Dealey Community
The mission of George Bannerman Dealey is to provide an exemplary education that develops and empowers all students to become productive citizens in our global society.
End of the First Grading Period
We have officially reached the last week of the grading period! Friday (10/6/23) will be the last instructional day for students to turn in their assignments. Progress Reports were sent home on this past Friday. Please check PowerSchool and email your student’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
Custodian Appreciation Day is Monday 10/2/23. Please help us thank our wonderful custodians with cards, gifts and love. They keep our campus operational and clean!
• Mr. Mitchell
• Mr. Richardson
• Mrs. Soto
PTA's Coffee with the Principal is Wednesday 10/4/23 from 8:30 am - 9:00 am. The meeting location is the Northhaven Trail at Edgemere.
Champions will be closed on this Friday 10/6/23.
Mrs. Suarez is taking all the 2nd graders to the Dallas Children's Theater on Thursday 10/5/22. She needs 1 more chaperone. 2nd grade parents, the first one to reach out to Mrs. Suarez can go!
Thank you to Ms. Nguyen for leading our Dealey NJHS at the Hillcrest Homecoming parade on this past Friday! Thank you to the NJHS parents for coming to the parade and supporting our students! We appreciate you!
Thank you to all of our amazing families and staff that attended the first SBDM meeting of the year. A special thank you to our SBDM chair Bridgett Neely for your leadership. All parents are welcome to join the SBDM sub committees. For more information, please visit the SBDM webpage. SBDM – Dealey PTA
As the seasons change, our Fall break is quickly approaching! Please remember we will be out of school Thursday 10/12/23 & Friday 10/13/23 for Fall Break & Fair Day. All Fair Tickets will be distributed by the front office.
Thanks again for all of your support!
#DragonsBreatheFire #DragonsFly
Please let us know if we can be of any assistance at this time. We are happy to help! We appreciate your continued support on campus! #StrongApart #StrongerTogether #DragonsSoar CONTACT US
Amber Garrett
Assistant Principal
Custodian Appreciation Day (All Day)
Monday, Oct 2, 2023, 08:30 AM
George B Dealey Vanguard, Royal Lane, Dallas, TX, USA
PTA's Coffee with the Principal (NW Trail at Edgemere)
Wednesday, Oct 4, 2023, 08:30 AM
George B Dealey Vanguard, Royal Lane, Dallas, TX, USA
Champions Closed (After School Program Closed)
Friday, Oct 6, 2023, 08:30 AM
Champions at George Bannerman Dealey Montessori Academy, Royal Lane, Dallas, TX, USA
Join Our Facebook Group!
Principal Search Updates
Champions Closure 10/6/23
Hispanic Heritage Month
Dealey Montessori and International Academy celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month! 9/15-10/15
Every morning, students share Hispanic Heritage facts during the morning announcements. The campus will be hosting a speaker series with influential latinos that have paved the way. We will also have bulletin boards on campus that will highlight hispanic heritage month facts.
We will end the month and celebrations with a festive cultural dress day. If you are interested in joining our speaker series, please email ltindle@dallasisd.org or call the campus at 972-794-8400.
Special Thank you to Ms. Tindle, her students and the Hispanic Heritage committee!!
PTA Announcements
Reminder: Friday, October 6 is Professional Development Day! Our Champions programs will be closed while your teachers become the students! We're all about lifelong learning, and that goes for our teachers too. We’ll spend the day exploring strategies for strengthening our program, enhancing our space and materials, and building meaningful community partnerships. We look forward to seeing you again on Monday, October 9th. Thank you!
Carpool Information
Transportation Form
Transportation Form 2023-2024 (All Students)
All Students- Every student needs a transportation form filled out. Thanks!
Bus Riders Only- Please use this Dealey Transportation GroupMe if your child rides the bus.
Elementary School News
Dealey GT Website
PK-5 Communication
Class Dojo is your one-stop shop for 1-on-1 communication with your child's teacher, classroom updates, school-wide updates, and individual progress updates! Class Dojo is FREE - there is no need to pay or upgrade the membership.
Middle School News/Website
The new Texas Assessment Family Portal was launched on January 2, 2023, and is available for parents to view test scores for the Texas Assessment Program. The portal can be accessed via the Texas Assessment.gov website, https://www.TXFamilyPortal.org, or the easiest way by using the single sign-on feature in PowerSchool at www.dallasisd.powerschool.com/public
House Bill 114 will become effective Sept. 1, 2023:
Any student caught with a vape device on campus, within 300 feet of school property, or at a school-sponsored event, must be placed in DAEP.
Learn more below.
Dealey Family Quicklinks
Dallas ISD Calendar
Parent Liaison
Social Media
About Us
As one of the best schools in Dallas, we provide an exemplary Montessori education that empowers all students to become productive citizens in our global society.
6501 Royal Lane, Dallas, TX, USA
Interim Principal - yrodriguez@dallasisd.org
Assistant Principal -amgarrett@dallasisd.org
972) 794-8400