Crowley ISD Boardroom Rewind
December 20, 2018 - Meeting Highlights
Board Names Hunt as New Elementary Principal
Hunt has been the principal of Dallas Park Elementary School for three years and will continue to serve in that role for the remainder of this school year.
A new principal for Dallas Park for the 2019-20 school year will be named at a later date.
CISD Honors December Heartbeat Winner
Yolanda Green, an instructional aide at Crowley Learning Center, is the December 2018 Heartbeat Team Award winner.
The award recognizes employees who display heart as they go above and beyond their job description, inspiring other employees through their extraordinary work ethic. Heartbeat team members are nominated only by other district employees.
Watch to learn more about why Green is the heartbeat of Crowley ISD.
District Recognizes Battle of the Books Winners
Students in third through sixth grades throughout the district competed in the Crowley ISD Battle of the Books on Dec. 6.
Dallas Park Elementary Third Grade, Meadowcreek Elementary Fourth Grade and Sue Crouch Intermediate claimed championship honors.
Students and their coaches were honored at the board meeting. Battle of the Books was organized by district librarians Jan Hodge and Carol Hafer, and sponsored, in part, by the Chisholm Trail Education Foundation.
Watch the video above for highlights of the event.
Dallas Park Elementary Third-Grade Panther Readers
Meadowcreek Elementary Fourth-Grade Gold Mustangs
Sue Crouch Intermediate Fifth- and Sixth-Grade Book Battlers
District Holds FIRST Hearing
Crowley ISD held a public hearing to discuss its FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) score. The district received a score of 88, which is above standard.
Each school district is required to prepare and distribute an annual financial management report in accordance with state law. The public must be provided an opportunity to comment on the report at a public hearing.
View the district's FIRST report.
Trustees See 5-Year Revenue Projections
The district presented trustees a five-year financial projection report. The information is based on past trends and current information and formulas. It is a preliminary report that will be adjusted and modified as new information becomes available.
View five-year projections.
Attendance Initiative Gets Board Approval
View information about the program given at November's board meeting.
Trustees Authorize Two New Courses
Course 1: World Religions for 11th & 12th Grade (.5 credit)
A semester-long Social Studies course involving an analysis of the beginnings, historical development, sacred literature, beliefs, values and practices of the world’s major religions
Course 2: Mexican American Studies for 11th & 12th Grade (1 Credit)
A year-long Social Studies course, students learn about the history and cultural contributions of Mexican Americans. Students will explore history from an interdisciplinary perspective and interact with relevant film, literature, art and other media.
Dallas Park Elementary Receives Two Donations
District Looks To Begin 2020-25 Strategic Planning
The district requested that representatives from Engage2Learn present its proposal.
View its proposal.
Board Approves New Hires
Trustees also named CoSheda Hurd as director of Instructional Support and Program Review. Hurd is currently a campus administrator in Lancaster ISD.
Nadia Powers was named director of Purchasing. Powers currently works as a federal programs and development specialist in Fort Worth ISD.
From left to right (front row): Lyndsae M. Benton, board secretary; Superintendent Dr. Michael D. McFarland; June W. Davis, board president; Mia Hall, board vice president
From left to right (back row): Gary Grassia, board assistant secretary; Nedra Robinson, board member; Dr. La Tonya Mayfield, board member; Ryan Ray, board member