CMIT North Middle School Newsletter
Week of November 27, 2022

Week of October 29, 2023
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
From the Principal's Office
Dear Scholars, Parents, and Guardians,
The first quarter ends this Thursday. This is a time to review and reflect on the successes and challenges of the first 10 weeks of school and to set goals for the 2nd quarter.
Overall, students are excelling this year academically and behaviorally. There has been an increase of students projected to make honor roll and a decrease of behavior referrals. This points directly to the hard work and dedication of our faculty, students, and parents. It takes all three to make CMIT great.
Looking ahead to the 2nd quarter, there will be distractions and stressors with the holidays approaching. We want our students to know there are support for them here at CMIT. Our Counselor, Mental Health Clinician, and Behavior Specialist (Mr. Johnson, Ms. Sutton, and Mr. Hall, respectively) are available for students in crisis or who simply need to talk to someone for support.
I look forward to building upon the foundation of the 1st quarter watching our scholars continue to achieve and grow.
Educationally Yours,
Principal Andrew Brauer, M. Ed
Important Dates
CMIT Academy follows the PGCPS school calendar.
Import the CMIT North Middle School calendar to your own Gmail calendar to stay informed of all school-wide events.
11/2: 1st Quarter Ends
11/3: Professional Day for Teachers (1/2 Day Asynchronous Learning for Students from Home)
11/10: Professional Development Day (Schools Closed for Students)
11/22-11/24: Thanksgiving Break (Schools and Offices Closed)
12/25-1/2: Winter Break (Schools and Offices Closed)
1/15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Schools and Offices Closed)
1/19: 2nd Quarter Ends
1/22: Professional Day for Teachers (1/2 Day Asynchronous Learning for Students from Home)
Examples of Lawful Absences include: death in the immediate family, illness, suspension, observance of religious holidays, court summons, etc.
Please be sure to provide a note to the school when your child is absent. Electronic notes are also accepted using this link https://shorturl.at/kmoL4
Families are encouraged to refer to Administrative Procedure 5113 for more information.
SchoolMax Family Portal
Parents are encouraged to login regularly to monitor their scholar’s progress. Additionally, be sure to update your contact information in the Family Portal. This is the information that the school will use to send emails, texts, and robo-calls to keep you informed. If you encounter any issues accessing or updating your Family Portal please visit:
Free and Reduced Meal Applications
All parents are encouraged to apply for Free or Reduced Meal Services (FARMS). This information impacts school funding which equals $$dollars$$ in our classrooms.
Even if parents don't think they qualify, they are encouraged to apply at MySchoolApps.com. Online applications are processed within 24-48 hours.
Students who are not eligible for free or reduced-priced meals must pay for their meals. See Meal Prices. Parents and guardians can easily monitor and add funds to student meal accounts using MySchoolBucks.
Math Corner
Emphasizing the M in CMIT!
IXL is the platform that we use in school and recommend for students to use at home. Students take a diagnostic assessment to see where they are in math. They receive a three digit score. The first number indicates the grade level the student is working on and the other two digits indicate how much they have covered thus far. For example, if a student received a diagnostic score of a 650, they are currently on the 6th grade level and about halfway through the 6th grade curriculum.
After the diagnostics, IXL provides students with recommended skills that is specific to the individual. With recommended skills, students can close their math gap, practice current math skills they are learning in class, or advance their understanding in math. Have students make ixl.com apart of their study plan.
*If your scholar could benefit from multiplication or division practice, this is a good website to utilize https://webmathminute.com/.
National Principal's Month
October is National Principal Month! Help us celebrate our amazing Principal Andrew Brauer for his hard work — and for being a guiding light here at CMIT North MS!! Click here to Send an E-card Link to show Principal Brauer how much you appreciate him! Let him know he ROCKS! #THANKAPRINCIPAL
From the Staff
Meet Mr. Hall, Behavior Intervention Specialist!
My name is Malik Hall and I am currently the Behavior Intervention Specialist at CMIT North Middle School. As the Behavior Specialist, I will be responsible for the overall Climate and Culture of CMIT North Middle School utilizing Restorative Practices, as well as the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program. I am from St. Louis, MO. and a graduate of Grambling State University in Grambling, LA. I have over twenty years of experience in education from classroom teacher, special education teacher, to behavior modification, and coaching. My hobbies include reading, sports, and outdoor activities. I look forward to working with the CMIT Community!
Classroom Clinic (Mrs. Mbakop, Health)
Students had to play as doctors in their classroom clinic for a day. The objective of the activity was to diagnose diseases from ten different patients and identify the difference between Non-communicable and Communicable diseases.
SGA Presents Spirit Week!!!
This week is Spirit Week! Students who are not participating should come to school in their uniform.
Monday is Culture Day- Represent your cultural background by dressing in cultural attire!
Tuesday is Twin Day- Find a friend, dress like twins!
Wednesday is Throwback Day- Dress in your favorite throwback gear!
Thursday is Soccer Moms vs. BBQ Dads- Come dressed like a soccer mom or bbq dad!
PSAT 8/9 Testing Complete! (Ms. Fagan)
On October 24, we administered the PSAT 8/9 exam to all 8th graders. We had a 100% participation rate in the PSAT 8/9 exam and 99% of our 8th graders arrived on time. Thank you for all you do and continue to do to support our scholars! Keep up the great work. I look forward to the same participation rate in the spring for MCAP and MISA testing.
Scores will be available for students via their College Board account on November 16.
Specialty Program Showcase
PGCPS is excited about this year's PreK-12 Specialty Programs Showcase! Prince George's County Public Schools Specialty Programs Showcase taking place on November 2, 2023 from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM at Charles Herbert Flowers High School. This valuable, in-person event will highlight the amazing Specialty Programs that serve as a Pathway to Possibilities for students!
Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with representatives from Pre K-Grade 12 and Charter Schools to learn about a Pathway to Possibilities for students!
For your convenience, both English and Spanish versions of the flyer are attached.
Please freely share with your network.
Apply Now to Specialty Programs!
Apply now for IB, P-TECH, Academy of Health Sciences, 3D Scholars, Creative and Performing Arts online campus and CTE programs. The deadline to apply is Dec. 15.
Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
Fall Festival
This year's Fall Festival will be held on Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 9am - 11:15am. Breakdown and clean up will take place until 12pm. Any parents interested in donating snacks please feel free to leave the items at the front office. Thank you in advance.
Health Awareness Day/Fall Festival @ CMIT North Elementary School
The CMIT North Middle School Community is invited to the CMIT North Elementary Tiger's 5th annual Health Awareness & Fitness Day/Fall Festival. It is set to take place on October 28, 2023, from 11:30am-2:30pm. CMIT North Elementary School is located at 6151 Chevy Chase Dr Laurel, MD 20707. They PTO and School community hope to see you there!
Please register using the link below-
CMIT MS Volunteer Sign Up
Please use the following link to sign up if you want to be listed as a volunteer for any upcoming activities or events sponsored by the PTO. https://forms.gle/AzxKjkjCvNEdsQbE9
PTO Meeting Dates for 2023-2024
Please mark your calendars for the 2023-2024 PTO Dates