent leadership skills and I look forward to them demonstrating the Mercy Value of Service in their various leadership roles next year.
Science Fair
Our amazing Year 6 scientists hosted a Science Fair today. Together with a partner they researched a topic that they were interested in and ran interactive experiments for the rest of the school to take part in. Big thanks to our Science teachers Mrs Britt Ewen and Mr John Hignett for the engaging work that they do with our children. Visit our Facebook or Instagram page for more photos from today and watch the stories posted for videos of the Science Fair in action.
World Educators Day
On Friday we celebrate World Educators Day. Each and every one of our staff members are ‘teachers’ as we all teach, nurture, encourage and support the children at PCPS in all that we do whether we are in the classroom, out on the sporting field or in the office. I thank our outstanding staff for all their commitment, dedication, patience, sense of humour and positivity. It is a pleasure and privilege working with them all and we are truly blessed to have our children in their care. Big thanks to the P&F who supplied a coffee van for the staff today!
Every 3-5 years Catholic school communities in WA take part in a climate survey. The survey allows an opportunity for parents to tell the Leadership Team how things are going for you and your children. Similar surveys will be administered to staff and students to enable us to capture a community snapshot. All responses are confidential and will be used for school improvement purposes.
Information was emailed to parents and will be open until 5 November 2021.
The Leadership Team values your feedback and impressions and the data collected by an external company, will be part of our school improvement journey.
Pre-Kindy and Kindergarten for 2022
The following dates and times are for the Parent Meetings and Student Orientation sessions to be held in the next few weeks:
Pre-Kindy 2022 Parent Meeting and Orientation
30 November at 9.30am in the Pre-Kindy classroom
Kindergarten 2022 Parent Meeting
16 November 1.30pm in the school hall
Kindergarten 2022 Orientation
Kindy Gecko Friday19 November 1.30pm
Kindy Wallaby Thursday 18 November 1.30pm
Our Pre-Kindy (Three-Year-Old) 2022 programme on Tuesdays and Thursday is full!
We are considering running another day on Wednesdays. Please contact Mrs Ellen at the office ASAP if you are interested in enrolling your 3yr old. Information can be found on our website - and fee information can be located at
There are very limited vacancies for other year levels for 2022. If you know of anyone looking for a position, please recommend our beautiful school.
The Advisory Council (formerly known as School Board) would like to thank those families who have paid their school fees and are up to date. Should you have any outstanding fees, these are to be finalised by 30 November (unless other arrangements have been made). As per the school fee policy, the Advisory Council Finance Committee may take action to recover any unpaid fees through a debt collection agency which may in turn affect your future credit ratings. There are a number of methods in which families at the school can pay their school fees. These include credit card, EFTPOS, cash, cheque, direct debit and internet banking. Please see the Finance Officer, Mrs Denise Davis at the school office for further details.
The Annual General Meeting for the P&F and Advisory Council (formerly) School Board and the Volunteers Supper will be held on Wednesday 17 November in the school hall, commencing at 6.00pm.
Reasons you should come to the AGM:
· Show your support of the hard-working Advisory Council and P&F
· There will be a brief review of 2021 Advisory Council and P&F activities
· Office bearers for the Advisory Council and P&F will be elected
· 2022 staffing will be announced (if finalised). You will find out your child’s year group teachers for 2022
· 2022 school fees will be presented
· Focus areas for 2022 will be shared
· As a special thank you to all volunteers who have assisted in any way throughout the year such as P&F, Advisory Council, reading rosters, excursions, covering books, craft and the list goes on and on…You are invited to our Volunteers Supper at the conclusion of the AGM. It is our way of saying thank you for all that you do at PCPS. Please rsvp your attendance for the AGM by completing the RSVP below.
Please consider if you would like to nominate/re-nominate for the P&F Committee and/or a class representative for 2022. We have four Advisory Council vacancies for next year. Should there be anyone wishing to nominate for one of these positions you are welcome to do so, and I ask that you contact me for further information and a nomination form to be returned by Friday 5 November. Voting will then take place on the night of the AGM if there are more candidates than positions then nominees will be asked to speak for no longer than a minute in support of their application.
Have a lovely weekend with your families.
Mrs Margaret Williamson
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2021, 06:00 PM
Padbury Catholic Primary School, O'Leary Road, Padbury WA, Australia
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
In the coming week, the 2022 booklists will be uploaded to our school website. An email will be sent out from the office to let you know when the booklists go live on our site. Please keep your eye out for this email.
Teachers will send home any remaining resources for students by Friday 3rd December (Week 8) so you can take stock and consider what is required from the Booklist for 2022.
National Outdoor Classroom Day
National Outdoor Classroom Day is a global movement to make time outdoors part of every child’s day.
On Thursday 4th November our whole school will be participating in National Outdoor Classroom Day!
This is a whole school initiative and supports our school’s approach to outdoor nature play. We believe that learning outside the classroom is not only exciting but can also improve children’s overall health, wellbeing and happiness.
The National Outdoor Classroom Day will consist of all classrooms moving some activities outside.
This may include Literacy, Numeracy and Religion lessons, alongside some STEM activities to engage the children in the outdoor environment.
Look out for photos of this fun event which will be shared on our Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as in our next Newsletter.
Thought for the Week
Have a wonderful fortnight ahead!
Mr Ryan von Bergheim & Mrs Loretta Hutcheson
Assistant Principals
Swimming Lessons Refund - Years 1 to 5
Swimming Lessons occurred for 5 days, 21st – 25th June 2021. Due to COVID-19 restrictions 28th June – 1st July this year, the second week of Swimming Lessons were cancelled.
Families from Years 1- 5 have had a 50% portion of their Swimming Lesson charge ($55) refunded on their School Fee Account. This credit balance will be carried forward to the start of next year and will be deducted from the 2022 school fees.
Please do not hesitate to contact Denise Davis or Helen Hughes if you have any queries regarding your school fee account.
Meeting Caitlin Collins
On Monday the 18th of October, Ms Caitlin Collins came to our school, to present us with the flags we wrote to her about and requested. It was a great experience to meet a Member of Parliament, and to write a letter to her.
Lily and Lourdes
Yr 5 Students
Choir News🎵
Tuesdays....8:15am in the hall...Students from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are all welcome to come and sing. Please note there will be no choir during the last week of term.
Mrs Cusak
Music Teacher
Calm Parenting
Do you ever find yourself yelling at the kids......
We all start the day hoping to finish of on a good note. We don’t yell for the sake of it. Yelling usually stems from reaching a point of very human limits. We may end up feeling unheard, frustrated or desire calm. Try these 5 tips to managing any tendencies for yelling.
Tip #1 Take some time away to calm yourself down.
When you catch yourself getting angrier, take some time away for yourself to calm down and manage your own emotions. As a parent, you are teaching your child how to deal with issues that make him/her angry by the way you behave when you’re angry. The key is to stop as soon as you feel your voice is getting louder and step away from the situation before it escalates. With practice, it will get much easier to control your yelling habit.
Tip #2 Formally commit.
Make a formal commitment to yourself in writing and a verbal one to your kids that you are going to try your hardest to stop yelling. This will keep you accountable and will serve as a good reminder to the behavioural change you are trying to make.
Tip #3 Keep a check on yourself.
Keep a check of your own mental level. Maybe you’re overburdened with work and have too much on your plate which can come in the way of regulating your own emotions. Make sure to have proper rest, eat well and be hydrated which can all be contributing factors to a bad mood.
Tip #4 Empathize.
Sometimes kids press your buttons because they are simply trying to connect with you. It may very well be a cry for attention so go ahead and give it to them. You can remain calm and try to empathize with what their needs are prior to exploding.
Tip #5 Address issues as they come.
Stop adding up things that are bothering you and address them calmly when they occur instead. Give your child a time-out, and then talk to them when they have calmed down instead of saving up all your issues for one day. When you don’t address issues as they come, there are higher chances of you yelling and exploding.
Mrs Ali FIsher
Social Worker
Parish Update
Mini JAM & JAM - 29th October
Mini JAM (Years 1-3) 4:00 to 5:00pm
JAM (Years 4-6) 5.15 to 6.15pm
Parish & PCPS &WCPS combined Carols by Candlelight: December 9th at 6.00pm on the oval.
Mass Times
All Masses are held in the Church
Saturday - 8:30am; 6:30pm
Sunday - 8:00am; 9:30am; 11:00am; 5:45pm
Monday to Friday - 7:00am; 9:00am
24:7 Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6 to 12
1st and 3rd Friday @ Parish Hall, 7pm
Call Luke 0401822932 for more information.
Rev Fr Cyprian M Shikokoti - PP
Our Lady of the Mission, Parish Website :
Save the Date!
We warmly invite all families to celebrate a special family mass at Our Lady of the Mission on Sunday, November 14 at 11.00am. At this mass the families from PCPS will be participating in all parts of the Mass along with the parish community.
There are several opportunities for students to be involved in the Mass, particularly with Readings, Prayers of the Faithful and the lighting of candles.
It would be lovely to see volunteers from across the year groups if possible.
Please click on the link below to register your interest
We will be in touch soon regarding these roles and a rehearsal before the Mass, which will be held on Friday 5th November in the Prayer Room at PCPS at 3pm.If you or your child would like to play guitar at the Mass, please email ASAP to register your interest.
There will be a sausage sizzle after the Mass in the parish hall, with sausages and icy poles provided for all families. We would love some volunteers to help with this as well, so please add your name to the above link if you are able!
Please mark Sunday, November 14, 11am on your calendar, and we hope to see as many PCPS families as possible celebrating this special Mass.
Emma Marpole, Nat Bullen, Liz de Haas and Kate Allen
PCPS Parish Family Mass co-ordinators
Catholic School Parents Western Australia
Welcome to the latest edition of our Schoolzine eNewsletter! Visit the link below to view your newsletter:
Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays. VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations. They are a great school holiday activity and they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.
Enrol at
Padbury Catholic Primary School
Location: O'Leary Road, Padbury WA, Australia
Phone: 94044000